Do people actually believe WW3 is going to happen? And why?
Do people actually believe WW3 is going to happen? And why?
no not yet
Cus I’m bored and suicidal
I'm sure it won't happen for years now.
Ah yes, good one user.
Wanna talk about it?
I don't think it will happen, but you never know with President Stupid...
Well, tbf user. Orange Man did do something bad, and good at the same time and can't deal witht he consequences now can he?
Killing the sandnigger was a big mistake, and shit will go down, not a WW tho...
No. Not conventional war anyway. We have however been locked in economic warfare for quite sometime. Thre crazy part about that is that in larger powers like the USA and EU, there are multiple factions waring within the nation and that war usually spills out into poor dumbass unsuspecting 3rd world nations.
If you look closely at the world and floow the money, youll see everything for what it is and youll know what Im talking about
>the sandperson wasnt yet ready to retire
Kek. You fucking boomers, always looking out for eachother
I mean, Iran nor Iraq have uranium ready for bombs. Nor a delivery system.
I fucking hope not. Fuck terrorists but damn, don't think it was a good idea to drone strike that muzzie.
Yes. Because people are in general are stupid these days and almost all lack critical thinking skills and believe every dumb shit thing they read on Facebook.
>one faggit iranian is too important for us to kill
What a fag
Fuck em all to death.
I like these 2 Anons.
A guy with a backpack hiding in a horde of backpacked brown people is rather easy. However, I know that they know better now than ever because the boomer general got mossaded drivng down the street
>these days
>people were once hyper intellegent and we never had this problem in the past
Fucking boomers, everyone
No, but Trump fucked up big time. Iran was in turmoil with a surprise gas tax which erupted in rioting and civil unrest. It was similar to what is happening in Hong Kong and other places. Now, Trump has reunified them with a martyred general and a good reason to turn their aggression towards the US. A really stupid play...
Depends on what you consider to be WW3. Last major battle with Iran (and also the largest naval battle since WW2) was Operation Praying Mantis in 1988. The US creamed half of Iran's navy in a single battle and the Iran/Iraq war was essentially over after that. I don't think Iran would last long (or even try very hard) against America. This isn't Nazi Germany we are talking about. Only way this would be WW3 is if Russia and China got involved and that ain't likely to happen. The left is saying WW3 because they hate Trump and they want you to as well.
they wish. cus modern life is kinda boring to them and they want some excitement.
Fake and gay
>thinking a camel or goat isn't a delivery system
This is genius really
solves the sand nigger problem for the right, and the climate alarm for the left wit once simple global nuclear strike.
>Iran is reunitfied
No its fucking not. I guarantee you there is a segement of irainians that blame their leadership for the general getting bombed.
Its actually going to be sandpeople united on a regional level and the only thing this will restore is ISIS and if you remember correctly, Syria was having to defend itself from ISIS forces moving into their nation and killimg their soldiers.
Pay attention, user
This shit is par for the course in the middle east. Business as usual. They attacked us and then Trump attacked them. No big deal. Sure they are pissed, but what can they realistically do?
No, that image is real. Its not modified in any way.
Nope. After China & Russia stated on their respective state television that they'd not come to Iran's aid if they escalate the situation with the US, zero chance of "World War 3". The Iranians have antiquated Soviet-era armour, outdated Russian / Chinese MiG airforce,and their navy is comprised of fishing boats with souped up engines armed with RPG's.
An open conflict between Iran & U.S. forces would be over in a matter of days & would result in the end of the Islamic government - pretty much like Saddam. Sure, the aftermath would be post-Baathist Iraq on steroids, but the Mullah's that control Iran's government aren't suicidal.
Kek. Are you Israel. Im not fucking Israel.
Yes they do believe it because they are liberal faggots who think this is the most important time and place in human history and they are the most important thing to ever be born. Possible war coming, must be WW3 and the end of humanity because muh identity politics.
Best watch out for those Iranian backpack nukes.....
Are you not aware that a US embassy was attacked just days ago?
>china and russia
Iran doesnt want their support and the reason for that is Iran was on the verge of economic collapse.
This means any assistance from china or russia would lead to debt to those nations and those nations planting airbases on Iranian soil.
Iran is zenophobic as fuck and with good reason
lol no
Whom do you think actually rallied that attack?
Whom do you think were the first to notify the world of the attack.
The USA and Iran do not have any real conflict here. Israel and Iran however...
Ok Boomer
Im more worried about them mossadian back pack nukes in new york. Appearently 911 didnt provide enough dance time for the isralies
Because the bible says this will happen or something like this and America will fall or some gay shit
Its not gonna be ww3. Already lots of great reasons in here as to why, but i think libs are mad at trump because when obama was around, he was always talking about Iran and easing middle east tensions early in his term. Then shit went down with ISIS and now were here. Iran has been poking the bear for a while now. It just happened to be on trumps watch that something was done about it and now ppl are outraged over it.
