Does Iran honestly even stand a chance?

Does Iran honestly even stand a chance?

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No Iran doesn't stand a chance, they're garbage sand niggers.

Yeah, Persians have NO history of military success ever.

It depends on HOW the war (if any) is waged. Iran isn't stupid enough to attempt a surface invasion of the US. They are stupid enough to launch a coordinated and long lasting terror campaign against the US and call it war. The question is whether they will and and how long it takes us to either sue for peace (sometime after 2024 when Trump is gone) or carpet bomb them into oblivion.

ya if only they could bring back cyrus the great

the guy from like 4000 years ago

Americucks lost from a bunch of starving rice farmers.

And then from a bunch of starving goatfuckers.

And soon from a bunch of Persians with a nuclear program.

>being so brainwashed you believe Iran is the agressor.

Kys fag

maybe 2200 years ago when they were cool

>Iran isn't stupid enough to attempt a surface invasion of the US
Iran isn't capable of a surface invasion of US, FTFY, what is force projection.

The U.S. army has never been beaten military yurocuck.

>blow 3 countries to oblivion, with an average of 1 american killed per 3000 enemies killed
>lost the war

lol just my state alone has more economic output than the entire country of iran

The only war that America actually won was the civil war.

then how'd they become a global superpower?

Nice bait retard

Still lost though.Weird how it is about more than just numbers, isn't it?

Dont reply to baiting eurocucks and mudslime lovers.
Which are really ome and the same.

these guys are probably persians

America even lost to fucking CANADA.

Did the USA overthrow the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq?
Were they replaced with more Muslim governments that support terrorism?
So yeah, the current government of Iran doesn't stand a chance. But it doesn't matter because the government is an expression of the people, and you're not going to change the outlook of this culture with bombs, you're just going to make them double down on the shitty stuff.

This is actually true.

yes america is a very weak country, and iran is strong

thats why we just killed one of your top generals and you haven't done jack shit

Let's put this into words eurotrash might understand
>a game of soccer, one team has more points at the end of the match, the team with more points leaves, the other team cries and says the still want to play
Your argument is the team with less point is the winner of the game.

Europe is all middle eastern now anyways

Killed a lot of people, achieved no goals whatsoever. Created even worse enemies in the middle East.
But hey, at least your corporate overlords made a lot of money selling weapons.
Irrelevant, soycuck

>america lost one battle IN Canada, against the british, of which Canada was and is cucked by, during the war of 1812, which saw America as the victor.

the economic output of a country is very relevant to its military strength

i guess they dont teach you guys that in persia

Americans produce almost nothing, yet our median standard of living is higher than other countries that produce almost nothing.
I wonder why that is. Maybe because we can trade worthless pieces of green paper for actual goods? And people around the globe accept these green pieces of worthless paper because of military influence.

Goal in Afghanistan: destroy the Taliban
Goal in iraq: dispose Sadam and the baathist regime
Goal in vietnam: stop communism
Failed, due to edgelord children, and europe, to the current day.

Shadow wars. Look at the attack on the base in Kenya used by both US and Kenyan forces. Al-Shabab did that. Al-Shabab is a part of Al-Qaeda which in turn has been speculated to be backed by Iran. So maybe the war has already started.

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uh america is the world's second largest exporter, friend

You sure are idealistic, aren't ya little guy?

Iran has been stockpiling Skuds for a long time. they dont need to do do anything to the USA, they will just blast the oil fields in UAE and Saudi Arabia to upset US and European control over oil.

USA can bomb the shit out of Iran but not much else as its a very densible country.

If they do anything you can also look forward to decades more terrorism, Hezbollah will also likely become more active. Theyve already planted bombs on tankers as warnings in recent years and dropped a grenade onto one using a standard fucking civilian drone.

US war games one time showed the US navy getting decimated in a war with Iran. So they reset it and told the general control the 'not Iran' a bunch of stuff he wasnt allowed to do.

USA has spent a long time invading countries way weaker than them after bombing the shit out of them with an incredibly expensive air force. The US armed forces arent unstoppable by a long stretch.

>Americans produce almost nothing
total bullshit

They don't have to win.
A single terrorist atttack and you will be "Muh hu, our heroes" for decades.

