Please tell me, rationally, why it is you support this man as POTUS? Im genuinely curious

Please tell me, rationally, why it is you support this man as POTUS? Im genuinely curious.

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he's making america great again.

Because it pisses you off. Now seriously tell me one thing that he has done that has personally hurt you.

Because everyone else is worse

>What has he done to you personally

American brainlet attitude.

Because he is saving the country

That sounds about right.

Lol. Good luck with this.

Because it's funny to see liberals cry about him

because we made the world aware of the importance of memetic warfare. That should be reason enough.

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I like his hair

We are entering a major war. It should be illegal NOT to support this man.

I'm Dutch and i support him because of all the liberal lefty tears.
TRUMP 2020

He told me that I have to.

because he is not poltically correct and speaks the truth.

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Because hes not a pushover and says what’s true, unlike you. Lol.

Also curious but I haven't actually seen anything besides le funny lib tears. Personally I don't like the guy but he hasn't done anything horrible for the country besides shut down the govt for not getting his way. In my eyes though, better him than some dem like Hillary who would start trying to take away freedoms on what we can and can't do.

Also he did make North Korea chill out which I kinda give him credit for but they're both children with power and wealth so idk

He's an idiot but pisses the left off so

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I can identify with and respect a depraved pervert into incest and piss who probably has child sex parties on pedo island in exchange for military assassinations.
He makes me feel like I can be anything I want to be, even US president!
Thank You Mr. President!

Gun rights.

A man with a rifle is a free man.
A man disarmed is a servant.

I don’t support him

Vote libertarian

>Obama didn't do any drone strikes

Supports LEO's & mil. Knows what american imperialism means, Money has improved for the USA. Supports keeping the failed narco state that is mexico from invading the southern border. Anti human trafficking. Christian. Master level troll.

So many good reasons......

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He has haphazardly killed off Obama administration laws and regulations that protect us from various dangers. The one of most importance is certain regulations within the food industry. The Obama administration put into place a bill that forced all agriculture to add an extra rinsing step to produce production. Trump killed this with an executive order cause it had Obama's name on it. Now we have regular Salmonella outbreaks.

Trump is directly responsible for many American deaths because of his problem with Obama. There are several other regulations he has undone simply because they were signed by Obama, with no consideration for the pros and cons and without any viable replacement prepared.

There are many other bits of legislation Obama signed to protect us that this idiot has undone, but this one has had the most consistent real world effects.

Trump is a dangerous retard

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3 years of your autistic screeching about Orange Man Bad down, 5 to go.
How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?

Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.

Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.

Remember that feeling you had, the night she lost?
That sick feeling of shame and helplessness, like some indefinable part of you had been raped?
That feeling of despair?
That the world had just flipped, turned upside down?
That evil had triumphed over good?


Well, get ready for a second dose come November 2020. Because there will be no impeachment, contrived articles are rotting on Pelosi's desk. And no amount of shilling on social media is going to save you faggots.


It's like trump raped your mom, set your fucking house on fire and ripped your nuts from your crotch and is wearing them publicly. That's the level of fucking assblast you people exhibit for him.

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When i made this thread i knew this comment would appear

Because he is, in fact, POTUS.

A long as he is, it is in my interest that he be a success. 4 years of everybody shrieking has not removed him as President, they've only prevented him from doing what he was elected to do. His policies cannot even be discussed on their merits because there is the kneejerk assumption from a third of the country that if he says "Oh look, the grass is green" that he has some nefarious plan to keep us all from seeing how red grass is, and another third would have knee-jerk agreement if he said the grass is, in fact, red.

That is not a healthy body politic.

He is President at least until Jan 2021. Evaluate what he wants to do on the merits and support or oppose his policies -- but support him as the elected President, just as you'd expect everybody to support your guy when one of them manages to get elected.

Can you list all this stuff with Obama's name on it that have been overturned? Im curious. BTW a president cannot overturn a law unless its voted by congress to be overturned or replaced by something else. He can propose not to fund some of these laws.

wash your own damn lettuce. it probably saves millions of gallons of water when done individually.

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>besides shut down the govt for not getting his way.

And that's become a standard tactic that Presidents and Congress use to bludgeon each other, and had become so before he was elected.

>Vote libertarian

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Typical liberal deflection.

Of course a fucking Dutchman would.
Literally the niggers of Europe.

