Anyone else fap to AOC?

Anyone else fap to AOC?

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no i don't jerkoff to cryptid creatures

Her tits make me cum hard

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She's the hottest and smartest politician of all time

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I hate that disgusting flat nose.

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All the time. I dream of her castrating me with her massive chompers and forcing me to become her eunuch foot maintenance servant.

>ywn seize the means of her milk production

Who doesn't?

White boy stomp material.. with tits tied and nipples pierced with needles. And butplug. Inflatable.

>cryptid creatures

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I would love to watch her suck and fuck a huge horse

Imagine getting stroked off with those fat tits

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For you? Or for her? I'm confused....

Anybody else fapping to her right now?

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I can't even fathom the decadent aromas emanating from her sweety feet.

AOC doesn't look like a human being she looks like a fucking chupacabra

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I'd still hit it

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fuck this indian chief with butterscotch dog shit colored skin

I need those massive meaty mammalian mommy milkers in my mother fucking mouth.

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This is peak, wholesome fap material.

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Fuck her fake ass wonder bra titties. I want real big fake titties like pelosi has.

Those lips would be heaven on a cock.

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would love to see a cum tribute of her

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If there was something with skin I'd fap to her but all her shit is covered so no.

On it.

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i want to worship her feet

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If you're that thirsty for saggy old latinas, there's much hotter barrio trash on pornhub OP.

>21 posters
>48 posts
OP's doin a lot of samefaggin.

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THIS. Ocasio-Cortez is plain & dull looking compared to most the hot, cute laitnas you see walking down the boardwalk here in Jersey City. OP must be a thirsty boomer virgin. Pretty low standards.

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Yeesh, she reminds me of the boderline boomer soccer mom's around here that try to retain their looks, but just look leather skinned & middle age.

Dumb bitch has done a decent job of keeping those tits hidden.

bingo! why does she look like a bitchy 45 year old wine aunt in that video?

ikr. She's aging like sour milk. Thought she was like mid 40's based off these webm's and pics. But the bitch is barely over 30. Def not aging well at all.

That's barely a 2:1 ratio.
Why are you so bad at life?

KEK! I thought she was older than Tulsi Gabbard. Gotta be an incel middle age fat white dude spamming these threads. Just sad.

OP, stop whining cause people are mocking your gross obsession with this middle age creeepy bitch.

Yeah, kinda sad that Tulsi is prob like 10 years older than Cortez, but looks 10 times hotter.

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Some pretty decent fakes

i'm surprised there aren't more.

wouldn't vote for her but i wouldn't mind fuckin crazy.

How tall is she?


No she's fucking ugly as shit, I don't know what the hell you people are smoking but it's the wrong shit.

I want to squirt cum into her mouth and slap her fat Latino titties.