How do I report a weed dealer? Do I need proof? How do I get that without self-incriminating?

How do I report a weed dealer? Do I need proof? How do I get that without self-incriminating?

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It's weed. No law enforcement gives a shit unless they need to use it to get a bigger bust of something. Shit gets more and more legalized in the US every year if you are thinking of trying it there.

thats a non answer

Don't report a guy just because he won't sell you Os for less than 180

You take your phone, and you insert it into your rectum. That's how you do it.

You need to start gathering clues.

Fuckin lol’d

most police have a tip line. it's usually anonymous. don't just call 911. and to be more safe, use a payphone if you can find one. if not then ask to use a phone at a 7-11, library, hotel, etc. most anywhere will gladly give you a phone call if it's to the police, and in most cases it's illegal and they would be liable if they didn't in case it's an emergency like someone could get hurt or die. all business owners and manages know this. you kids don't oc.

Bitch ass

>Hello sir
>I need to use the phone
>My weed dealer keeps ripping me off

Found the Rat!!!! Is this weed dealer harming you? Is he directly affecting your life? Is he taking your customers? Don’t be a snitch man unless you have a damn good reason. Weed dealer might be trying to provide for his family in the only way he knows how right now. How would you feel if he got put in jail and his kids put in foster care and he’s told he can’t have custody back. Could really be fucking someone’s life up in ways you don’t realize or foresee. Even worse what if weed dealer is determined to retaliate on the person who got him busted? Really worth getting knocked out or buried six feet because you don’t like weed? Haha rat on some heroin dealers dude fuck, weed is safer than cigs and alcohol so run down to the local bar and give the drinkers a piece of your mind about drunk driving. One thing to remember, Fuck the Police

call police anonymously and rat him out
use prepaid trash phone

no guarantee they'll do something but propably will
could even li to police and say i saw a murder there and there if you know where he lives....

stupid biblefag. still believing it's the devil's lettuce.


but they won't do anything on this
who do you think is selling the weed
look it up user

The ravings of a lunatic. Don't do drugs, kids.

People that report weed dealers are right up there with people that piss on toilet seats and people that play music out of their phone speakers in walmart. The dregs of society.

Oh, they'll give a shit. Believe me.

okay.. a get a lot of troll comments but ill bite. im doing them a favor in the long run because they don't have a legit fucking job.

this. they will setup a sting traffic stop. then then just ask to search the car. done. 99% of the time if you are in to weed you'll have something in the car cause let's face it, smarts don't usually come with weed.

This is the most Reddit thing I've seen today.If you are that concerned about your folk's healt and see weed as "devil's bush" try it out to see how it actualy works,don't just ruin someone's life cause of your moral fucking high-ground,drug dealers are good guys for many people.

How do you report a weed dealer?

Society should be cleansed of garbage like you.

Yeah sending them to prison where they wont work and kill their chances of future employment AND loss of access to financial aid. Not to mention that in my state it costs 40k a year in tax dollars to take care of a single prisoner. So by all means just keep telling yourself you're doing a good job

so many dumb faggots in this thread. op is trying to get the cops on his dumb angry nigger drug dealer because that's what he is too.

guy i can tell you're samefagging and its not gonna magically change my mind when you dont even know the situation and even if i told you the situation you would just keeping thinking what you think

Unless they have weight in the car it'd be more sensible yo get a search warrant on the house. They wont set up a traffic stop sting to bust a person with less than an oz in their car lol. And they likely womt waste time setting up a sting on the house. Do you guys live in kansas or something? cuz my local pd would never give this much of a shit about weed

You don't report them at all! Well if hes selling other shit, then yea call the cops on him. But A WEED DEALER AIN'T A MENACE FOR SOCIETY rather you are!

That's not for you to decide,and jail-time doesn't help much in a resume you fucking cunt,if you want to do him a favor,leave him be,he'll find a way out sooner or later.

oh my fucking god dude get out of your own head for one second and realize this guy is just gonna flip dope until hes old and has no 401k

do you have beef with him or something?
if you have a legit reason that you want to ruin his life, by all means go for it
but please don't delude yourself into thinking that you're helping him by reporting him

So he should go to jail for that? Could have said the same thing about people making moonshine in the 30's, and 10 years from now when weed is federally legal your post is going to look extra rediculous. People on wellfare are taking more from society than this dude, maybe we should send all wellfare recipients to jail too.