>Sup Forums will go down in history as helping Trump get elected
Honestly it was reason enough

>caused longest shutdown in history
>literally accomplished nothing
What a winner

any president can overturn an executive order or decree their own.


he wasnt elected you fool he was chosen

>Now we have regular Salmonella outbreaks.

Sauce? I suspect you are relying on confirmation bias here -- we've always had minor salmonella outbreaks, and I have not noticed any uptick in these. But maybe I'M letting my confirmation bias keep me from noticing -- so if you have data on salmonella outbreaks during Obama and Trump regimes, I'd be interested.

Yeah boy, Donald the best!

what support did he trade for his child sex party? or was he too good for that shit?

Yes -- that is something he can do. Not sure why people think that Obama's EOs should stand for ever, but Trump's issuing them is EVILE!!!!!!

Can you explain that claim? Not sure if you drank the Russians Did It koolaid, or don't understand the way US elections work, or something else.

I just blew milk out my nose with that one. Chosen by whom? The media, Hollywood, the banks, all had that bitch Hilary sitting in that chair as early as the first day of the start of the campaign. but oops! since we had an ELECTION-he was elected.

>What has he done to you personally

American brainlet attitude.

Everyone already forgot what Trump said about guns.

He is the best president!

Apart from the numerous lies he tells on a daily basis.

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not OP here, but his dumb fucking trade war has cost me about a million $s, for real

No serious answers. What a suprise!

>Be conservative.
>Complain about how Obama is screwing up society for everyone and how his foreign dealings are worse than Trump's
>Nuh uh, you can't do that with our president, show us on this doll where he hurt you.

>another third would have knee-jerk agreement if he said the grass is, in fact, red
I'm sorry, but I want to live in a world where someone isn't constantly telling me the grass is red. If the grass is red, there's a problem. If it's not, but someone is insisting it is, there's a problem.

I don't support the POTUS. There are legitimate reasons for doing so, and it is not illegal to have legitimate discussions of his... "policies", merit-wise. It can be done, it has been done, and it is not illegal to do so.

he lost that election - he was not elected.

thats why I said LAW. That post said he was overturning laws which is incorrect. EO's, yes. All day long.

>Speaking the truth
>Retweeting Breitbart.

Pick one.

yeah man, fuck democracy!!

>tell me, rationally,
rationally ain't never gonna happen from Trumpfags

Southern votes need to count double to balance against all those Northern Nigger voters huh Hamilton

>yeah man, fuck democracy!!
You're a non-functional human being.

decrees are law

Hes like that kid who grew up next door, who you arent allowed to be mean to at school despite how big of a spurglord reject he is, who keeps insisting on inserting himself into everything you do, so much so everyone refers to you as friends and hold you responsible for the uncouth shit he does, regardless of how much you hate him.

Except instead of being you it is Jews.

>rationally ain't never gonna happen from Trumpfags
Coming from the soyboy libcuck that doesn't even know what gender to call itself.

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>I'm sorry, but I want to live in a world where someone isn't constantly telling me the grass is red.

Then you do not want to follow politics, it will only ruin your digestion.

>If the grass is red, there's a problem. If it's not, but someone is insisting it is, there's a problem.

Not sure what you are trying to say here.

>I don't support the POTUS. There are legitimate reasons for doing so, and it is not illegal to have legitimate discussions of his... "policies", merit-wise. It can be done, it has been done, and it is not illegal to do so.

It is not illegal, but given the temper of the folks in this country right now, it is not possible. You can get together with people who agree with you, and either laud everything he does or condemn everything he does. But if you believe it is possible to have a public discussion of his administration and policies that does not devolve into a shouting match, I have to think you have not actually tried to do that.

He ain't Jesus. He ain't Satan. He is just a President. He is neither always right nor always wrong.

Your system is corrupted.
/European overlord

Please explain how you think he lost the election.

Before embarrassing yourself, maybe Google "How is a US President elected."

>soyboy libcuck

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>*Cockhungry projection intensifies*

ah yes, your electoral college. love it when you are winning, ban it when you lose.

Because the alternative would be catastrophically bad for America.

final score:
Cowboys 65
Patriots 62

Patriots Win!!!

citizens shouldnt have equal voting rights?
should the votes of the upper class count more than the votes of niggers?

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How come every tranny i meat irl self identifies as a conservative, faggot?

First, in a just world the Patriots and Cowboys would both lose.

But moving on...

