One chance at life

>One chance at life

>Born in Delaware

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dela where?

i was also born in delaware, you realize you don't have to stay there, right?

>one chance of life
>born in Florida

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also delaware isn't that bad, i actually want to buy a place there

>no sales tax
>20 mins to philadelphia
>90 mins to new york or dc
>trolley square, market street and riverfront in wilmington all chill
>minor league baseball team with the best vegetable mascot
>lots of open space 4 outdoorsy shit
>property taxes virtually nonexistent

although that last one does mean the public schools are a joke

Why do people hate Florida? Within an hour of my house I can visit Mickey Mouse and watch meth heads shoot alligators. Florida is a magical place where I plan to keep living.

it's a huge state and the cultures vary wildly, but my gf's parents live down there (extreme south, near ft lauderdale/miami) and her dad puts it best:

everyone is very rich and very bored, and if all you do is leisure (golfing/boating/fishing/etc) every day from 9-5, guess what? it becomes like a job.

i like visiting it though, weather is unbeatable.

What's up my fellow 302 crew?

greetings comrade

lots of chemicals there. do you like du pont op? have any cancer yet?

have you watched "the devil you know" on netflix? crazy documentary about that shit

lmao, what part? Lived in felton for a while.

True DE is becoming more and more commercial. A great deal of the good manufacturing jobs like Chrysler have pulled out. You're opportunities are limited unless you got a degree or want to do healthcare

yeah or banking/law, but to your point those require degrees (and advanced degrees in some cases)

There are a few union halls like the pipe fitters, laborers, and iron workers, but the work is stretched thin from what I understand and you'll deal with a lot of nepotism.

haven't heard of it. I'll check it out.

yeah, it's a small state so some degree of nepotism is to be expected in any industry i guess

has less to do with a small state and the fact that unions are shrinking so sons will follow fathers in the same trade especially when those trades are good sources of lifetime income if you can get in (and when I say good I mean steady long term with benefits and pension. I know the work is hard as hell)

>One chance at life
>Born outside the USA or Europe

I was born in Delaware, too, but it could be worse, you could be living down here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

>one chance at life
>severe childhood neglect resulting in bpd, naivety, and a lack of maturity/responsibility within my peer group
>only have one testicle due to a childhood accident at the age of 4 that crushed it like a grape leaving it in bits a pieces
>hands and feet developed smaller than womens and everyone notices especially girls
>suffer from premature ejaculation so girls always leave me
>almost 30 now with no job, no money, no friends, no hope for a gf or wife

I waiting for a whole bunch of people to jump out and say
"surprise, its just a joke. This is not really your life haha just messin with ya".

lol how'd your nut get crushed?

Yeah this. Some of the jobs are also sourced from other halls so you may get stuck with a job in PA or something.

Its a bit of a mystery to me. I've always been told that i was kicked there by my sister who was a couple years older than me. But, ive heard a rumor that i guess i was a "problem child" or something and that my mom crushed it on purpose to sort of mellow me out. Make me docile or something. Idk what to believe. I have almost zero confidence and serious insecurity.


That's nuts

Yeah. Would you kys if you were me? Am i justified in not wanting to live under my circumstances?

Don't worry bro. Life isn't over for you. I also came from a neglectful household but this also taught me to be more independent and not have to rely on others as much. Find yourself a challenge or task and pour yourself into it. Start hitting the gym. You'll start building confidence for yourself and if you're ripped it will detract from your insecurities about your hands. Speaking of which. If you have small hands then you could be a decent musician as well. I play an instrument and I can tell you it can be kind of a pain in the ass to play with bigger hands

Also better with tools/ precision instruments in general. My hands can actually be quite clumsy and slow sometimes

a loser is a loser everywhere, where you are born means nothing
KSY or get real

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one chance at life
>being raped since 8-12 by a total of 2 man and 3 women inside and outside family
>21 with no gf or friends or career
>even if igot a gf i can't cum without having to pee for 15 sec straight
>porn addiction
>videogames give 0 satisfaction
>hate movies and literature and hates people that love movies and literature
>promised myself to be dead before 23
>exercised for 2 hours today, and cried one full hour after that
>sleeping early today :)

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Which instrument? Certainly not the piano.

>One chance at life
>Acquire visual snow syndrome in late 2019
>Any potential I had is now possibly gone because of this condition

Anyone ever deal with Visual snow?

Nah but I got retinitis pigmentosa, at least your shit could get better