Just kys dumb nigger, you are doing nothing noble, you are just beeing a stupid retard.

so i can't be in the right unless i have a beef with this guy? dude your moral compass and mine just aren't compatible

I do drugs, not ashamed at all because I still hold down a job and live a decent life while not being an uptight snitch like you. Weed, or cannabis rather, has been proven to have medicinal benefits and is on a steady track to be legalized entirely. My hometown decriminalized it so really I don’t give a fuck if somebody ratted on me. My only hope is that the medicine provider you’re referring to beats you down faggot. Cannabis=medicine. Meth, heroin=Bad Snitch=dead faggot

Just end yourself seriously

all that saying shit like this does is make me think
>hmmm this guy just wants to shout his emotions at me
what it wont make me think
>boy he sure is right!

curious, what's your primary reason for wanting to report him then?

You are beyond retarded, thats what I think, stupid piece of retardation.

Walk into the middle of the highway so you can flag someone down and borrow their phone to call the cops.

he needs to get a real job and wont listen to me

Haha xd

I need to help the Police :)

Im very smart im actually helping him find a Job lol :)

So he pays taxes hihi xd

what's your job?
it must be pretty prestigious

dude leave the thread i already know which poster you are

I live in Kansas dude wtf? Lawrence decriminalized weed, check your facts before you post false info and dog on a great state. Granted Kansas might be one of the last to make it legal statewide, we are getting surrounded by legal states so weed is no problem to find and very few law enforcement agencies in this state give a fuck about weed busts unless it’s MAJOR weight. I got stopped in a drug search a couple years ago and the highway patrol saw my personal amount on me and chuckled as they sent me on down the road. All they want is huge busts to make their department look good, meth in particular is what they really want to bust people for in Kansas right now

dont give me that crap considering that even if he worked at mcdonalds it would be more legal and reputable

>your moral compass and mine just aren't compatible
Right. Because you're a scumbag rat and I'm not.

You are useless in every way imaginable

Please just ram a knife in your forehead, everyone would be happier, trust me.

>wont listen to me
So this is a friend or family member you're trying to help out?

don't want to tell me?
must not be very good
sounds like you need someone to lock you away in a cell for a few years so you can think about your life
then i'm sure you'll get a better job

whatever at least im not smoking marijuana and actually investing towards my future like sober people do

>wants marijuana users out of jail scott free
>wants those who like the status quoe behind bars for life

Just cal 911 and say that there's a suspicious black man around.

I meant no offense, kansas, idaho, oklahoma and all those other central states are just corn to me lmao

Bro he is a weed criminal, he needs to stop right now, I told him already to stop already but he doesn't want McDonald job :(

Would suck to have a mind that functions like OPs! I have read this whole thread and see so many comments on how snitching is not the route to take and just a couple that support OPs snitch ass. Look buddy, majority doesn’t agree with you unless you have a good reason, and you don’t. So fuck off and worry about bettering yourself and learn how to not care so much what everyone else is doing.

obesity is far more dangerous than marijuana is
you're worried about this guy being a weed dealer, and your solution is to turn him into a fast food dealer?

Quads of truth

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Dude i smok wod every weekend and still put money in my IRA. I like how you think you can only invest money if you drink alcohol and not smoke weed.

Investing towards future like the good christian very sober people do.

Thats very wunderful, good for you. You are the best! So you can buy a nice home and pay it off till you are 70.

What a peaceful and totally not boring life.

You must be very happy.

Please report him to the police, so he learns from you, the great productive master of live.

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highschool grammar doesn't cover the samefag post

I smoke it, my parents smoke it. I own a house, have 401k and am my own boss at work. Why? Well because I’m a responsible adult who chooses to smoke weed when I get home to relax my mind and body. Not every weed smoker sits in front of Tv for hours while stuffing their face. Don’t knock it until you try it, and if you did try and didn’t like it I’m sorry. It’s not for everyone and everyone should be able to decide themselves if they use it or sell it even.

traitor, go kill yourself.

I hate when people attack grammar in an argument. If you know what the dude is saying who cares how he says it, its 6am my man, grammar is at its worst during this depressing hour lol

its just weed you faggot

i swear i can get people in this trans where they dont realize how obvious theyre being

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Straight A student in high school English/Advanced Writing classes, oh yeah straight A student in all writing classes I took at KSU as well. But I’m typing on a cell phone and don’t give a fuck about little errors, you understand what I wrote didn’t you? Did you get the part where I said to worry about yourself? Have fun working fast food, you sound like a McDonald's fanatic. Good shit if you like eating shit too

Thank you. Sorry for offending anyone by leaving a couple commas left out. Fuck I’m worthless, I better just look into a career at McDonalds because OP thinks that’s the best option for weed dealer too. Shit weed dealer is probably making better money than the $8/hr he would at obesity central

Imagine being this deluded

im done with you fucking niggers

This is all the proof anyone should need that weed is for degenerate retards


We need to better legalize faggotry so that all the people who pray night and day for a cock in their ass can come out of the closet already with their desires and just go fuck off somewhere else