Brit/pol/ - Alan Clark Edition

Based Alan Clark:












>THE NIGEL FARAGE SHOW (every sunday)

Other urls found in this thread:

First for Her Majesty's Royal Navy

I didn't notice that (I'm the guy who added it to the OP a while back)
sorry lads

First for Mannfred did nothing wrong.

>Walking home
>Saw two people, looked to be partners, having a bit of a spaff outside of a Sainsbury's car park
>Some weird looking man that couldn't eat a bacon butty properly runs up to them shouting they need to put aside the rhetoric and get around the negotiating table and stop it happening again

The fuck is going on, lads?

>tfw can't find the Alan Clark Diaries BBC series anywhere to download

Can any of you guys help me out?

>Geert and Marine are at the GOP convention
>still no sign of Farage


You get the game working lad?


has his plane landed yet lad?

is anyone else a bit worried about the fact that we don't really have an opposition anymore?

starting to feel optimistic about the may administration

Nigel isn't friends with them, or he just avoids any photographs when with them

Frogs BTFO.

People on Reddit think May isn't serious about Brexit and she will somehow prevent it happening.

What's wrong with them, lads?

The SNP are the opposition now senpai, and they'll oppose literally everything the government does. I've always maintained that the SNP are an amazing opposition because they are such incredibly whiny cunts.

For now, but she will try and shoehorn in some 1984-esque legislation at some point.


Farage is probably friends with Marine seeing as they're EP colleagues

He just can't be seen in public with her

however I feel grassroots Conservatives will save us on a few things

mate half their voters fucking hate them up here

First for British Army

>you'll never spend a romantic tour in the RN with this qt

I wonder how many times she has been slammed.



Alright lads, shall I watch the first or second series of An Idiot Abroad?

Clinging on for hope

It's like when Bernie crashed as far back as March and reddit kept finding something, anything to prove that he wasn't finished

NTH for crossing the floor to the LIBDEMS

Say it with me.

Article 50 and immigration below 50k/y then perhaps

Copper here.

Prevent is kiddy shit, you haven't felt true suffering until you've had to sit through days of social awareness briefings every year.

At least every copper in my county knows how farcical it all is. We did a bunch of racial crime roleplays this year, and it basically resulted in each bloke picked to be the aggressor trying to one-up eachother in turn with the best racist term they could come up with.

>tfw I thought I had it in the bag, but then a fellow sergeant in my district gets his turn and launches into the longest, most ornate tirade ever, the crowning jewel of which was the phrase 'screaming, paki goatmuncher'.

They're all mentally deficient

>browsing plebbit without making a subreddit to express right wing opinions
if you do this I'll make an account and help you with anything I can

Apart from the Labour party that doesn't support Corbyn, they're the largest common bloc in the house. That makes them the de facto opposition.

Will Corbyn be defeated now all the Blairite votes will concentrate on one candidate?

Oh my.

yes and that's my issue
people will not fucking listen to them


Lads could you share with me some resources (pics, music, events) about the English Colonial Empire (Pre-1707 post Tudor). I'm finding myself quite intrigued recently at this period.

We still have are Moggy.

These are the same idiots who thought we'd be all unemployed and starving to death by now

imagine having a sleepover at Moggy's

>Angela must have lost out because she's a woman
>not because she's just shit

after every shave I splash on a bit of Old Patriarchy

smells great senpai

>browsing plebbit without making a subreddit to express right wing opinions
There's /r/British, but I just like to browse the retard subs. It's more fun arguing with people you disagree with.

>yfw the first woman to command a large warship in the RN was stripped of her command after shagging one of her subordinates

So in all seriousness:

Have you witnessed any negative side-effects from Brexit?


This fucking heatwave.

>Horlicks, radio 4, a couple of garibaldis, and off to bed by 10:30.

Sounds pretty cosy to me desu.

>The fuck is going on, lads?
Reckless and provocative behaviour, that's what

I'm afraid I'm not sufficiently equipped for such an event.

>tfw you will never go clubbing with Jacob Rees-Mogg

the worst effect of the outcome has been shills coming into the thread daily.

No wonder all the police in this country seem like they have a baton shoved up their arse.

No offense, also can you stop arresting fathers for defending their daughters from Muslim rapists and stop protecting Muslims from raping white girls?

Or is that haram in the joke scum shit police system we currently have?

Oh and cautions, stop telling people they get wiped off the PNC after 5 years, they don't. You've cost many medical students a place at med school.


