swedish media is censoring the identity of refugee smugglers despite interpol asking the public to help identify them.
swedish media is censoring the identity of refugee smugglers despite interpol asking the public to help identify them.
>swedish media is now literally aiding criminals
lol swedish media committing international crime.
>inb4 live televised arrests.
how can the swedes not see that this is absurd?
The only thing Sweden can do to surprise me is declare itself a Somalian state. Other than that you faggots have been cucked into oblivion.
What a disgusting meme country. And that's coming from germany. Fuck you, sweden. You are filth.
i have officially lost faith in sweden
I don't know should I laugh or cry. Usually media at least tries to hide the fact they're helping criminals.
Are people talking about this offline?
>this isn't a joke
>have you seen this blob of pixels?
This isnt just "swedish media"
This is swedish state media. It's payed for by taxes and controlled by the government.
why censor???
swedistan is at it again.
because they are being paid by the swedish tax dollars.
svt = swedish state media.
> swedes are paying to suicide.
That is absolutely degenerate. Are you people out of your mind? Pollacks are not all geniuses, but that shit wouldnt pass here. Not even mentioning other stuff swedes are encouraging. You are heretics. You are against civilization. You are against humanity. Bad, bad sweden.
I will never spell your country's name with a capital letter. sweden does not deserve that anymore.
Your government has a slight case of autism
this is pretty old tho, happened like a month ago.
Only lefties read their news tho, I haven't read anything or watched anything they've posted this past year. They have just gone full apeshit crazy and it gets worse and worse for every month with stupid shit they do.
As soon as I make enough money I will move to Norway, abandoning this fucking ship.
I hope we go to war with sweden
Isn't all the Swedish media owned by one Jewish family?
i was being sarcastic :p
It should be a crime against humanity for censoring people who rape and kill.
just glass sweden already
Come Sveds one of you has to work within their media to give us uncensored version of these men.
Move from that shit hole already Sven!
I second this. Just nuke us, Kek have mercy on our souls.
no sven! gather some pals and kill some inbred Muslims
Fuck Sweden, praise Kek
If they dont stage a coup against their government soon they will be destroyed.
It will bea shame to see a country which created so many beautiful blondes die, but they can only blame themselves.
We Germans at least have an excuse to be cucked.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
I'm impressed you held faith for this long, you're a stalwart man.
yes, yes it is
what's your excuse?
Maybe asking the reporter to explain how censoring the faces will help capture the suspects is a good idea?
>swedish "army"
>staging coup
>swedish citizens approving "fascist act of terror against their democratic chosen goverment"
Swede is just one big meme at this point.
That has been going for a while now, for example, Swedish police covering up refugee rapes so as "to not stir racism", etc.
The process is chronic in all of Western Europe and it is a Marxist strategy of changing the public's perception of reality so as to "normalize" completely abnormal behaviour, especially allowing non-European mass immigration to just invade Europe as they please.
>swedish state media
I would say kill the gate keepers, the fucking lefties who let this happen. How many plebbs would it take to enter and execute everyone on SVT?
pretty sure these are 10 niggers
they bleached the other 8
We were the only country to ever show meaningsful resistance to the Merchant. They have been onto our asses ever since.
1 would be more than enough.
6 good marksmen
Damn that's a sweet beard
Fuck your gay jihad cum guzzling country
hmm, what if someone infiltrated them. worked with them, ate like them, walked like them, was progressive like them. And when the time came, just take them all out at once
>23 June 2016
>INTERPOL calls for public’s help in operation targeting people smugglers
Leftists are primarily driven by feelings rather than the rational thinking process, as a result, they are too illogical to correctly assess the true implications of the situation and the immediate lack of evolutionary pressure and natural selection (since Sweden is still demographically European) allows for such collectively suicidal behaviour to go unchallenged for a bit longer, until the demographic trends are altered and the leftist useful idiots are finally eliminated from the gene pool (see my next image).
You people are underestimating the common men. You think during Communism here people did not know what is going on?
Everybody knew media were full of shit and you could not trust them. Sup Forums is not special. If you can see it for the bullshit it is, so can others. Just because they have better things to do than shitpost on internet, does not mean they are not "aware".
back 2 /fbi/ u
That post is a straw man.
>just realized there is a nigger and indian/paki and white girl.
Futurama way ahead of its time.
Country that gave us man who invented dynamite gets nuked. Ironic.
But the Nobel price, ugh.
You should try to read 2004 price winner Elfriede Jelinek's book Lust.
I am warned you!
If Kek merciful then wind from South at the time when Swedistan gets nuked.
Again, we in the East had DECADES of this.
im on board.
The Swedish as well as European (((media))) has been doing that for a while, unfortunately, such as promoting the circumstances as to allow the cultural enrichment in in the first place.
The full extent of the implications for the European peoples are going to be most substantial, to say the least, and will become inescapable in the medium to long run.
Irrelevant; that doesn't invalidate any of my arguments in .
Have you seen this man?
I lost faith in Sweden while trying to read Nobel price winner Jelinek book Lust.
>Swedish dollars
trips fills me with determination
Eventually, my friend.
>Elfriede Jelinek's book Lust
It's just another (((coincidence))), goy.
Quintessentially European list of names.
non-whites are too genetically stupid to build first-world developed countries with a 'high quality of life' and low crime rates, which is why they all want to live in our whites countries
Why does he wear the mask?
As a result of the non-European mass immigration in the last century, the Western World's average IQ has already plummeted by about 15 points by now.
Is there a better representation of the History of Europe post-WWII?
>white blonde
wew lad
Even Sweden's criminals are diverse :^)
Actually It was this way.
I stumbled this "Lust-masterpiece" when visiting friend and his wife came out of the bedroom and throw it onto desk with disgust on her face. I took it and read as much I could before going to sleep.
In the morning asked where she got it. She said some female coworker recommended it and gave a copy.
Next year Jelinek won the Nobel price and I lost piece of faith in the civilization.
Probably impossible, though pic related is certainly a strong contender for such spot.
However, it's important to realize the plan itself (this whole situation was no spontaneous "coincidence") predates WWII for quite a while; see .
You have no idea how hard it is to get a thing like that going here.
We Swedes keep to ourself, we're supposed to be self reliant.
We might socialize with other Swedes, but during times of violent altercations, the only people you can count on is very very close family and friends.
Don't involver Marx into this, Marx has nothing to do with this.
This is just plain cuckery on our part.
That is completely false; (((Marx))) and (((his pals))) have everything to do with this situation.
>This is just plain cuckery on our part.
>Marxists dindu nuffin dei gud bois
Do you think anti-white memes like "racism" just sprung out of thin air and became popular overnight by magic?
Sweden and the current West's completely unnatural and collectively suicidal behaviour was the very deliberate end-result of more than a century of work by (((certain))) Globalist interests that have taken advantage of the European peoples' good will to stab them in the back, as has historically happened numerous times throughout history.
wtf interpol is racist i hate interpol now
>as has historically happened numerous times throughout history
The biggest problem is that the scale of the current situation is completely unprecedented; worse yet: we are entering irreversible territory.
What makes you think we don't? As long as they can manage to fool a couple of people, marxist media will continue their agenda until it all comes falling down