Kinda depends on your definition of winning. Sure they can invade the country and secure Teheran, but they would create a power vacuum that ultimately helps nobody. Cf. Afghanistan or Iraq. So no, Iran does not stand a chance if we're talking conventional troops, but any war on Iran would be a lose-lose situation that fucks up what is already a fucked up region.

lol ikr? its like people just get on the internet and say whatever they want

Nice ad hominem

We run huge trade deficits, even more impactful deficit spending.
The second the dollar is dethroned as reserve currency, the game is over. That's the ONLY reason americans standard of living is so inflated.

>destroy the Taliban
wow, the stupid is running thick today isn't it?

Lol, you yanks are retarded.
Here is what you guys did

>be mad about stacy liking someone other than you
>go to party to try and impress stacy
>decide beating up stacy and her bf will work
>get punched
>stab bf
>get kicked in the balls by stacy
>claim your plan was successful because you stabbed him, thus dealing more damage

Tl;Dr. Retarded yanks lost to rice farmers, did not stop commuism, Vietnam is still a socialist Republic today.

that... that doesnt mean we don't produce things...even if it is true

we are literally the world's second largest exporter of goods, and our workers have extremely high productivity compared to european countries

Brainwashed like a north korean.

Goal: stop terrorism

Effect: created worse terrorists

thats largely because the USA on a global scale is much like the average american. A spoil man child who's prone to lash out when they dont get their own way over the slightest thing. Big country, plenty of money and allot of drones + CIA coups to do all the work with. No wealthy country wants to risk going to war with anyone near thier level of potential and thats also true for the USA.
Thats why its proxy wars (mainly with drones) and CIA backed coups for decades 90% of what you do.

name one war where another country's military might surpassed the U.S.

I'll wait

The us went to afgansitan "for the peoples freedom"
The us went to Vietnam "for the people's freedom"
Next ur gonna tell me all the regime changes the us has had its hands in in central and south American were "for the people"
Grow up.

w/e cuck

fact is you cant do shit to us

all countries act in their own interests, friend

i know this might be difficult for you to comprehend

the revolutionary war, great britain

Buying a lot of bats doesn't make you Babe Ruth.

Americans standards of living are inflated by our temporary status as reserve currency. Our status as reserve currency is enforced by our military influence.

Taliban is stil going strong.
dispose of a leader that you put into power and fucked up the regions stability further by doing it. (good job)

Kek, if you think Vietnam and most anti communist shit is actually about communism and not just US imperialism then you need to do a bit more reading. The US invades countries that are trying to protect themselves from being fucked by international trade treatise and TNC's. Communist or not. The USA likes protectionism for its own interests and "the free market" for everyone else.

In a war? No, its over inside a week. In an occupation? It will be exactly like every other sand occupation ever, never ending and ultimately useless.

Everyone else was to busy blowing eachother up in 2 world wars to bother with America.

being babe ruth makes you babe ruth

also, what a distinctly american analogy that you've used

Fact is, they don't want to do shit to you.
They want to be left the fuck alone.
But retarded yanks keep shooting up the middle East.

thats fine with me

any kind of economic strength is going to need some kind of martial reinforcement, thats just how things are


Of course. Just be honest about the goals of armed interference or economic enslavement.
Dont give me this "were there to help the indigenous peoples" cause it's a flat lie.

>sometime after 2024 when Trump is gone
You do know that when the impeachment fails to pass the Senate, he will be eligible for 2 more terms. Don't you?

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youre damn right we do

what are you gonna do about it cuck?

if youre british then youre our bitch now more than ever since you've left the EU

and GB lost. good example bud

no one says that

in america the widely accepted reason that the vietnam war was fought was to contain the spread of communist influence

you dont know a thing about what you are speaking

its called the interstate highway

We will just keep toppling leaders that try to get away from the dollar until everyone gets fed up with it.
Cough Arab spring cough

Stole an entire continent literally on the other side of the world.

They have better odds than the Vietcong did back in the day and look how that turned out.

at last i truly see

the entire development of the history of the strength of the US, in two words

>be me
>get sent to middle East so rich men can take their stuff
>so does my son
>so does his son
>so do his grandchildren
>so on and so forth
>still think I'm free because cheetos come in an extra flavour now.

and what exactly are they going to do about it? we dominate them economically and militarily

Millennium Challenge 2002
Lt. Gen Van Riper as the not-Iran commander.

Tactics, equipment, and doctrine have changed in 18 years.
>Military group-think has not.

Cyber will be first domain of any offensive. The Iranians will crash the US financial system and avoid a kinetic war until the US bombs the every living shit out them.

why isn't brazil or mexico a superpower?

