Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread
You got the Qs and they got the As!
As always tits not required but encouraged
Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread
You got the Qs and they got the As!
As always tits not required but encouraged
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do all women smell like gay sex?
They dont though
Is it true that white women like bbc?
Why all cunts so unbelievably stupid?
Prove it
They're not. You're just around stupid cunts
Would you work or have kids? Can't do both
How do i forgive my gf for never telling me she hooked up with someone years ago while we had a break? Its not what she did that bothers me, we were on a break, its the lie she told me after that she never fucked another guy..
So you decided to have kids, the reason why I said can't do both because it's either one or the other, neglect children or raise them
I'm finally exiting NEET-dom next month. Don't suppose I can get a 'good boy' for my efforts via voocaroo?
how close is the bottom of your vagina to the middle of your anus? I am always surprised how close the two openings are.
Yeah we can hear the wheezing
What does gay sex even smell like, and how do you know user...?
Not this one.
Not all are.
It’s a very difficult thing to forgive user, but if you know her reasons behind it it may help. Did she lie to keep from hurting you but you found out anyway?
A few inches maybe idk.
Tbh I just found out a day ago and I dont know how to bring it up to her or learn to trust her again for such a petty lie. Our break was years ago so the fact that she hasn’t told me in so long breaks my trust..
Her close friend told me she never told me because she was afraid of us not getting back together. On some fucking coward shit lol
what do you think about hot confident guys who don't use social media? i was quite successful on tinder, but i soon quit because the ''atmosphere'' or ''mood'' of dates and hook ups feld fake, wierd and even a bit cringy
do women on tinder feel like that too?
is tinder for losers?
I swear I have the weakest bitch lungs ever.
i was thinking the same
You do this like once a week?
What is the single most important trait you look for in a guy?
Thank you femanon. It kills me to know she can just sleep next to me knowing she has never told me this..
Finger in pussy pushing toward finger in arse. Can you ‘feel’ each other?
Lmao all the girls saying they dont like bbc
Why are women so attracted to
green and white with light colored wood
Minimalist design
And over the top hygiene
What's wrong with wanting good hygiene?
not sure if this is cringe but it felt kinda comfy to hear a girl's voice again, not even a wizard, for me it's just been a month holed up here.
thanks. how long have you been married? why do you come to Sup Forums of all places?
I downloaded your answer to use it as an intro sample for my porno/gore Grind band! Thanks!
Lol nice. If you run into me again in the future you should share it with me
what times on Monday and Friday do you do these threads?
also how do I get over my crippling anxiety and feel comfortable talking to people again?
As in if you found out she was worried that you might not get back together because of it?
I don’t use dating apps, it’s all sort of superficial to me.
Yes, and it’s weird, like a warm wet thin piece of skin between there.
The wood is aesthetically pleasing, astrology is bullshit, I enjoy minimalist design, but prefer kitch myself. I’m religious, but traditionally so. Hygiene? Just like to feel clean.
Damn those digits, also bbc is disgusting, it looks like a turd imao.
Have you tried medication? It’s helped my ptsd a lot.
huh didn't expect the gore and so on, not really into that myself.
this answer can be text if you want since it's p brief, but are you hispanic? trying to see if I'm as good at identifying voices to ethnicities as I think I am.
I never felt the need to try medication but i'll keep that in mind
Nothing at all. But the hygeine and health marketed towards women is overkill. Bring up the phrase “it gets rid of toxins” and women buy it
you sent the same vocaroo twice
Ah shit sorry!
Is this chart correct?
when femanons or women, in general, talk about themselves why does it always have to involve a vagina in some sense?
Are you sure you are white? :3
My mamas side is from ireland and my dad is from russia lol I'm white white
what do you think are the chances for men with one or no testicle to get a woman? is it a big problem? are they laughing at them like men are doing it? is this very important?
quite surprising. but that makes sense, since you only feel the penis inside you...
