Do you think my girl is a slut for getting this tattoo at 17? Shes 18 here of course. I am 22

Do you think my girl is a slut for getting this tattoo at 17? Shes 18 here of course. I am 22.

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I dont think someone's a slut for getting a tattoo that yound. But those are some fuckin slutty tattoos

she is obviously a coal burner.

good luck getting cucked op.

Nope, she lost her virginity to me.

Maybe no a slut but that's trashy.

that's what she said

Because she can't lie or how do ypu know that?

Black tattoo ink is full of the carcinogen benzodiazepine which eventually leaches off and builds up in the lymphatic system as it blurs/fades from the imune system breaking it down.

I mean, it’s a lil Peep tattoo. I dig it.

Her hymen wasn't broken. I am sure black dick would have broke it.

no, slut is a girl who sleeps around. weird tattoo to get.


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*benzopyrene *

I would say more of a degenerate loser than a slut.

depends on if crybaby is a reference to melanie martinez or lil peep

she's a slut and a degenerate but she can be fucked so it's ok

not a slut just retarded. thats a shitty tattoo. way too big and placement is weird as fuck.

literally gallons of nigger spunk has passed her lips

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lmao how many thrasher shirts and pink anodized knives does she own?

Getting a tattoo hardly makes you a slut. But that's an ugly ass tattoo.

post a better pic of her butthole.

kill her bath in blood look youthful profit?

Tattoos are almost always a poor choice at any age as their meaning to you at one point in your life doesn't hold up over time.

I doubt this woman will be happy to have "cry baby" written across her stomach at age 45 long after her playful teenage nickname has been left in the past.

Is she a slut for getting a tattoo? No.
Is she a little stupid? Yes.

She is a slut for dating a man in his 20's. She is a DUMB slut for getting that stupid crybaby tattoo..


both are trash

Too many research reports and photos of ink tumors to be false. Fucking benzopyrene is some nasty shit from coal. I don't know about you but I wouldn't choose to inject myself with it.

but they are admittedly different brands of trash