Good job retards
she has gained over 50k twitter followers in less than a day. now hollywood jews will make sure to stick her ugly chimp ass in tons of movies because it triggers racist.
fuck you Sup Forums i'm mad
>this wasn't her intention
Good job retards
she has gained over 50k twitter followers in less than a day. now hollywood jews will make sure to stick her ugly chimp ass in tons of movies because it triggers racist.
fuck you Sup Forums i'm mad
>this wasn't her intention
Other urls found in this thread:
Not if those jews care about making money
Who gives a fuck faggot.
>this wasn't a huge publicity stunt to reinforce how important it is that black women get leading roles in movies
>this wasn't a huge publicity stunt to make people feel guilty for not finding this thoughtless hack comedienne funny
If you weren't worried the moment her anti-intellectual apery was dragged out on television as comedy, you haven't been paying attention. Her comedy only works if your brain has been turned off for a good month and there's little hope of it ever turning back on. Numbing the mind of the populace is the first step in any social programming.
>implying it wasn't those kikes over at the_donald throwing us under the bus like usual
Why is Sup Forums even buttmad about this? If the lead characters were not women, and if one of them wasn't black, you would all agree that it's pretty fucking good for a reboot, one of the best reboots so far.
>Im am a stand up comedian
if a slave resists and punishes all of the other slaves, who is responsible for the punishment?
hint: this shouldnt need to be a trick question
>Im am a stand up comedian
Jesus christ
>Rip the fanbase of a movie by telling them that they are fat man children living in their parents basement and they are racist sexists if they don't see your movie
>Act like the world is falling and you can't take it at all when people act the same way towards you and call you dumb shit
What a surprise she can dish it out but she can't take it
Literally a mistake in half the words.
>uTorrent higher than 2.2.1
>ADB instead of Ublock Origin
Obvious false flag is obvious.
>the chimps in Planet of the Apes look more human than that woman
>she has gained over 50k twitter followers
You do realize that the only reason people followed her after last night/this morning's shit is because they want to be kept abreast of any more shit that goes down in the future, right?
People like watching drama. Instead of manually searching for her page, people follow to be automatically updated for ease of access.
This shit is already starting to blow over. It'll be forgotten about in a week.
Will you cucks stfu and quit crying, CHRIST, do you know how fucking stupid you sound?
>wahhh you're just turning people against us
No. You're a fucking idiot or too young if you honestly believe this. This fucking shit was happening 30-40 years before I was even born.
Your timid "well if we don't upset them" attitude is exactly what Cuckservatives have been doing since the 50's and exactly why they've lost every cultural battle.
You CANNOT change the majority of people's minds, the only thing you can do is demoralize the enemy. By insisting we shrink away and shut our mouths you are ensuring we lose.
Women by their very nature will agree with what is perceived to have popular consensus. You will not reason your way to victory retards.
>if they made a different movie you'd feel differently about it
rare flag?
No. If you want to win you'll listen to me. If you don't want to win what the fuck are you doing here you pathetic cuckold?
wtf I'm switching to Allstate now.
I'm fucking dead!
Anymore like this?
>im a stand up comedian
Yeah until you have to sit down 3 minutes later you fatass
him and OP are both from tumblr and maybe left femibots
^hes right you know
On her feed
>Racist against black people
>Types like a black person
And people deny Summer is real
>Tfw when Sup Forums played right into her hands
Is 225k followers a large amount compared to other celebs?
Big Don is getting pretty close to 10 million. So it's a fair amount but not really that big.
can someone post funny twitters about her ? I dont have twitter and im too stupid to know how
now that's some shitty stand up
0:40 "black people don't mess with animals"
lmao they are animals
>sexy tiles
Someone post the screencap please
I've been boycotting Hollyjew for a long time now. They can stick her in every movie for all I care.
Sup Forums pls stay
Pic related, although in this case it was agent provacateurs and dumbasses from reddit that began harassing her.
>Why is Sup Forums even buttmad about this?
She insulted Milo, Sup Forums's boyfriend. Sup Forums went full train autist in response. has nothing to do with the Ghostbusters remake, honestly.
Good. She's a genuinely funny and talented actress, and frankly it's refreshing to see more African Americans and women in leading roles.
This is Sony damage control. The sexism card failed so they are trying the race card.
Yeah, so milo was in on it then? cuz hes the one that got the ball rolling
Jesus christ she's honestly hideous. On top of that she's not even remotely funny.
Best description I've seen of her so far was someone calling her an affirmative action comedian.
incredibly underrated
Is it really our fault?
Lol she literally fucked up, i bet that was press telling her to keep going
that thing is an abomination, I genuinely feel sick looking at it
I don't think it's considered stand up when your knuckles are touching the ground.
>what is "inspect element editing"
You could populate a baby grand with those chompers...
WTF I hate Harambe now.
>Im am a standup comedian
Why can't she use some of her ghostbusters cash to learn how to type?
She is a stupid ape that some jew picked up thinking he could make money of her acting like a complete fucking chimp speaking in unintelligible ebonics. So funny right, she is black and woman so you must laugh. Comedy is not binary, it's a spectrum goyim! If you do not like this racist and sexist much??
Given her limited grasp of the english did they send her a script written in ebonics.
Ill be straight here. Im a cuckold but Im also a nationalist.
And we all know the truth about that
>now hollywood jews will make sure to stick her ugly chimp ass in tons of movies because it triggers racist.
but thats a good thing. that means more of their shitty kike movies will crash and burn.
Shit happens, if you try your PC-shit on childhood memories.
yeah and you made her more famous. nice going fella, showed her.
>8000+ tweets
This nigger was a loudmouth cunt on Twitter. Why not pull out some of her snotty tweets from the past and correct this image of her being a helpless victim. She's targeted because she's an insufferable bitch; she's called an ape because she looks like an ape.
I'm pretty sure the majority of us were just watching it all unfold in the threads, and never actually went to twit-ter
Who gives a fuck what she looks like. I'm not going to see the movie but I prefer them to cast an unconvential black actress rather than a mocha coloured stock model like they usually do. It adds more character.
"M-muh ape"
You're the ones making SJW culture so much stronger with this bullshit. GG
Self-abasing sympathizer plz go.
I dont give a flying fuck. Good, that shes "so sad and crying".
fuck off concern troll
Can't stop laughing
Good, good. The Plan works.