15 days of food for one full grown adult for under $40

15 days of food for one full grown adult for under $40

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nice, stock up. i'm going to come take it from you with my 50 cents worth of lead

That's not even a good price.

Maybe he's too fat to get to the store and not pay raping shipping prices

I can buy that same bag of rice for $12, faggot.

>free shipping (((3 days)))
Prime goys absolutely DEMOLISHED

You can buy that or Jasmine rice for like $17-22 in stores faggot

jokes on you i cum on all my food

Holy shit its Tyler Smith, the Apex Predator!
No really. People like you will decorate the borders of small neighborhoods on a cross when SHTF

>Buying groceries from Amazon.

You're paying like 10x as much as you would in a local "ethnic" shop mate.

protein is an essential nutrient. you can't live off of rice.

you can live off of pure protein though because your body can convert protein to carbohydrates, but not vice versa.


10k of rice will last a hell of a lot longer than 15 days even if you eat it for every meal.


If you have prime you can get free money for the Pantry section if you choose the slowest shipping method.
Pretty soon I'll never have to leave the house ever

about a month and a half of food for $16


Is it wrong if I thought the bag said "Royal Master Race" at first glance?

Good thread OP, reminds me how totally unprepared I am

>protein is an essential nutrient. you can't live off of rice.
you realize that most the world lives off rice as a staple right?

Corn is $0.20 per ear. Even cheaper than rice

>$1.90 per pound for rice
>""""""""free"""""""" shipping

I just bought a 20 pound sack of rice from asian grocery store for $7.99


We're paying too much for welfare. We should be just handing out bags of rice.

You can't live off protein alone, you need fats too or you end up with rabbit starvation.

There is more to eating than caloric intake
Do you know what nutrition is? Rice is empty.
Fucking /fit/fag retards



Now what?

yeah, we need to give able people that choose to sit at home the same bland food every day so they will get extremely motivated to get money to get variety. Rice + a pill of vitamins ought to do it.


Brown rice is decent. Throw some beans into the mix and you're set

>Muh bootstraps muthafuka

What is nutritional deficiency? Eating nothing but rice will slow you down both physically and mentally and eventually kill you.

for you

Holy hell op. Get it in the grocery store for half the price. I got food safe 5 gallons with twist tops, theyre great I eat rice all the time

>raping shipping prices
>free shipping

A COMPLETE food's worth for a month for $32.30.

2 weeks of food (2 meals a day) for £9.60

beat that

Who the fuck eats flowers

>tfw when you realize how completely unprepared you are for the happening

I have no shelter other than my shitty stickbuilt home and a .38 revolver. No survival skills. Fuck I'm a waste of skin.

Enjoy your scurvy.

>yes goyim yes what do you mean you can't afford food? I pay you more than enough to eat rice three times a day, don't you dare ask for a raise, and remember, I earned my billions goy!
.t op

>1.90$ PER POUND

I wanted to try that for a couple days and I just felt empty and bad on the second day
I guess you combine it with other stuff like eggs and ham?

>implying they don't factor in shipping costs to the total price

That's expensive.

I buy 25 pound bags for 20 at the Chinese grocery store.

>not eating polygala dandelion sunflowers

why aren't you goys switching to an all soylent diet?

>inb4 soy hehehe boobs

Rice is bad for your health. Most southies (thet eat rice in most meals) above 40 are pot-bellied and pre-diabetic or diabetic. Idli is still fucking delicious, though.

is prepping a thing for euro bros as well?

better safe than sorry etc

>you're clearly a peasant and know nothing about >rice and eat shit rice. Basmati is a lot different >than pleb grade long grain

This. Capitalism is amazing

>(((certified kosher)))

>not stock piling Hitler cones

Soylent is too expensive. I'm trying out 1.6 and 2.0 at the same time.

2.0 is like $13 a day
1.6 is like $7.70 a day

Might try some of the DIY stuff when I run this out.

You now realize that Brown Rice is more nutritious than White Rice.

Sup Forums BTFO


Having a months worth of food is easy and practical no matter if you're in America or Europe.

Melanin enriched!

I never add anything, sometimes I eat the ramen block dry like its a big crunchy biscuit

>eat nothing but rice

I'm pretty sure all produce is kosher by default

>buying gook rice when you could buy 'murrican rice

Commie shit detected

Your greentexting is retarded.

>provides "natural wholeness" to the grain

What the fuck does that even mean?

Carbohydrates are protein sparing.

Cost per bottle is $2.69. There are 400kcal in one bottle, you need 3 bottles a day at 20g of protein per serving. That's $9 a day.

Really makes you think...

Rice contains protein you hot-dog eating fuckass.

There's that problem with human dignity and the fact that doing shit like that is just waiting for pissed off poor people to start a revolution

It's a tough call really. I mean, I have to rinse the basmati from India to get the poo off of it, but most of the commercially available US grown rice is from California.

I'd much rather send money to India than California.

You are posting on a Tawainese flip picture board and don't know that is exactly what they add to their ramen in Monster Island? Vegetables and onions and other things too

Talking about rice my old rice cooker finally ripped.

Is this a good replacement?

Anyone else have some good ones to look at?

The japanese lived off of rice with maggots in it.

Rice contains some protein. You can get a complete protein with rice and chickpeas.

Carbs aren't necessary, but not everyone can manage it. If I go into keto I feel like death itself. I need to carbs to maintain high function.

*tips swastika*

Datsun racist Munn
*lips smacks*
I is need to eat like a king cuz we was one once
*lips smacks*


You're right, denying poor uneducated people the right to give themselves diabetes by making cheap processed foods not purchasable with EBT would be a travesty

who are you quoting?

Plan for shtf and get a good pot for cooking over fire instead

>Not supplementing with other food
A bag of rice, a bag of beans, some canned foods and plenty of water and you're set.

>"you cant live off of rice."
Tell that to the chinks


What if instead of welfare as suggests we give Super Enriched Rice that has all of the necessary vitamins and minerals in a standard meal?

Is that even possible? I know that rice is enriched with Vitamin A but that's just one vitamin.

What's the difference between cooking in a rice cooker and regular pot?


He's drunk, just let him tire himself out.

All things considered, even if you went with the required the daily 2kcal req amount, at $15 for 5 bottles a day. You'd be spending around the same amount in groceries or takeout for the day.

That cost like £5 fucking hell I thought Americans had paddy fields and grew rice themselves why the fuck is that price so high

it just means fiber

>15 days
>20 pounds
1.3 pounds of rice a day

I might remind you that welfare was established by conservatives, not the socialists.
There's a reason it exists and why noone with a brain is trying to completly cut it.

Fuck you, Iowa picks corn & Ted Cruz

That's fucking expensive though for 20 pounds

Why not baked beans?


Can be eaten straight out of the can without adding water or heat.

I keep 30 cans under my bed

I'm not sure I can do just 3 bottles. Doing almost 3/4 a bag of 1.6 powder (~1500) + 400 from a 2.0 bottle and that seems to be enough.

If I did absolutely nothing that day, maybe.

They dont eat rice only.

Nothing really, convenience.

Think of it as a multi tool. I cook a shit ton thing in it not just rice. Made a frittata 2 days ago

Unless you grow vegetables to go with it they become intolerable in short order by themselves.

Try eating nothing but rice for 15 days and keep me posted.

it means its activated rice

Potatos are about the only food on the planet that you can survive solely off of. If you eat nothing but meat your potassium levels will drop until you become a jittering mess as you lose motor control.