What's your plan if a random male were to attack you on the street?
I'll critique/rate your answer/10.
KM/BJJ/MT/CQC trained security specialist of 5 years. Now own my own private company but spent years working different jobs.
What's your plan if a random male were to attack you on the street?
Random male, statistically likely to be slightly smaller than me and in worse shape.
I would not engage. I would put my hands up in a way that connotes surrender but is actually defensive position. If the aggressor continues I would simply run away. As a runner it is very unlikely he would be able to keep up after a block.
Too many potential variables due to my ALWAYS being armed with some sort of knife and steel toe boots. Have no issue kicking someone to death with my boots or using my knife or any combination of the two.
Attack me how, moron? And how much does the guy weigh?
ditch my backpack and run as hard and fast as I can. I'm 5'6 and 130 pounds max, I ain't no fucking action hero. IF they manage to catch me go low and attack their legs and get to stabbing when theyre on the ground.
I work Warehousing and live in a very shitty city. Being constantly armed is just a thing
take my pants off and start masturbating aggressively
being retarded never got me friends so might as well use it to fend off enemies
Guess what buddy, the guy gets a hold of your knife and stabs you death. You're dead. Better luck next time.
>I would simply run away
fucking die you beta cucklord
OP here, great answer mate. Keeps yourself safe and you lose nothing. find your exit and take it. 9/10
I shoot the fuck out of him.
Just add the variables and answer. Kicking isn't great outright as you half your base without doubling your attack for sure. Unless you have prior skill with kicking ofc. Also, over escalation isn't key. Otherwise, pulling the knife you know how to use after a kick you know how to throw is fine. 7/10
Assuming I let him get the chance lmao hard to judge someone based off loose information
Post your face and time stamp on here.
Pic related.
lmao, I know the more legitimate sounding half of your training is minimal or bullshit because if it was real then you wouldn’t feel the need to mention fucking KM and CQC because you would be embarrassed by it or realise it isn’t relevant
Don’t be a poser bro we can spot you a hundred miles away
Not even the OP, your'e pretty retarded. A simple striking with off hand, stabbing with the main is usually to much for even an experienced fighter..this is why an actual marital artist, unlike your youtube faggotry, says to just run.
lol do you carry that everywhere you go?
I need more Infos here user, height and weight of the attacker? Is he surprise attacking me or is he running at me shouting angrily? So many variables, you might want to type out a more detailed scenario.
Other than that I had my fair share of drunk attackers and I went pretty well with ellbow in the face most of the time. Never actually got attacked by someone sober or even trained now that I think about it.
I would kick him the dick, poke him in the eyes then run away.
book it, I run marathon's very regurarly, and guns are very rare and illegal here, but if I was forced to fight a single male I'd probably just try to punch his kidneys or some shit
Muay Thai trained, and heavily combat experienced. I also have a kill or be killed mentality. I give 0 fucks about the other person if they choose to engage. If I carried a gun I would shoot the minute the aggressor tried to escalate the situation by breaking off and giving myself the distance needed to accurately place one (or several) center of mass.
Add variables as you wish chief. I'm not going to spoon feed you
No just in my car since I didn't buy the compact 9MM version.
I wanted a .45 acp version instead..
Tell him no and walk away
KOBK is dumb shit.
You know what pal. The guy just pulled out a 7' katana from his asshole and he's point it right at you. You're crying. He says, "From now on, everywhere you go, people will know your mother is ashamed." Then with a swipe so subtle you feel it only as the whisper of a several leaves, he nicks off the tip of your dick. And guess what. Everyone knows your mother is ashamed.
Try and deescalste the situation, find a way to get out of the situation without turning my back on him. If worse comes to worse and I have to fight I'd probably kick his legs or see if I could get him on the ground and into a chokehold.
Depends entirely on what he attacked me with. I conceal carry every day, so if he did something to make me fear for my life, I'd shoot him. If not, I'd refuse to engage and run.
Nice. Thanks mate.
Saved my ass plenty of times. If the attacker isn't ready to put full lethality forward then that's his fucking problem not mine. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6 my friend.
maybe youre not the same "security specialist" that posts these threads every couple of months. if you are, a tip that technical feedback would be helpful. most of the responses almost exclusively endorse defense and escape (which is wise of course) with little feedback regarding an actual physical altercation (which is what the posts question sort of implies)
Can everyone just please ignore this guy. This is bordering on Navy Seal copypasta.
But he is giving me a good laff
I work out a lot, but have shit cardio. My odds would be better if I fought back I think instead of running. Of course this is assuming help would be far away. Keep myself really guarded till I know whether or not he is armed. If armed, run, no real chance against a knife for instance. If unarmed rely on my muscle mass, and high pain tolerance. Would probably attempt to grapple. I feel as though I am stronger than the average male, so grappling I think would be my best bet. Also I would fight dirty if the opportunity is given. Ball hits, biting, eyes.
You don't stand to gain what you lose. It's a bad mentality to take into any street altercation. If you kill you're most likely fucked, if you're killed you're fucked. Doesn't seem like a great strat.
Cardio isn't important in my experience, fights lasting longer than 45 seconds is crazy. If you learn a few standard trips/takedowns/body-lock takedowns, you'll have a great chance with your stats. I make these threads moreso for people to take a look at their equipment and judge from there. Nice brah. Only qualm is the dirty fighting as it opens the door for your opponent to do so, if you think you can win it outright with dirty tactics, do so, otherwise, patience and that pain tolerance you have.
Lets on place bets on what this guys looks like.
Free space is goatee, monster energy drink, and early male pattern baldness.
I am the only one I've seen to make these threads so it's most likely me. I have done so in the past in terms of specificity, I prefer to have people respond with their own situation and equipment/skill set. Whenever I made the situation to specific, the replies died early.
