I posted this on /sci/ and got 0 responses so fuck it, I'll post it here

I posted this on /sci/ and got 0 responses so fuck it, I'll post it here.

So I came here because I figured if I talked about this in person with anyone I'd probably get put in a psych ward. I honestly feel like I'm starting to go insane, like full blown schizophrenia. How do we know that any of this shit that we're being taught or doing is even true? I'm a Junior in college right now as a Chemistry major, and the more I learn the more it seems like there's no way reality isn't a simulation.

So the most uncomfortable aspect is that every single natural phenomena seems to be able to be explained by a mathematical equation. It seems like the deeper I get, the more it seems like our physical world was designed by higher being/society/whatever the fuck.

If this is the case, then what's the point of doing anything? Who decides whether or not whatever research this higher being is doing is even worth it. Can they restart the simulation? Are they allowed to interfere? Is everything I do predetermined and free will doesn't exist?

If we continue to discover the unknown, to the point where we can either simulate the exact circumstances of any situation then it seems like everything will come crumbling down. If we could predict the future with mathematics/physics/chemistry, down to the atom by atom of what you will look like, what decisions you will make, who you will become, how your entire life will play out, then what's even the point of living?

To me it seems like there's two possibilities.
1. Truman Show style - the most narcissistic I can get and that I'm the only one who has free will and everything reacts accordingly. Everyone knows what I think and what I do and I would assume is laughing at my struggle.
2. I'm the NPC to someone else's Truman Show, and everything I do is decided for their life.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I've come pretty close to death a few times in life. How do I know that this wasn't the simulation preventing it from happening because I'm meant to do something important. Or, that it was more than likely just dumb luck.

How do you all find any purpose in life? To me right now I want to do something bigger than just chasing pussy and making dosh. That seems so fucking vain. I want to discover something brilliant, something that changes the world. But it seems like most technology is only making the world a shittier place.

It seems like we all fucking hate each other and we're headed on a collision course for some sort of cataclysmic event.

Are we supposed to figure out how to stop this? Or is this the natural course of the simulation. I feel like it could be that the simulators could be running it for this exact reason. That somehow in the future we all reach that apocalyptic scenario and somehow they staved in off long enough to advanced to the point where they can simulate their world millions of times, and we're just one of those simulations.

And they are just running mass experiments to see what parameters they need to abide by in order to avoid this mass extinction event.

bump. I'm guessing this thread is tl;dr but I'll give it one more shot before I just fuck off back to studying.

keep digging and never stop this is your journey. i can tell you what all of this leads to tho as i have walked your path.

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Do any of the various religious texts actually have anything other than "be a good person" message. I don't want to do something just because one of the books told me to. How do I know the other books aren't the right one? Or that all of them are wrong. Or all of them are right in their own ways.

Divide 1 by a number of things that can possibly exist or happen in our world and you have probability of it being a simulation.

Simply put you probably wont ever know until you really die. Yeah it coule be simulation or its not and after death you simply die and nothing same goes for religion altho i would say its more realistic to get disproven. And as for motivation in life. If your path in life is already set you still cant know what path it js. Unjoy your ride user and dont get depressed by this shit.

>going to /sci/

Tbh religious texts were created by us people long time ago to do exactly that "be a good person"

the message of the Lord is one of love yes but that is not what i'm talking about.
You came here with a feeling that something is wrong, that you are not told the Truth and that everything is false and you are right about it.
I will tell you again research everything that bothers you understand what is wrong and why is it wrong and you will find why the world is the way it is thus finding the answer that will set you free.
>32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
The bible is a book that will confirm everything that you will find. You can find the answer without the bible once you have figured it out read it and everything will make sense.
I can give you the answer but it will be pointless as what will make you free is you looking for the Truth and finding it.
You are at the begining of your journey and you will never see anything the same way as before, you are about to die and rise again.

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The big mystery is why order in the universe exists (everything can be explained by mathematical equations). There seems to be no inherent reason for it to exist.

>But it seems like most technology is only making the world a shittier place.
>It seems like we all fucking hate each other and we're headed on a collision course for some sort of cataclysmic event.
If you knew even a little bit about history you wouldn't say these things.

