Does he hate jews? He always makes them look bad and he made me dislike them too (I'm a jew)

Does he hate jews? He always makes them look bad and he made me dislike them too (I'm a jew)

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If the holocaust happened again but for real this time and you could hide 3 Jews in your attic, who would you save?

I'd pick: Larry David, Oliver Stone, Mel Brooks

Larry David would get you all killed in like 2 days

self-deprecating humor is a key feature of the jews, though.
as a jew you should know this.

>Oliver Stone
I had no idea he was Jewish. Now, a couple things that he's done make me chuckle (and they make more sense).
>Larry David would get you all killed in like 2 days
ha, ain't that the truth

all 3 beastie boys

but there are only 2 now

>made me dislike them too (I'm a jew)
My father is a Jew named Larry and he quit the religion. Won't have anything to do with it.

I think he just realises some Jews are ridiculous.

this board has an unhealthy obsession with jews

There's an episode where he thinks he's adopted and his parents are really christian and he becomes a much happier and kinder person when he "converts" to christianity.

oliver stone isn't jewish. I'd resurrect Stanley Kubrick tho.

>quit the religion
what does that even mean?
he had an anti-barmitzvah?
you can't stop being a jew!

Just seen it, made me start the thread

>the board of people who spent their lives watching jews on the tv screen sometimes discusses jews
really makes you think

what the fuck was this guys problem?

Married an Irish-Catholic. Didn't raise his children Jewish. Hasn't been to synagogue in close to 40 years. Told me straight up when I was a kid, "Jews think they're better than everyone else".



Simple. He was a nigger

what's your last name user?

You disgust me. All their music is pure cancer.

>A little 5 year old Jewish girl looks from afar as you make room for Mel Brooks and his respirator

You can't really watch (((TV))) without being aware of kikery.



it's Jewish

>hate broad, indistinct groups of people

Not something intelligent people do, full stop.


>do they have to stomp everywhere with those boots? I'm going to say something.


it's just an excuse to make kindergarten humor jokes


Their music truly is. I used to love them when I was a kid, but now I realize just how untalented and over-hyped they were.

>Told me straight up when I was a kid, "Jews think they're better than everyone else".
How does he face his Jewish mother with that attitude?



You're brain dead, not aware. Pretty much all of Sup Forums still needs to learn what confirmation bias is, which is toddler-tier reasoning skill.


ScarJo, Nat Port and Alison Brie

All in my attic..

>We outta here
fucking kek
He's gotta be redpilled on some level

He was a nigger.

Larry seems to like black people yet the show goes out of its way to show how irrational, aggressive and just plain awful they are.


She's dead.

She was very unhappy about the marriage and was always a cunt to my mom.

I never liked my Jewish grandmother. Even when I was a little kid. Cold and manipulative.

Oy vey anuda shanda fur die goyim

>its way to show how irrational, aggressive and just plain awful they are.
it's a good thing black people don't watch Curb, just like seinfeld.

You're a retard obsessed with identity politics though. When people make shows with characters, the characters don't represent political statements or generalizations.

It'd be one glorious hour-and-a-half.

>it's a good thing black people don't watch Curb
they absolutely do

Shaq was on the show because he was such a big fan

Kat Dennings
Kat Dennings
Shione Cooper, or Kat Dennings again

>it's just a coincidence that 0.4% of the population is massively over-represented in 'x'

Every time.

Shaq also thinks the earth is flat.

fuckin kek


you realize they'd be more likely to fuck each other than you right?

Milana Vayntrub, Hershlag, and Eva Green.

He recanted.

It was pretty funny watching the (((NBA))) loose it's shit when Kyrie said "they lie to us" though.

>the characters don't represent political statements or generalizations.
Except when they do. Personification of concepts or generalization is a common tool of narrative.


I don't think anyone said it was a coincidence. Does little crybaby subhuman need affirmative action?

Except Curb makes generalisations all the time.

I would agree with any group except Jews. Not all of them are part of some ebil cabal to destroy the white race, but all of them will put members their tribe before anyone else. I don't hate Jews, but I do mistrust them on principle. You're a fool not to do the same.

cheryl or loretta?

loretta best girl

Alright but this isn't the case at your convenience, or when you say it is. Most intelligent people hate politics, especially identity politics. Chances are a good show is not representing races or religions with their characters. They're just characters.

