Stuff that makes you diamonds
Stuff that makes you diamonds
Jose James
Benjamin Cook
Levi Diaz
Benjamin Rogers
Michael Wright
Fuck that's a good one.
Kayden Mitchell
Nolan Thomas
William Bennett
A lot of heat and pressure.
Blake Richardson
damn, can relate
James Howard
You can't forget carbon
Liam Nelson
Blake Rodriguez
Are thou dumb or what? must of you is carbon.
Andrew Torres
>calls someone dumb
>repeats what the person just said
Jack Cooper
im semi hard rn that trap shit really put me off
Nicholas Miller
that's the dumbest shit i've seen today.
Jonathan Bennett
Jordan Thomas
Jace Nguyen
Ian Young
>loli butt
Leo Diaz
Asher Moore
Fuck yeah, loli butt ftw
Levi Lopez
Good taste
William Sanders
Thanks, lolicon for life~
Cameron Cruz
Dam need moar like that
Luke Reed
My God woman to many questions