This tranny escort is in my area. If this post gets dubs, 69, 420, 187, I'll pay to get my ass fucked by her. I'll post pics later. Also if y'all can roll trips, I'll do it.
This tranny escort is in my area. If this post gets dubs, 69, 420, 187, I'll pay to get my ass fucked by her...
that is fucking horrible lol
Just do it
Bleaching my eyes after seeing this!
Win have fun
Rolling for the laughs
Try not to get ribbed. Itherwise, wrap up and have fun. Try to get a video.
good luck bud
i want a vid
Trips and no condom. Get that boy pussie impregnated plus an STD.
Good luck getting aids and stabbed user.
prepare your anus op.
No rubber and have to take to its hilt
Do it op, post pics.
After taking it balls deep in your ass and receiving a good creampie like a good girl you have to do the same with your throat.
Op has to record his encounter for the World to see
Trips not dubs
I am a bit turned on by her enormous cock but I would get scared to take it in my ass. Maybe for free but I would not pay to get my asshole destroyed.
That's a big cock I hope you got oil's and vas
>If this post gets dubs
enjoy the nigger AIDS faggot
Nice tits and a bbc? You got to OP
How many grams of what strain is that n what's it cost where you're from? I'm guessing about 10g?
This means his own post, trips anyone replying
100% of Sup Forumstards here would happily suck her cock
AIDS pretty much does not exist anymore in first world countries, due to medication (one pill a day) that suppresses HIV to a point patients are called "undetectable". Because their viral load is so low, they can not pass on HIV anymore and their HIV can not even be detected directly. Modern HIV treatment keeps patients undetectable til death. People having HIV have the same life expectancy as those who don't.
AIDS was the syndrome people got when their HIV viral load reached a certain level. Now the only way to get AIDS in first world countries is to refuse treatment for HIV.
Additionally, there is now something called PrEP. While taking PrEP, you can not get HIV. It's one pill a day. Nearly all prostitutes should be either on PrEP or undetectable by now. The majority of homosexual sluts are also taking PrEP by now, creating something that could be called herd immunity to a certain degree. Thus, in first world countries, eradicating HIV is a realistic possibility.
by all means, let the nigger tranny fuck you raw and unload into your faggot-hole. I mean, you can just take a pill afterwards, right? why not just go all the way and let the degenerate breed some HIV into you
I agree, rolling for him to get his shitter rammed raw
You are one dumb cunt
Good thing we are rolling for him to get it up his ass
Op here. Y'all have to roll trips. I just have to roll dubs. Also, post me some tranny cumshots
Rolling for the stuffing
Ding dong! We have a Weiner!!
Dios mio el goblino
Trips are here
Do it faggot
Read OP post again
Op will never do it, nothing ever happens.
Niggas trippy uh
Fuck you, I'm in it to win it
Id fuck it or get fucked by it why not?
Go to church, you massive faggot.
69 GET
Dont get me wrong,i want for it to happen.
oooh boiiii
Rollin for luls becsuse theres a 0.000000000000 repeating % chance OP goes through with it
Only the LORD, Jesus Christ can save you from your faggotry. Repent.
Get on it fag.
have fun
Party time
More proof than that is needed and you know it. Post that boypuss with proof
Rolling for trips OP
You better swallow her load.
Plot Twist: OP was always going to do it but made a likely condition so he felt like he "had to" to feel less queer.
Rolling for aids
I got AIDS just reading this
OP better deliver on this one
>op delivering
This timeline is weird
Welcome to 2020
rolling for op for get blacked right nao
Based and trannypilled
OP gonna be walking round like John Wayne Jr when she done with him
Now we wait
Surely you can find a better-looking tranny escort than that bloodborne monster user
No request for a raw creampie of that boipussy of yours? Come on OP
Rollinggggg lets keep this alive till delivarrrrrr
Where is OP?
Getting his ass stuffed by a BBC
getting blacked and prolapsed
Right, 1 hour since last update. He had to shower and go there so that would mean anotherum update on the way... Do we assume he backed out since nothing since then?
Get fucked faggot
the absolute first rule with hookers is that whatever timeframe you have in mind, double it at the minimum
it applies to women in general really but there is no woman slower or more distracted than a hooker
I doubt he will do anything, but it is worth the effort to check this thread once in a while
Bumping this thread so it doesn't die. But I kinda wish op posted a link we could follow up with.
Some small update would be nice though! I don't know why this is interesting