Girls with braces, post your best

Girls with braces, post your best

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Bumping for this is my true weakness.

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anyone sharing on disc?

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This is relevant to my interests.


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Belle Delphine

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GF's little sis on left. Wish she never hid her braces when she had them. Always got me rock hard

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nice try user, but that chicks got a big ol' ding dong

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unfortunately she didn't really show them off much because she didn't like them. really hard to find pics from that time

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Fuckkkk I like her lips

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Have always fantasized about tying her up and using her with her sister. Think they would look perfect straining around an oversized ball gag

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How about a women with dignity, morals and a sense of common decency instead of brainless cringetards that are ready to trade you in for a highly paid CEO while shedding blame by telling you that lack ambition, goals and discipline while actually thinking about the greed that buys sport cars, the goals to usurp wealth, and the discipline of neurotic compulsions perpetuated by a guilty and deranged conscience...

Or throat sluts AKA American women with braces works fine. Works fine.

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More OP!

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how about a ring gag so you can throat her and still use her tongue?


Sly look, tongue, braces, sexual playfulness--too many ingredients!

Very perceptive lmao. I know you don't know her
Good idea. Could also make her sister ride her face to climax too

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wish she'd show teeth but those DSL's got me stroking

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Mmm got more of her? 6B5ypyi jump on in.


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Allow me to rephrase then, Remi C and Casey C?

I was so upset when she got them removed

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love disabled girls, 10/10 would take care of


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Is posting stuff from Teengallery legal here? Don't get banned.

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Don't know.

Oh My!

Oh, to be young again. You guys should really take advantage of your youth. You find a girl like this and savor it.

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This is perfection right here!

I know that feel. 43 year oldfag here, I could technically be some of these girls' grampa.

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I want to make her open her mouth wide so I can run my tongue over her braces. They get me so hot...

need more of that girl with her tongue out

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she looks yummy

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This thread gives me a taboo boner

When I first met my girl she had braces, regretfully I do not have any pics. Sucks.

Perfect pic, braces, and I want to eat that lil ass

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Oh fuck yeah!

>leah luv

What a whore this bitch was.

Put the fucking ironing board away, Samurai Jack.

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yea, I am 41. Though I look like I am 22 so I occasionally get attention from younger chicks and it KILLS me to have to turn them away. that cum?

Because even that girl in your pic cannot wait to get bent over a breed all night. Its just nature.

more of this qt

For what its worth, even though my late HS/early Uni girlfriend was a psycho. I'll never forget how fucking satisfying it was to shoot ropes over her tongue/braces.

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