Sooo funny!
cuz orange man bad
Russia won’t get involved because Trump is just doing what Putin told him to do. And China won’t get involved because Iran doesn’t have slant eyes, so no WW3
all those chickenshit liberals think killing that iranian general was like killing santa clause, the motherfucker iranian general was in charge of Hezbola and other terrorist organizations,
i think iran needs a severe ass kicking, they need to realize they are not the biggest meanest dog on the block
I'm down for ww3, send in the virgins
At worse they hit Israel. But it wont be a WW. The us people won't stand for it
No, OP. The left are just being hyper emotional and unhinged as usual. As several anons have already stated, China and Russia both announced in the past day or so that they will not aid Iran in a potential conflict with America. The Iranian military is no match for the U.S. Any military strike against U.S. forces would result in the Iranian theocratic government being toppled and their entire infrastructure being obliterated.
Yea lol
Oh, and the reason why?
Its your retarded president. He sent one of his men to kill someone in Iran and instead of trying to calm things down, he just keeps fueling the fire with retarded tweets and claims.
Though I highly doubt that there will be ww3. If theres gonna be a war, its definetly going to be between Iran and USA. Luckily im not american lol
>Over there a camel or a goat is only for deposits
This is bait.
Low quality bait. I give it 1/10. Best I can do.
I'm more curious why the current crowd of youngling fags thinks every conflict is going to be "World War 3". fags know that in order for it to be a world war, it has to span the globe, right? Not just be limited to a certain country, but actively take place on multiple continents, right?
Please tell me you lot aren't that stupid.
>why are millenials afraid
Those faggots dont know what war looks feels or smells like. They barely even understand 911.
They want to just open all boarders globally so their cuddly, gentle immigrants can come in and be nice and make our evil white society better
obama blew up a school and a hospital and no one cared everyone just thing orange man bad abunch of nonsense imagine defending a terrorist country that supports terror regimes... yikess
The first US strike was after "Iran backed" Hezbollah killed a US contractor.
1) any Shia group is labeled "iran backed"
2) no details have been released of the death. No name anywhere. You have to really question if someone actually died.
Then a Shia group stormed the US embassy and no deaths, just some vandalism. Trump responds with an assassination of the chief of staff equivalent.
Now trump is threatening to bomb mosques. Who's the terrorist?
OK Boomer
Good thing he left office in 2016 and we have a real prez, amirite.
Trump's killed more civilians than any other president in US history.
Bad troll is bad, Obama? Bush?
Just a strong case of Orange Man Bad huh
Fuck off, Ahmed
"he say sumfin bad about da fat man I gonna cwy and defend him foweva! mommmmmm gimme beetus pills and tendies NOW"
oh I feel so sorry for your mother.
it's just democrat fear mongering
Because liberals are guillible retards that only understand the world through the lense of shitty biased news like the guardian or whatever says.
>otay bloomer
Get argument youve got there. Now show your tits or gtfo.
Oh look another retard believing the disproven russian hoax
I hope he bombs every mosque and nukes mecca for good mesaure, so those jawas couldnt walk around in circles around a meteorite in a black column anymore .
Trump has definitely galvanized the entire nation by threatening their cultural sites. How about you fucking pay attention...
Theyd walk around the crater, breh
Oh you mean how the United states is totally galvanized over 911?
Yea we're totally united, just look at the political arena, soo much cooperation
trump has proved himself fucking braindead enough to accidentally start another war
him and his moron supporters need to fucking kill themselves and let the rest of us actually progress humanity
What can iraq do? Two things Jack and Shit.
When America talks you better listen.
What was stupid about it? Obama tried to kill that guy for 8 years and failed and before him Bush tried and failed. I think youre all just pissed because it was Trump and not your nog ex-president.
World War? Absolutely not. The coming war will be between the US and Iran.
The US has (needlessly) alienated all former allies in the past three years, so it will be impossible to drag "the world" into it.
We've been drone striking Muslims for a little more than a decade or so. What is so different about it now?
He gave the Iranians the worst possible gift of all - a martyr they can rally around. Prior to this bit of stupidity, there was rioting and unrest in Iran which was spreading, but thanks to Trump and his staff, they're now unifying. Brilliant move, Washington.
>teenage Iranians idolize some faggit boomer military man
Trust me, faggit. There are no teens in Iran that will look up yo some boomer soldier. Once the boomers in Iran die off, the nation will finally begin to heal
>alienate military allies
Top kek. You do understand that the western world is economically dependant on itself, right? So long as corpratism exists, we will always be tethered to eachother.
Why the fuck would anything interesting ever happen
>waiting for others to catch your interest
What a fucking kardashian faggit you are
Because it was "stunning and brave" when dear leader Obama did it.
He got a peace prize while he did drone strikes daily but if you have a -D after you name it is ok.
If you have an -R after your name the left spergs out "YoU KiLl BrOwN PeOpLe!!"
Sure, I'll trust a total stranger on the Internet. Twit
underrated post
Tell us, youngfag, how hard would you have rallied over sen. McCains assassination?
>fuck you and your internet lies, CNN warned me about you.
You raging cock addict