No lol

I may need to buy dollars next year and need the £ to recover but other than that nothing happened at all

>SU gets Muslim president
>She refuses to allow the Jews to decide who represents the Jews on their anti-racism committee

Who could have foreseen this?

>We did a bunch of racial crime roleplays this year, and it basically resulted in each bloke picked to be the aggressor trying to one-up eachother in turn with the best racist term they could come up with.

Who's forcing the police to do this shit?

>Doesn't notice she's a rambling dyke with the charisma of a damp r̶a̶g̶ maxipad

The Dragons haven't appeared yet?

you forgot Papist bedtime prayers

What are brit/pol/'s views on free-market economics?

is that /r/British place close to Sup Forums tier?

Look to David Starkey

Have you guys considered joining the Armed Forces lads? You really should look into it, or the reserves. Great pay and pension even for those with minimal qualifications.
You can help operate our future nuclear submarine fleet.

wakey wakey sleepy Jakey

>pale ale version of Nigel Farage

My fucking sides, please troll reddit Scotland or SNP forums with this.


How the fuck have I not seen this before!

I'm planning on going for an Officer position in the RAF, after I finish my degree.

I'd like to on principle but I'd most likely be a liability. I'd rather just hassle are already fucked education system a bit longer than people who are actually based.

In my opinion it's good when regulated and kept under control. Anarcho-capitalists are living memes.

People will think I'm mental but the NUS is genuinely a Muslim fifth column I swear to Christ

Glad we (Luffbra) voted to leave the NUS desu. Town also voted Brexit, whereas most uni towns voted to Remain. Think it's because we're the only uni with more guys than girls, and so haven't been completely cucked by left-wing politics just yet.


can someone post the pic of the guy with a corbyn poster with a lenin poster behind it?


Where is he Sup Forums?

I'm a supporter of slight restrictions on the free-market.

Managed about 15mins before it overheated again. Don't know wtf it is about warhammer that my computer doesnt like. Even sticking to the campaign map at minimum spec and autoresolving hits 90C and forces it to shutdown
meanwhile PvPing in Rift using the best settings and I'm barely cracking 60C
Tbh though, probably for the best. Kinda sick of getting slaughtered with no ranged units. Fucking useless bats and slow ass zombies. Might just spend my time working on modding some skellie archers til the fucking temp drops

I don't know about Muslims but my experience with them have been that they're an utter waste of space. I don't know why they call themselves a union, they're a disgrace to the concept.

Is that Calvin Harris?

If there are more guys is it harder to find slags to plow on laddish nights out?

Going to watch this on beeb 2 at 10 just so i can reeeeee.


>Based Alan Clark:

Alan Clark was always good value for money and relished creating controversy by speaking his mind (even if some of might just be a wind-up of the media like John Lydon)

A few things:
>anti-foxhunting with hounds
>unconcerned about the large-scale deaths of humans

>vegetarian (actually closer to pescetarian but still)
>loved animals - his dog Blondi
>responsible for death of millions of humans

Creative Assembly are pretty shit, to be fair. All their games run kind of poorly in their own ways. This particular engine is dreadful.

These fights are wrong.

I've been considering it a lot, but I'd need to not be fat first

Will he ever become a cabinet member?

>Great pay
You can probably earn more in the private sector tbqh, but you won't get the whole experience.

All unions must be destroyed

t. Thatcher

>David Stakey

You meant THAT privileged white man?!

But they do? Especially concerning mass immigration, the elite, etc. His view on the two big parties is quite naive but not unfounded.

It's quite comical to see how brit/pol/ has gone from almost worshipping him at times, but now he does something they don't like and there's an annoying poster who likes him, so he's now a defeatist cuck.

I've heard female junior officers love noshing off ratings.

Meanwhile the FUCKING CONSERVATIVES have a female leader

You can't make this shit up

He put a video out earlier lad

> Commander Sarah West, 41, is sacked as skipper of the frigate HMS Portland over claims that she had a relationship with her married third-in-command

Apex kek

They just can't help themselves can they?

Not sure desu, I worked Friday and Saturday nights and didn't have sex all year. I guess basic maths says yeah, it's harder, but still seemed like there were plenty of slags on nights out.

>tfw fell asleep in the sun for 5 hours
>tfw a shut in virgin autist most of the time

I'm never going outside again lads, I'll wait for wizard powers


>we wuz gonna be doctors and shit

Was the 60s the most degenerate decade, lads?

Sick dubs ;-;7

I haven't watched anything on BBC in 5 years. I should be abstained from paying for it tbqh