There is only one Zimbabwean poster on this board.
Been here long enough to know.
He's either using a proxy or has moved there form South Africa.
He ALWAYS talks about Palestinians - always.
He tries to mention "Christian" Palestinians so as to try and get support from WHITE Christians.
If you're smart enough you'll notice he always says something about Jews being worse than Muslims - even if no one brings up Muslims/Islam.
Now, no Rhodesian has EVER - and I mean EVER - supported Palestinians - regardless of all the kikery in the past.
Palestinians - Christian & Muslim - boycotted us in the past, they armed ZANU with the commies, marched in the streets protesting WHITE Rhodesia, celebrated the deaths of Rhodesians by ZANU rebels.
He's a fucking MUSLIM who's trying to get whites on his side to fight off Jews and Israel - meaning he's a Palestinian.
Thinks that because we complain about kikes that we're gonna support Palestinians.
That's basically monopolizing on the white genocide of Rhodesia.
We must expose of this fucking nigger asap.
Also, he's never been in Rhodesian threads - never contributed - doesn't know shit about the our army, wars etc - he's memorized a few "facts" so as to pass off.
If you see him expose him.
I'll be creating threads about him soon - not at home at the moment.
If you could expose him when you see him that would be great.
I'll be in South Africa soon.