You have autonomy. We can verify this through procedures like brain surgery. During the procedure participants are fully aware and aware of their surroundings. The doctor can manipulate actions or thoughts of the subject. Despite being manipulated, the subject can discern which actions are his own and which actions are being manipulated. It really is amazing when you think about it

Wake up anons...

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Yeah i would say this is caused by internet before all this technology information spread really slowly and mostly localy. Most wars were unknown to regural folk. Nowadays you know about evrything almost instantly.

>How do I know the other books aren't the right one?
The choice is not really that hard for anyone who can even remotely be suspected of having any sort of moral compass.
>kill everyone who does not believe in what you believe, preferably the most cruel way possible
>deceive and abuse everyone who does not believe in what you believe and make them your slaves
>dude just live and let live, be honest, work hard, don't hurt people, it's that easy
Which one could possibly be a way to be a good person, holy shit what a mystery

>your meds
Take them

>every single natural phenomena seems to be able to be explained by a mathematical equation.
this just proves that there is a god

You are not from Sup Forums

But how?

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This world was designed by inbred child raping REtards.

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>posting a film made by mentally ill brothers

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Did you misread my post? I said if he knew about history he would not say that the world is "shittier" than before.

It does not. Any answer could be correct.

Yes I know technology has massively improved quality of life for literally everyone and created social mobility and saved countless lives.

But I can't help but feel like we're reaching a breaking point. Between nuclear weapons, genetic engineering, exploding population growth, religious fanaticism, divisiveness, etc is there even a chance for us to survive that much longer.

>So the most uncomfortable aspect is that every single natural phenomena seems to be able to be explained by a mathematical equation.
Explain black holes and infinite expansion, or human ability to create abstract thoughts

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user, the universe has a God, and he sent his son Jesus Christ to offer us a way out.

The Bible is based off of eye witness testimony of numerous individuals who saw Christ perform miracles in public. It wasn't written in a cave, it's a documentation of history, a prophesy, the fulfillment of the prophesy and Christian tenets.

I'm not on any sort of medication and never have been. Shit fucks you up.

Shut up. They made it before they went full retard.

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Chuck Missler is a physics psycho who dissects some of the more technical aspects of the bible. QRD: yes we are living in a simulation.

yeah then why isnt it?
altering any of the basic concrete set of rules in the universe would result it of reforming into something completely different and alien
fuck, we already have the tech to test this shit out and do a full simulation from big bang to heat death with a different ruleset

I thought only one of them was mentally ill? What did the other one do?

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I posted the matrix because I didn't know what else would grab people's attention. Memeing aside it was just to reference the simulation idea.

don't take the cuckstian pill

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Impressive integers.

none of the three. the third one is a faggotry cope

We are in a simulation that recreates the research, development and activation of said simulation.

Calm down annon math can explain almost everything because it was created for explaining things around us but yeah it might as well be a higher power at work eather way even if it is a simulation what difference does it make to you? This is real, this is now for you this is your reality even if it is "fake" because its the only one u have
Read more theology and musticism u will find ur answers eventually dont be to bothered with if this is real or not because to you right now it is real

>What did the other one do?

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Found the thread's obligatory edgy fag

>How do you all find any purpose in life? To me right now I want to do something bigger than just chasing pussy and making dosh. That seems so fucking vain. I want to discover something brilliant, something that changes the world.
The single greatest act of heroism any man can do, is to contribute to the downfall of the globo-homo, jew-controlled western governments turning all beauty into concrete buildings for efficient profit and squeezing the life and happiness out of all living beings.

what's edgy about it? all your options were garbage

Holy shit both are trannies?

I think i understand your post correctly. What i ment is that it only seems like technklogy is making world shittier

>So the most uncomfortable aspect is that every single natural phenomena seems to be able to be explained by a mathematical equation. It seems like the deeper I get, the more it seems like our physical world was designed by higher being/society/whatever the fuck.
Cart before horse m8. The equations are real because they work. The underlying natural system will do its thing.