The U.S. utterly crushed them in battle, but they just kept throwing their citizens into hails of gunfire until a bunch of hippies and hollywood tainted the impression of the military so badly they had to withdraw to avoid public outrage?

how did iraq work out for the usa?

There are many widely accepted American notions that are just flat wrong.
Implying otherwise is mental retardation.


How can you be retarded enough to
A) be proud of constantly shooting up the middle east
B) Scared those dirt poor countries are going to somehow invade
C) think they are the antagonists

The simulated combatants were the United States, referred to as "Blue", and an unknown adversary in the Middle East, "Red", with many lines of evidence pointing at Iran as the red side

In a preemptive strike, Red launched a massive salvo of cruise missiles that overwhelmed the Blue forces' electronic sensors and destroyed sixteen warships. The losses were as follows: one aircraft carrier, ten cruisers and five of six amphibious ships. An equivalent success in a real conflict would have resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 service personnel. Soon after the cruise missile offensive, another significant portion of Blue's navy was "sunk" by an armada of small Red boats, which carried out both conventional and suicide attacks that capitalized on Blue's inability to detect them as well as expected.

At this point, the exercise was suspended, Blue's ships were "re-floated", and the rules of engagement were changed; this was later justified by General Peter Pace as follows: "You kill me in the first day and I sit there for the next 13 days doing nothing, or you put me back to life and you get 13 more days' worth of experiment out of me. Which is a better way to do it?"[1] After the reset, both sides were ordered to follow predetermined plans of action

Iran has been seen as the bad guys for a long time and they know they US will come for them at some point to gain more control over the middle East. USA are the world biggest terrorist organisation and are successful by being on a largely separate land mass from any country which they haven't dominated through secret services (installing fascists etc) and economic warfare (endless embargos).

all while trying to play itself off as global police and good guys.

well we cant be bothered by every single opinion out there, can we?

have some priorities

im proud of being strong

your shit country would do the same things we do, if only you had the power

youre nothing but a weak, hypocritical slave

We do today. Some day we wont.
The move to sell oil in gold or other fiat currencies is already underway.
Which empire from 400 years ago is still standing today? None. Believing the us status will remain unchanged is simply uniformed or stupid.

You cant be bother by correct ones. That's for sure.
Gulf of tonkin was legit, huh?

china has been one of the most powerful areas in the world for thousands of years

europe has been the center of the world's development since at least the 1600's and they are still powerful and wealthy

>poor cunt gets sent to middle East to shoot some rich cunt cam take the oil and minerals they sit on
>calls other people a slave

yes and im sure you have all the correct ones, and we have all the incorrect ones

go fuck yourself

Iran is a fucking pussy they won't do a thing tbh. Just insults and proxy false attacks.

>has a weak country

>is mad at strong countries

China and Russia both announced in the past day or so that they will not aid Iran in a potential conflict with America. The Iranian military is no match for the U.S. Any military strike against U.S. forces would result in the Iranian theocratic government being toppled and their entire infrastructure being obliterated.
thats what i think

You're not strong. You're a single weak loser posting on Sup Forums. You had no part in making the USA what it is, and you have nothing to be proud of

China the most powerful for thousands of years. Hmm okay.
England owned half the planet, now they own nothing.
You really believe the US wont decline like literally every single other empire to ever exist?

the US is powerful and i an from the US

i have just as much right to be proud of my country as you do yours, but the difference is that my country is much stronger than yours

You believe gulf of tonkin was legit lol..
How stupid can you be

that's what everyone thought about Vietnam too

we did decline in 1929 hasent happened since

the period of the height of american domination was directly after the fall of the soviet union

>They are stupid enough to launch a coordinated and long lasting terror campaign against the US and call it war
this is already jihad so they're just going to do nothing different?

maybe all the mosques are talking about how to better sabotage and molest the american populace

better double check your big macs for human feces

fair statement but it wouldnt be a world war or nothing and also this isnt even about us and iran we just back isreal so iran hates us this is all its really about theyve been poking the bear for awhile just so happened to be on trumps watch

Those boom and bust cycles sure are a problem aren't they?
The main selling point of the federal reserve act was the moderation of swings in the economy, yet the boom bust cycles are like clockwork ever since it was passed.
The next one is coming, just as sure as the eventual decline of the US empire.

we have good relations with russia and china now dont we?