>been here since 2008
Where the fuck did our childhood go?!
Been here since 2008
I sometimes think I can't function in normal human society because of how much time I spent here when I was a child and a teenager.
It's never coming back, user. Adapt or get left to die.
Got here in early middle age...
How old are you?
Arrived about 4 years ago
Sup Forums fucking sucks now. The users are trash and the mods are rulecucked. Go to another chan.Everybody gets so worked up about cp
Saying the N Word gets you banned on this site
fuck off
*unzips zipper*
right here baby
Well yeah I was 12 in 2008 when I first heard about Sup Forums on some other site and have been here since.
Which other chans would you recommend? All I tried only turned out to be a bland copy of this one.
Noice i had this pic , but better quality a while ago
Recommending other Chan's is tricky as they tend to be very niche
lurk moar newfag
Sadly, yes ;(
I would say 8 + channel . Net
Lol, no it doesnt??
Ive seen at least 15 ppl say the n word on this website
Unless if just now Sup Forums started banning ppl...
New fag
You get banned for racism out of Sup Forums but only if your post gets reported because mods really don't have time to go through all million posts made daily. Before nobody would report such things because they weren't snowflakes but nowadays it seems newfaggots have become really sensitive to that.
2007 here. Just reporting in with my year so I can feel like an oldfag even though I only showed up when Scientology was cool
Ok, how and why are they a newfag??? They literally said they were here since 2008! Are you colorblind or retarded??????
>he doesn't know
> 2009
> be 11
> get laptop
> get own room
> suddenly
> Sup Forums
> mless
> omegle
> mnycam
> mmos
> camloops
> catfishing
> freeshit
> life is a blur of videogames and masturbation
> 2012
> everything is illegal
> spend my days searching for oases
> its 2015
> be 17
> the fuck did my youth go?
> be 2020
> where the fuck am I?
No it doesn't nigger.
We'll see about that one, nigger.
Im 52 , yeah... We're fucked
Narwhal ?
Are you literally me, we're even the same age... I hope new decade brings change and we start figuring it out.
since 2006 but my childhood was gone before I got here
you're on the clearnet, pretending to be a normie to normies. Back where you belong
52???? My dad is 52! Jeeeeesusss...
I literally am.
and he wouldn’t know how to type Sup Forums into a web browser?
Not pretending, mate. I really am a normie. That's why I'm still around...
I know right..
I had my first pc in 1987 and have not stopped since.
Pretending to be a Mod...3 day ban coming your way
So only non-normies have moved on? Damn...
I bet computers then had 20 MB of memory and you didn't even have a way to fill it up because how much that was, kek
So what did you so on ur pc in the 90s?
My dad didnt have a pc bcuz my country was in a war and he had to serve it
I'm already banned for "posting cp" because the mods are stupid :p
28 mb
Mostly games and irc rooms.
Me too.
Im permanently banned from here.
Oh, thats nice!
Like, tetris or something?
Rip, lol
In the eighties it was mostly ping pong, tanks ,tetris, some car racing games asteroids,etc.. later on it was games like dungeons and dragons and games with story lines that you had to choose what to do next.
Kill me.
Here! *gives you gun*
Now do it, pussy.
Remember to stream it!
you need to go back (to Twitch)
Yes you can. Your internet personality doesn't define you. Many people hide in real life how they behave like on the internet, those two don't have to be connected.