>nuclear weapons
Have created a time of relative peace. The greatest threat of nuclear war was in the past.
>genetic engineering
I don't see how that will lead to a breaking point of any form
>exploding population growth
It's only exploding in south asia and Africa but as they develop these regions will stop exploding in population
>religious fanatacism
There was more religious fanaticism in the past then now.
There is more diviseness now than in the past? The US had a literal civil war where 600,000 people were killed. There was a cold war that split the world between democracy and communism. Stop falling for the fear mongering msm.

You can always read some philosophy. Descartes mind body duality might be a good starting point, but there is a lot of stuff out there if you don't particularly like that.

>dude minding your own business, being honest and hardworkinh, and not being cruel is a shit way to live
>dude nothing edgy about what i'm saying

Idk it terrifies me to think that my life is irrelevant or predetermined. I'm not going to pretend like I'm not incredibly egocentric to believe that but how else can you motivate yourself if you don't believe you are meant to do something that helps make the world a better place?

A little help in pic.
But as was writing it's your journey.
I was there too, my journey began reading Plato, and his reasoning about the soul immortality in Republic, then step after step to Christ.
I can advice you to pray, yeah, even if don't believe.

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How? People can move around faster, there are more opportunities for employment than farming, people have running hot water...
Please tell me how we live in an especially "shitty" time.

Time. The purpose here is control of time. If you look at evolution you can basically track hierarchy by the amount of mental control said life form has over time, or rather, the ability to keep memories from degrading.

The longer you can keep memories from degrading the more you are resisting time and the more powers of thought you have. Memory is the closest single metric for measuring intelligence.

We're evolving to be able to resist/control time. What would be able to resist time indefinitely? AI or some form of cyborg, etc... that is probably what the end goal is. We could be an incubation chamber for a life form to be born in an environment where time exists, perhaps because in the other place time doesn't exit.

Yes, God is real. Simulation theory is dropping truth bombs on many intellectuals. I became a believer in God after studying computer science in university. A higher power unironically exists, the rest is for you to figure out.

You're not crazy user, you are just growing as a human being. I wish you the best.


Ya dude every single point in our 3d space time is just a projection of a 28 dimension quantum space equation. Doesnt change much about your day to day

Yes i know you cam change theese constants by like 0.000001% of thier value and nothing would work. But it still could by a coincidence. Technicly we could be poop of somekind of creature and yet cant be proven.

>I became a believer in God after studying computer science in university
You're telling me you had no religious upbringing?

>The point of doing anything
The experience.

it's a cope way to live. I can understand normies acting like that and I would be fine with it, but not someone that is redpilled. you know all about the degeneracies in life, (((who's))) pushing all this garbage, you can't just sit back and just "work hard" and that's it, there's more to it than that

how about doing all that but also try to redpill people? study about all this shit and try to do something about life instead of just working hard and be just another zog bot? that there's more to life than just pic related

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Our race is slowly being genocided through the massive power of jewish capitalism, and your contribution to the thread is "Don't worry man, everything's alright?" Yeah, sure, there were problems in the past that we don't have today, but never before in the history of humanity has the white european race stood face to face with extinction, like we are right now.

Any and all advice given to anyone on Sup Forums should never be to relax and take it easy, but to get very very angry and fanatical and start doing stuff.

I mean you're right. I know the world is better than it was before. But my fear is more that as we keep getting deeper and deeper, eventually we're going to discover something that has the potential to end the world as we know it. The genetic engineering was in reference to the ability to select for specific traits like extreme intelligence, strength, health etc. And whichever nation figures that out first, will dominate the rest of the world.

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Just listen to this song and especially this lyric.

>Nowadays, it pays to be normal but you cant afford it


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Good post

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quit doing stimulants

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Raised Catholic, but I was a staunch atheist until I got into computer science.

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Your brain is the computer; and, it generates a cognative map of the world based on your expereince and your lexicon of language to describe those experiences. Using media to program people's minds is how they build their simulated reality in our minds. The red pill is a mushroom.

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I find it very interesting you mentioned Truman show. On my drive to work, when i'm half asleep (I drink my coffee as soon as I get in) this morning I was specifically thinking about the Simulation theory, and I said out loud, "Schitzophrenics should never watch the Truman show."

I often wonder about movies like Back to the Future, and American Psycho. Both are Hollywood pushing Time Travel / Dillusions / Alternate realities / and both strangely involve Donald Trump, (DT was mentioned in American Psycho, as was Ivanka, then, although Melania Trump was just a child when American Psycho was released, a character who was just talking about the Trump's mentions their friend "Melania."

