I'm going to steal that car in 20 minutes, watch it live here: skylinewebcams.com
I'm going to steal that car in 20 minutes, watch it live here:
checked.. now have to do it
Maybe I will
You won’t
How do we know it's you, you fagget?
So that's your truck and you're going to drive it to work at 1135?
Proof faggot
Hurry the fuck up
The wait continues...
I'm a bit delayed, gonna be a 25 min drive
So you driving your car to steal a car
niggers aren't smart
Aaaand I’m gone
Fucking dumbass
>25 min drive
>to steal a car
somethings not right with that boy
Timestamp, going now
i hope you get shot
it's a truck not a car
fucking hurry up slug ass
holy fuck he did it, this guy is insane
hurry up, fag
ding ding ding 6 minutes and still nothing ding ding ding
how much time left?
Thread nr 382912828 of OP promising to do something on a public livestream. Dont waste ur time, friends
We're waiting....
op is probably full of it
lame ass thread
OP won’t deliver, it’s already been 30 minutes.
he says hes drivin dimwits....
or most likely skn a dick
Police is near guys, hold on, watch stream
He's gonna have fun getting through those construction workers
you have been bambozzled
jesus imagine living in that shithole
Wave to the camera so we know it's you
OP is stealing Christmas decorations with a skylift
rofl construction workers, glhf
Aaaand now roadworks have turned up, see you guys the next time OP fails to deliver.
have fun getting caught, dumbass. that is if you ever even get there
20 mins has past, abandon thread
op should have done it faster so he wouldn't have to worry about the workers
op = gay and wont deliver
>niggers actually believing that the nigger will do this and actually watching the stream kek
Me trying to watch this fucking thread
OP please deliver with skybro there
Watching them removing the decorations is better than watching OP
y'all leave the trans/rekt/celeb threads for this?
where the fuck is op?
fuck of coomer
Because someone will be stealing it at the time mentioned.
does everyone in this town drive a truck/SUV?
yee its true
much more entertaining
Yeah because its so likely that someone else will steal the car now, right?
Go circle the block at least once so we can see you on camera
Imagine being the guy holding the sign
aight since OP is being autistic lets play iSpy
starting off easy i spy something green n square
already tributing in the latest thread
is this real, or some sort of virus?????
op faggot
its real you moron
trash bin
Shut the fuck up bitch... Huuttchoo... Eeetchhoooo..... Gyyeeettchhoooo....
ITT we wait...
one day you all will learn...
the internet people never show up
Fucking kek
Worst post in Sup Forums history
Is that not OP suspiciously hanging around across the street?
The trashcan on the midle left, I see an OP who doesn't deliver
ding ding ding
iSpy with my little eye something useless
so much this, came here to comment THIS
fuck off faggot
if we wanna see paint dry we'll see paint dry
I thought that myself
I sort of like watching skybro removing christmas deco, so im not that upset OP is a faggot
The fucking trash bin.
I spy something brown and square.
Hurry the fuck up OP...... I Swear,,,, This IS Me. I Will fucking Kill you if you don;t do it. You now have to do it or Im gonna fuckeng MURDER YOU.
greatest post of today
rofl that guy has to be OP across the street right?
this guy sus
has to be op
op at least show us you're near the car so we know you're not lying and we can stick around
That’s a fat fuck... so yeah.
op will never deliver
ding ding ding
OP stop loitering and post a picture of the crane
Ye op looks like a fucking nigger with that waltz, if he whuz smart he would jacked the car already. only a fucking moron stands around the crime scene for that long.
The brown sign on the upper right
facts if he's legit he should post a different angle of the genie
stand next to the trash can so we know it's you
Waiting on op to get into his own car