Who did he mean by (((they)))?

cheryl is such a fucking bitch
i hope she doesn't come back in season 9

>Shaq also thinks the earth is flat.
Prove it's not, bro.

>Most intelligent people hate politics
kek if you truly believe this

Sounds like you're extraordinarily brainwashed. Probably a 2 digit IQ as well.

>Over generalizations are bad
>Except when I do it
Go b8 somewhere else.

>season 9

when the fuck is it even coming out

Sounds like you haven't met many Jews.

This. The religion is founded on nepotism and because of their constant persecution complex, they are the worst offenders of scratching each others' backs.

My last name is Berger.

Am I jewish?

>implying that wouldn't be an even greater success

like 80% of the cast is jewish and it's a sitcom where the humor comes from neurotic and/or overly dramatic characters. I don't think you're a jew, OP. jews are smart.

also Jeff Greene is one of the most normal people on the show

Jews themselves are not a problem. It's semitism what should be eradicated.


Sounds like your examples of meeting Jews only count when your preconceptions are validated, because you have a 2 digit IQ. It's a common reasoning error of people with low intelligence, don't worry.

kek.....watching the media scramble to discredit him was pretty funny. They wanted no part of that.

>"The Earth is flat. The Earth is flat. ... It's right in front of our faces. I'm telling you, it's right in front of our faces. They lie to us."

Is that a Star Fox cartoon?

>Jews themselves are not a problem. It's semitism what should be eradicated.

I think this summer

I mean, it's not just me. Judging from the fact they've been expelled from virtually every country they've ever been in I think it's fair to say they bring the discrimination they rightly deserve into their own head.

I mean even nature hates them, look at Tay Sach, a horrible genetic disease caused solely by kike inbreeding. There are hundreds of Jew-only diseases caused because they're inbred.

So much so that some kikes actually sue their parents for not aborting them.

Have you ever heard of anything so Jewish?

Snipers have to take the curvature of the earth into consideration when making accurate long distance shots. Flat earthward btfo.

You are the most gullible moron I've seen in a while. How do you Sup Forums SJW retards wander off your containment board? You are literally a clinical retard, I suggest stop acting like you're a human with valid opinions.

>hating a subversive nation-within-a-nation who put their own interests first and look down on non-Jews is wrong.

Wow, thanks for opening my eye Mr Goldberg. Could I buy a subscription to your blog for a low price?

sniping doesn't real it was anti japan airwave cannon all along
I'm under attack by supersonic weapons! Dirty supersonic attacks!

>50% intermarriage rate
>by far the highest of any group
>nation within a nation

holy shit imagine being this retarded


Don't see a lot of ARGUMENTS or citations from you

changing. A lot of the Jews I know in NYC are marrying Asian girls.

you've provided no refutations to the facts he's posted, just started slinging juvenile insults, maybe it is you who is clinically retarded and also a gay faggot lmao

I ask because it apparently derives independently from french, german, and ashkenazic meanings.
Yes it is
A Fox In Space
It's on youtube.
>Horrible disease

You may find this interesting.

Not an argument Schlomo.

Jews are an ethnicity, not a race. You're Jewish if your mother was Jewish, and if not you will never be truly accepted.

If it weren't for this, Jews would have inbred to the point of complete infertility or retardation in Europe due to small, spread out population because they had no country.

the thing is most Jews in America are non practicing anyway.
they have their bar/batmitzfah and then never go to temple again
Tbh I feel like a lot of you guys who talk about Jews probably have never even met one

t. jose

I can't help but notice you have no argument. Sorry Schlomo.

Jews are hated for a reason.

>Jews are an ethnicity, not a race. You're Jewish if your mother was Jewish, and if not you will never be truly accepted.
yet if you're drop any which way.

none of this shit makes much sense from a strictly scientific perspective.

That doesn't stop them from being a nepotistic community. There are a hell of a lot of caucasians who are Jewish converts for career reasons, particularly in law, politics, media, filmmaking, finance, and brokerage.

desu I feel like you've been conditioned your entire life to speak no ill of one very particular group