>(((Huffington Post)))
>Huffington post
Glad Sup Forums triggered them.
Good. I'm racist because white people are genetically and culturally superior to all other races. If someone isn't a racist they are fundamentally wrong in their beliefs and probably have a low IQ and are incapable of logical deduction and ascertaining proper relevant information relevant to the foundation of their beliefs
>Rabbi Schlomo Schekelbergstein
Is there more generic name?
asians and jews are smarter n better looking
>find this article
>Someone from kkk endorses im therefore he is racist
>He thought that Obama wasn't born in the US therefore he is recaist
>he says he love a group(Blacks, hispanics, asians...) therefore he is racist because he uses those groups to gain popularity
>He said to a bunch of indians that they don't look like indians to him=RACIST
>Woman was beaten and raped so he said that people should receive a death sentence for that the guy who allegedly raped her was black so that means he is racist.
>He condoned the beating of a Black Lives Matter protester
Oh Sure he condoned it... But you know, the guy was black so=racist
They don't mention that this guy was kicked and beaten by another black guy tho.
>He called supporters who beat up a homeless Latino man “passionate”
Some people beat up a spic citing trump
Trump is talking probably not even knowing about this canse and says that people who follow him are "Passionate" because they want to fix this country
Can they get even more pathetic?
>A certain news agency is unacceptable by virtue of its name but Sup Forums infographs drawn by anonymous, uneducated neckbeards with no sources are acceptable
Ha ha ha
also argentina is nordic right?
>haha funny drawings!!!!X!@#!@
back to 9gag
>every >dailymail post ever
Slight improvement on averages.
I suppose it doesn't bother the average Sup Forumsack because they're aware that they're well above average.
>better looking
This might be true when you're asking from the perspective of an Asian or Jew about their own people.
The same way that I have a strong preference for healthy, tall, blonde haired, blue eyed white women with well above average intelligence.
everybody on the planet is either a racist or delusional retard
>He thinks that's the Italian flag
>A star is inherently anti-semetic therefore it's white supremacist propaganda
>half of Trump's retweets were from accounts who follow accounts that promote white supremecist propaganda
Only HALF?
First, if virtually everything is considered to be white supremacist propaganda, then it's amazing that half of the accounts Trump retweeded weren't just that. Second, I'm not for a second surprised that a leftist regressive media outlet would have no concept of following twitter accounts you disagree with to have a plurality of opinions you are exposed to. And third, guilt by association is a thing, Huffpost. You are left authoritarians, Mao Zedong was left authoritarian, Maoe Zedong killed 60million people, therefore you killed 60million people.
Fucking regressives, the piss me the fuck off.
kek hahaha
that's embarrassing. i am on my phone
>rabbi shlomo shekelbergestein
just wow
Rabbi Shlomo Shekelbergestien?