Sure. People vote for the candidate they like the most. Special people appointed to be more important than you override your vote leaving you feeling assraped and pointless. You don't even have one vote. You have 0.1 vote, and that's generous.

>Then you do not want to follow politics
Too late.
>Not sure what you are trying to say here
What were you trying to say about grass? Don't be disingenuous. You invited the analogy. You typed the analogy. Are you absolutely certain you don't understand what was being said?

Is it time to stop talking about red grass?

>given the temper of the folks in this country right now,
>it is not possible
To... ? Discuss the merits with everyone, and have a hypothetical situation where everyone agrees and no one disagrees, by any degree, ever? Or... what?

>You can get together with people who agree with you
This is typically what happens. But you're saying it as if it can only come from a place of "I agree with what you're saying because I also agree with it", and not, "I agree with what you're saying because you've convinced me otherwise/I cannot argue against it".

>But if you believe it is possible to have a public discussion of his administration and policies that does not devolve into a shouting match
Don't go to have a discussion with someone who will obviously turn it into a shouting match. Anyone who has sought that has found it over 2 years ago. There are places for this. Not everyone is this mythical polarized creature you keep insisting can only exist in this climate.

>He is just a President
That I do not support.
>neither always right nor always wrong
And so I will make arguments whenever he happens to be wrong enough, that we would normally recoil if the wrong had been done by anyone else.


>citizens shouldnt have equal voting rights?

They do, but you do not understand what it is they were electing.

PROTIP: There is no national popular vote for President.

Should have googled like I advised you to do.

The electoral college is just about the most absurd piece of shit I have ever seen. Trump lost the popular vote. So did W back in who the fuck cares when. Greetings from a country where the guy who gets more votes is actually elected president. Who gives a fuck about the votes in Florida, Ohio or North Dakota. One man/woman one vote. Republicans will have to acknowledge some day that you can't win elections with white, male, Christian voters alone. But oh well, I don't live in the States. Lucky me.

Hahahaha also, just look at the Republican party these days. They bow down to a reality show star who has no qualifications whatsoever apart from a big mouth. Just look at these idiots. McConnell. Cruz. Graham.

Reps simply can't accept the fact that WASPs will be a minority soon and that they will lose in the long run. What do I care, give Trump another 4 years. The republican party is heading for disintegration. Have fun, dumbasses. The two-party system in the U.S. is overdue for renovation anyway.

gg gratz wp whatever fuck you all.

Your system is fucking you over. No way to rationalize it.

Because of the options on the other side. Its not that hard to figure out, you'll learn when you get older.

>What were you trying to say about grass?

I was trying to say that in whether what he says is correct or not has little to know impact on how too many people evaluate it.

>Don't be disingenuous.

I wasn't, I literally did not follow you.

>You invited the analogy. You typed the analogy.

Yes. But I didn't understand how you then used it.

If grass is red, and somebody says so, how is there a problem? Unless you just get mad when reality contradicts what you previously believed? I am sincerely confused by what you posted there.

>why it is you support this man as POTUS

Do you genuinely take that poll before or after swallowing his load?

Like an opressed muslim woman, this guy is just embracing the manipulation from his overlords.

>Greetings from a country
Make a thread about your own country, nobody cares otherwise you fucking foreign faggot.

they dont, a Floridian vote counts as 78% of a vote while the ballot of somebody in Wyoming counts as 3 votes.
Some peoples vote isnt even counted as a full vote while other people can vote three times.
How the fuck is that equal?

>"I agree with what you're saying because you've convinced me otherwise/I cannot argue against it".

I am saying that this is largely impossible now, with Trump.

My assumption is you are not a fan of the President -- so if you'd like to test my theory, find some Trumpists and convince them that the President is wrong about something. To complete the experiment, take a Trump supporter to your next get-together with like-minded friends so he can try to convince them about some policy of the Presidents. Have bandaids ready.


Because I'm not a homosexual.

Maybe, but at east folks who want to discuss it should understand it. A lot of folks on here do not.

Yet everybody should care about where you stand on the middle east. Fuck off you double-standard Amerifag.

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Entertainment value - no president will have any influence on anything, they're just a puppet that attracts attention away from those in power.
Watch telly, eat cheap foods, sleep, work, die - like a good sla... citizen.

>Sup Forums will go down in history as helping Trump get elected

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oh wow, i've never had a quarter of the truth told to me before, you've opened my eyes, the democrats weren't colluding with russia to influence the election, somehow Trump made them do it