Biff if based off of DT in the Back to the Future trilogy - and the weirdness of the 1985 era and time travel keeps going. Something very strange happened in the late 1980s and I think it has a lot to do with CERN and our collective consciousness.

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Extradimensional intervention defeats the purpose of simulation.

re: reset, we’re a long way from completing the simulation,

Re: hard-determinism, for every actualized possibility, there were several nonactualized possibilities.


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fuck all of simulated humans and your memes

Being a good person does not imply tolerating degeneracy, degeneracy is evil and must be fought. The Bible addresses various forms of degeneracy that was already known in the times it was written, and gives clues that let us recognize the forms of degeneracy that couldn't be predicted at the time. It also mentions the need to both lead people to good and punish them for doing evil.

If it is a program then it doesn't matter what you do. you have no choices. even the fact that you are self aware and think you are rebelling against the program it doesn't matter even that is part of the program.

peoples answer to this shit is usually hitler and jews no one knows you have no free will its all doesnt matter

Rather it is the reverse we design imaginary world imitating reality.

Quantum mechanic is just tiny lootboxes. Rolling the dice what kind of loot you get when you open them before they can contain any item in the lootable.


asking for a friend.

Your questions are all metaphysical in nature, it is a mistake to try and reason these things out from a scientific perspective.
Look into Theology and Philosophy.

This is God's simulation called the material world. You are not going insane. You are having an Epiphany. Many NDEs (near death experiences) describe a mathematic precision to the universe. Look up Emanuel Sweedenborg.

>If it is a program then it doesn't matter what you do. you have no choices. even the fact that you are self aware and think you are rebelling against the program it doesn't matter even that is part of the program.
Actually the program get a virus--fear. Extinguishing fear can help one perceive reality a little more clearly. the real red pill is a mushroom. Check put Pem Das

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So computer science did not let you find God, you just returned to what you were brought up as. That's quite different. How many Indians/Chinese "find God" after taking computer science courses? Virtually none; see what I mean?

I know this might sound shitty but to me most people claiming mental illness just want a way out. You don't have to face reality if you just say you're crazy and you hear voices. It seems like just another way to play the victim. Everyone feels deeply sorry for you and tries their hardest to fix you, but at the end of the day all you wanted was the attention and the diagnosis gave you a prescription of it with unlimited refills.

Is your keyboard broken?

Fuck. Logging off, boys. Enough Chan for me today.

>This is God's simulation called the material world. You are not going insane. You are having an Epiphany. Many NDEs (near death experiences) describe a mathematic precision to the universe. Look up Emanuel Sweedenborg.
Or the art of Wiliam Blake. They were all mushroom eaters. Rosicrucian

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>I want to discover something brilliant, something that changes the world. But it seems like most technology is only making the world a shittier place.
Why cange the world? so you're running big fantasies of you being the "gods chosen" one like Steve Jobs or Albert Einstein?
I can tell you this won't happen, as it didn't even happen in their cases the way you think it did.
You're already lost by seeming to want "fame" and be "acknowledged" for something, get a grip man

You're a dumbass overthinking things. Take a bath and stop bullshitting

>27 KB JPG
> #
> #
>...Anonymous (ID: YqaF1MSb)
>01/06/20(Mon)08:50:03 No.238600988
> #
>Raised Catholic, but I was a staunch atheist until I got into computer science.
>...Anonymous (ID: fv9nZ9JX)
>01/06/20(Mon)08:50:05 No.238600993
The Higgs boson

Yeah see none of that is relevant to the post you responded to. It didn't relate to one point.

>eventually we're going to discover something that has the potential to end the world as we know it.
That does seem plausible. The only way to stop from weaponising and using it is self restraint I guess. Hey, there was never a nuclear war during much higher global tensions so there's hope yet.
>The genetic engineering was in reference to the ability to select for specific traits like extreme intelligence, strength, health etc. And whichever nation figures that out first, will dominate the rest of the world.
That isn't necessarily a bad thing though. I am not automatically afraid of it just because it's new and strange.

ebin benis