I dont honestly believe it when people say they _enjoy_ gore.
Like what exactly can your brain even get out of it, its just horrible for lack of a better word.
What was your bra size before getting preggo? What about since getting preggo?
Fucking A, I like how unusual of a mixture it sounds almost weird but it's also appealing.
I've a question.
Do girls really crave attention or is it maybe a (fem)user thing?
I do appreciate your honesty you little psycho lol
Honesty is my only policy!
Do you think you are impacting the life of any of these virgins on Sup Forums?
what do you think of all these virgins here? what do you think of some 25+ y/o or 30+ y/o confesses to you being a kissless virgin?
Do you get any political living in the US
What do you as a girl think of modern progressive politics like sjw and feminine replacing masculine in many areas
Do normal people around you really champion that or does the media exaggerate?
Ok fair enough. Was trying to get a idea if why you are here.
How do I actually build the confidence to get a girl? What are they looking for? Is 18 too early for it? Am I overthinking things?
Why does it seem like most of the girls are boring or bored when you talk to them, like they have nothing to say. Should I consider this my fault or not.
Would it be fair to say that girls as talkative and open going as yourself is a rare thing or is it that the guys are too introverted and humble and antisocial?
Good luck user...
Not really, if I love the person I don’t care about the size of their dick.
I’d rather not think of mine most of the time lol.
Depends on weather you want kids really.
I’m assuming you’re asking Vchan, but mine was 38a to 38dd.
Probably not lol.
I’m vocel myself so it’s not a big deal.
Whats the best way to dirty talk during sex?
I'll admit that the femanons have helped me a few times when I probably needed somebody to just talk to the most
Can't argue with that, patriarchy isn't a bad thing if rationalized.
What do you think if the younger generation being so sensitive, like banter ect. Especially in men or boys.
What are the best ways for girls to cope while they're on their period?
Oh you shoulda just asked that lol
God your voice is like fucking gravel being poured into my ears.
You sound like a fucking dumb roastie, fix yourself whore
I don't know how to put it but I'd also marry you. All good conservative things and blessings upon you and your family.
we all hate you! shut the fuck up
here, thanks
She was afraid to lose me for good.. so she ended up lying to me about it instead and now she might have just lost me for good anyways. I just wanted to trust her and she was able to hold this lie for years and I just found out by her close friend.
OP, I recently met and asked out a chick 10 years younger than I (I’m in my 30’s) and we hit it off the first few weeks very well. We had enjoyable text message conversations almost daily and went out on 2 separate casual hangouts lasting 3-4 hours together where we really got to know each other. She expressed interest in me the 2nd time we hung out. I started to really like her following that. I was in a 6 year relationship so I haven’t been in the dating game a long time before meeting her. At one point she started to change (I noticed in her texts) and asked me if we were just friends and I expressed to her that I am interested in more than that. She told me that she just wants to be friends and essentially, we haven't really talked since that conversation. Why the sudden change? I haven’t reached out to her, just giving her space but I’d like to maybe try again. Am I fucked at this point?
Anna post pics pls UwU
how do you feel about foot fetishes?
Thanks for the advice femanon, you too Anna
Well thank you user
He just wants to be looked at is all. Remember what I said about people saying outlandish stuff for attention?
Well exhibit A right there lol
Idk if shes here anymore :( I think she left
Thanks, I meant more like what do girls like to do to make them feel good while on their period, like chocolate, hot baths, hot water bottles, cuddles on sofa etc, i have no idea
It's the way you talk more than your voice. You sound like you grew up around trashy people.
I have a question FEMANON, do you ever discreetly stick a finger down your pants and into your vagina and then smell your fingers?
How true is it that if a girl calls you at or past 2am to hang out or talk, its that she wants to fuck? Because if its true i missed out on a lot of pussy trying not to jump to conclusions
Good to know, thanks
you idiot, I dont have a pucci and even I could tell you what that means...