Real smooth and streamline, if you draw well, this should be fine. Bonus points (Which you may already know) depending on where you are, yelling what you have and your intentions can save you in court. 8-9/10
Mentioned the shit cardio to show that running might not be my best bet.
You don’t have any experience as per
Strong and smart approach, only issue is the kicking legs, people with their weight evenly distributed don't fall down easy when kicked in the legs, it could do damage but if you're rushed on one leg could give you issues. I'd avoid kicks entirely unless you're comfy with them. trips/sweeps from grappling positions is different and if you've got em, use em (If unarmed and necessary) 6-7/10
Not giving you the answer i think you want but an honest answer as to what i would probably do. Im going to assume were both unarmed and of equal size and strength, and that he is hell bent on hurting me and that retreating is not an option.
Im going to expect him to attack high in which i will do everything in my power to grapple and get to his back or get him on the ground for a choke hold he wont wake up from. Or even straight into an armbar and not hesitate to break it asap. If for whatever reason i am unable to do this then its gouge his eyes and break his fingers until i can run away.
I did the KM courses for private security work, if you don't think it's legit, it doesn't phase me.
The cqc was small arms and weapons training. Batons, knives, bottles. I mention them for KM fags that think it's the be all end all of fighting. If you have nothing to ask nor contribute, I don't know why you're here.
As said, the more you outline the more I think you've thought about it. The why's are just as good as the why-not's imo. Great stuff.
fair enough man its your thread and enjoy it. what are a few of the standard trips/takedowns/body-lock takedowns that you recommend practicing?
>BJ trained
i'll whip my 6 incher out and furiously fap into your eyes
here is the average male you will be fighting
make distance, draw firearm, if i don't see an immediate 180 in their behavior cap that sucka.
I always got a big crocodile dundee knife on me, I am able to do a few slice moves. Would aim the throat and face or a stab in the throat, chest or Upper leg.
When knifiknifi isnt around i would go dirty. Eye poke, headbut, elbow. Kicks in the groin.
I dont want to fight, so i guess they deserve the dirt.
Not OP here, but if I was a mugger and I went to mug a dude and he just started fapping, I would be out of there
Attack or rob? If rob would drop cash away from self as smokescreen and retaliate with deadly force in the moment they look away from me to the cash.
If attacked from front would book it since I saw them coming and retaliate if opportunity to gain advantage becomes clear.
If attacked from behind and being grabbed would judo throw or if attacked from behind and stabbed or something then well nothing to be done at that point should have paid more attention to surroundings.
Turns out he's got a gun too. And guess what. Fastest draw in the west. Before you know it your knee is a handful of ground glass and you ass is broke on the ground. He kicks your gun away and leans over you to whisper, "I know what happened with you and Greg in bathroom in 4th grade." He winks and when your draw drops to yell, he spits in it and you swallow it instinctively. He laughs walking off.
i read some study years ago that puking, hacking cough/runny nose, and flu like symptoms was number one mugger deterrent.
Peak man coming for you.
I would call out to my God and then detonate my plastic explosives vest.
choose your hero
Seen the copy pasta but didn't think it was all that good or original
Glad you can get a chuckle out of my responses
Yea well life's full of it.
It might be a bad mentality to have but I'm already potentially going to jail, so not much too it than that and if I die I die, I've lived 24 years. I had a good run. Goatee yes but only for half the year, other half is full beard, gotta have a monster to stay awake. No balding thankfully, think I have to worry more about prematurely going grey than I do balding
We talking about a normal person not Lucky luke ultra giga Chad.
When youre getting robbed theres always a time when the robber is not looking at you or is walking away. You than can aim at him and yail
I'm always watching people for approach because I live in a bad area. I've got pepper spray in my pocket and if I see sketch I'm ready to pull it out and spray. Immediately afterwards run.
3/10. i fapped, but couldn't cum until i started thinking about your mother.
>Random male, statistically likely to be slightly smaller than me and in worse shape.
>I would simply run away
i mean yeah i guess but that doesn't look cool in a movie.
Someone attacks me and I'd talk him down. I don't care who they are. I haven't been in a fight since grade school and its not for people not hating me enough to fight me.
I can take on everybody fairly except the dude from the Netherlands because he's got height advantage.
turn 360 degrees and run away
Height weight? Just to get an understanding
Run if possible, otherwise go for the nuts then run
But he is probably stoned, the wood shoes are not helping him either. Also you would smell him from a Mile Away because of the dieselTrailer cheese sting
Slide my AR out of my pants and blast him.
armed with college debt and a $40k/yr salary
>and herpes
511 and usually over 200 pounds.
Weak points. Especially if he's bigger than me. So but shots, ankles/lower legs, eye gouging, idc I'll grab a dick and twist it like a stuck jar lid if it'll keep me safe.
Nut shots*
I pull out my Glock 26, M&P shield or compact, I shoot his ass...all the while running off to get distance between your gay ass. All this freedom, being able to carry a gun around if I choose. Can even open carry my AR and not give a fuck.
Damn I come in at 5'10 and 180 as I've put on some weight lol
Okay fair but I think the smell alone would put me at a massive disadvantage
This. I carry a G26 in my pocket everyday, everywhere.
Jump quickly to the left followed by a step to my right. Hands on my hips then bend my knees slightly for attack position. At that point I lunge and attempt to bite his throat to either tear out or rip an artery.
If successful I do a victory dance of a double pelvic thrust then insultingly swivel my hips as a form of teabagging.
I would probably pin him so he cant punch/stab me and try to talk him out of it while yelling for help. All this depends tho, running away is also a solid option and the bigger the person is the more likely it is that i run.
Depends, put up a circumstance. Does he have a gun, a knife? Just fists? Is he drunk, coherent? There are many circumstances of this situation, user.