Make Brazil Great For Once

They are trying to turn our schools into enclosures to teach " left culture" for our children. They drafted a law prohibiting political positioning teachers during classes, but first we need you vote for the law to take effect.

The problem is that voting is online and we suspect that there is a script Hells disrupting the vote .

I come here humbly ask for your help. No more we put up all that shit of socialism in our country, can not stand over that shit that gradually has consumed our patriotism and our hopes.

Please, I ask you, vote in favor .


Other urls found in this thread:

Voted against. Five times.

Suck my dick, liar OP.

lemme guess your color

White and right-wing, you filthy monkey.

The reason I voted against is quite simple, but way too complex for your underdeveloped, monkey brain with delusions of grandeur to understand.

Explain it then, fucking monkey. Bump.

i can take a guess

OP speaks the truth
voting against this shit after we overthrew the lefty government would be like voting for Brexit and then voting for more migrants


>tfw the government is teaching gender ideology for 5 years old children


Is everything ENCOMENDADO?

I need a pastilha

Reminder bald eagles sound like fucking sea gulls:

someone post this shit on Sup Forums

b-but gender ideology is good.

H-Hey 4chin bros, could you please only respond this thread?

shut up Lula

Yeah, man, they don't have idea about the force of the left-democratic that we are.
Keep fighting against this fascists, bro!

Do you even know what facist means? Jesus, pretty much everything that people don't like is facism. Fuck off, nigger.

No you can't, and stop pretending you can even type in english.

Imagine the following situation: The teacher is forbidden from teaching anything that goes against the personal views of the student and their family.

Tell me, my sweet child: What will happen when left-wing parents with left-wing children start sending your beloved right-wing teachers to jail when they "misrepresent" the Military Regime?

What, you thought it would only work for you because "there are only leftist teachers"? Think again.

The brazilian right-wing has such an extremelly thick-boned skull that they can't antecipate Grifinoria's moves even in a few centimeters. You're pathetic and that's exactly why we will lose this shit.

Você não está enganando ninguém, negrinho. Aqui você pode ser esquerdista sem levar ban.

Have you been to a public school?

bye bye

Also, elaborating on one more point I find valid:

Before this crap the classroom was a free-for-all battle of wits. We had power against the left-wing

Now this allows for our right-wing teachers to be punished as soon as they inasmuch open their mouths to speak about something that the leftists disagree with on grounds of "ideological violation."

Type in english, vermin. You can't debunk me, so you keep calling me leftist. Nice try. Now let me vote some five more times against this.

"I don't read anything about the project" the poster.
You have to stop shilling, my friend.

America is an eagle.
Brazil is some gay bird.
Makes sense.

His name is Louro José and you should show more respect

Whatever helps you sleep, kid. Or, are you gonna tell me that the project doesn't protect anyone who screams "ideological violation"?

What, you think just because you'll play fair, the left also will? Can you be this incredibly dense?

>Not knowing who LORO JOSÉ is
You are like a little baby.

>some gay bird
Is the motherfucker Loro José.
This bird is the most important symbol of perseverance in this whole Brazil.

The main issue here is that we're not building a weapon against the leftists. We're building a weapon against the leftists AND against ourselves. You can't win a war when you build machine guns identical to yours for your enemies.

But I'm done with you. You're too fucking dumb to actually see where this shit will lead.


t. sociology "teacher"

Louro José will save Brazil?

It is a bird of a TV program of a crazy old woman. All Brazilians know this morning TV show, it's funny, bizarre and disgraceful and we like to make fun of him . Just do not take it seriously .

Porra. mano. É por isso que ninguém leva a gente a sério na internet.

We're not taken seriously because we're still using Bronze Age-level tactics for everything we do.

Ok, vamos apenas focar no objetivo?

Democratic Voting doesnt work

Because the voting procedures are always easily tampered with. Whether its the voting itself or the People who count the votes.

Its a tough reality to live with but its true. A large red horse pill to choke down.

Putin won 140% of the vote in russia.

In america there's rampant history of voter fraud, from hacked diebold voting machines to hanging chads, districts tossing out entire boxes of voting cards and making up numbers.


So you have to fraud even more than the fraudsters. If they have 140% make sure you get 160% so there isn't a recount

why bother with this shit since brazilians will soon be extinct due to zika

>In america there's rampant history of voter fraud, from hacked diebold voting machines to hanging chads, districts tossing out entire boxes of voting cards and making up numbers.

That's scary , but do not doubt that this has happened in the last elections .

What fuck is also the fact that the election be made by electronic voting machines , in my view is much easier to defraud .

Qual é, hermano?

Eu vivo aqui em São Paulo e nunca vi zika.

zika only exists in the worst cities, hermano

Chegou a putinha dos Kirchner

Cara, nem precisa ser muito inteligente pra ver que não foi escolha dos caras, assim como não foi nossa escolha ter a Dilma no poder.

Para de zoar o cara.

Is Louro your version of Compayito Brazil?

parrot is better than seagull

HUE. Yes, fucking this.

false flagging fag
probably inter fan