Whats the best way to have an affair? Inb4 gtfo moralfags

Whats the best way to have an affair? Inb4 gtfo moralfags
My wife is clinically depressed, no sex drive at all, and conpletely apathetic towards. I still love her and we're working together to get her treated, but goddamnit i need to fuck something.
Tits for your time

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Bumping with more prime tits

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Work it out with your wife shit head

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Rape het asshole so she wants to fuck in the pussy?

i feel you

my gf is in a similar boat, and i dont want to hurt her but i am in need of some hot pussy

Absolutely perfect

Do it with someone you trust who will keep their mouth shut. If you have a long-time female friend, she may be quite ready for the d.

Looks like the youngest girl I fucked/took the virginity of.

get a hooker

I’m in a similar boat as the other anons so I feel you guys.

The right thing to do is to express your needs to your girlfriend and then leave them. Now that can be really difficult if you share rent or depend on them in some way. So if you can establish independence first then that would be prime. That means finding your own place before you break up if you have to.

Now if you want to be selfish and have an affair then that’s super easy. Just go hang out with any of your male friends and go to bars/clubs/events. Say you drank too much and are staying at your friends house then try to bring chicks back to his or bang in a hotel room.

Btw this should all be common sense dumbasses. Don’t know why you needed Sup Forums to confirm the obvious.

The first thing your wife should do to treat her depression is leave your bitch ass.

This prob won’t work unless your female friend is ugly af. Also your longtime female friend is going to know your situation so you take a big risk by even telling them.

But idk might totally be possible.

You need someone looking for the same thing as you. No feelings involved. Just fucking. A long tine friend might be a bad mistake for that. Another person in the same situation would be ideal

What the fuck. The woman can't just lay there whilst you fuck her? Is that too depressing for her?

Get her passed out drunk, or roofie her then fuck her if you really are desperate to fuck something.

There are so many better ways of getting your dick wet than starting an affair

Lmao this

But you know some people really are just depressed and it doesn’t matter how good the person they are with is. Unless you’re a fkn doctor (and half the time I don’t even think THEY’RE right) then you really can’t weigh in on the situation

Tinder. Lie on your profile. You're a fucking asshole for doing it, but there it is.

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Now that makes sense. The lontime female friend was such a stupid answer

No doubt there's risk, but this is likely to be the most fulfilling. There's risk no matter how our Sup Forumsro conducts his affair.

Tinder is NOT a good option because if any of his wife’s friends find it he’s fucked.

Goddamn more stupid answers.

Incorrect. Look at what OP said about his wife. He thinks he needs to just bust a nut, but odds are high that he has a long road ahead. I'm guessing that he will start to want intimacy to go with that nut before long. Finding someone who is in his situation would be ideal, but has a low probability of working because of the odds of finding such a person nearby who's willing.

I mean... I guess. Like I said might work might not.

Lol I don’t know why you’re painting this whole romantic picture but if he develops a side relationship then wtf do you think is going to happen when that side relationship ends and he tries going back to his wife full-time? The side hoe is gonna go batshit crazy. C’mon think it through.
Also the odds of finding a girl to cheat with are pretty high. Just be honest and say to some girl what you’re looking for and 9/10 will tell you to fuck off but there’s zero risk since then don’t know the wife.
Unless he’s just unlucky and one of her friends find him but if he goes to a female friend then she’ll DEF know the wife and could blow up his spot.

So yeah, not a smart answer. Period.

Try fucking your hand you raging faggot, hope your gf finds out if you have an affair and leaves your pathetic ass

either find someone looking for the same thing, but approaching that can be dangerous. You could always pay, at least that way you probably wont catch the feels, and you can completely say it was just about sex if she ever finds out.

Don't do it.

It destroys your soul.

These moralfags are probably trolling but I don’t put that level of cringe past people. This guy, and any guy, would definitely cheat.

There are tons of people in the world and all you need to do to get homo sapiens to start fucking is stick them together for a little while. Shit happens you hypocritical faggot.

Great minds chink arike!

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How is not cheating on your partner cringe?

Im 6'3 200 lbs and 60% german and have never cheated on my gf even when chicks way hotter then her have came onto me while im drunk

I guess there isnt much more in life you faggots want accomplish other then getting your dicks into as many chicks as you can

Bluntly tell her you’re going to look for a side piece until she gets her groove back. Tell her you intend to stay with her in the same capacity as always, and you just need a nut. Remind her that men can be neglected too, and a complete lack of intimacy is disastrous for a relationship. Give her a fair warning and a foot rub and tell her you love her, but tell her you’re not going to wait around until you start to resent her for not trying. Because you know she doesn’t really deserve it, but you also know you’re going to be irritable as fuck and you won’t have the enthusiasm or patience needed to keep up with all the other boyfriend duties for a woman who’s slowly becoming less and less romantic. You know you’ll lose your patience eventually and you don’t want to hurt her unnecessarily in the process.

Anything else and you’re a codependent manchild who’s so afraid to be alone that he can’t even function in an adult relationship. This isn’t the morally correct answer. She won’t be happy with it and you’re just straight up dumb if you don’t lie to her by saying the sex with the new girl isn’t better than sex with her.

Ive been having an affair with my best friends wife while renting out the guest room of their house during the year and a half since i graduated college and moved back to my hometown. This all started from him and i joking about who had the bigger dick in front of her. Now we spend every morning together before he goes to work and usually fuck at least once after he goes to bed.

Whole thread tldr. I was in exactly your situation. Suddenly my wife is leaving me. Silver lining is that i can feel fairly sure she isn't cheating. Trying to see the bright side that now I'm free to be a manwhore again.

Tldr: I shouldn't have got married, and same goes for you. Divorce before she does.

gtfo no one wants your morals in this thread

Not even moralfag.
If your not going to go full patrice o neal and live the life of bringing multiple women into your bedroom then just leave her.
In this modern day times we live in its hard to hide an affair, why live like a cuck like its evil like you want pussy? More than lucky she's going to find out and apparently you love her so that will probably turn out bad for you.

Either introduce new women into the situation, stick around with her to see how she gets treated ( theirs sex therapy, she could be low hormonally) or talk about leaving her man.

>...”while I was drunk”
This is you

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Dude any given dude wants sex with another women. The whole foot rub honey im gonna go fuck other women vibe is such a weird incel dream. You can introduce other women to the bedroom but did you forget the part about her being depressed? She wont respond well to that because A shes probably mental and B your making her issues more about your issues. I say this cause he says he loves her, so this will 100% blow up in his face.
If he doesnt care and will do this fine, but I dont know why hes married

OP here. Thanks for your input. I know its a fucked situation and im probably a raging piece of shit for even considering it, let alone reaching out to you faggots for answers. More tits as a token of my appreciation

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Get a prostitute. Just pull cash out for the next month here and there to hide it. Take a shower right away though. Banging a chick you know is dangerous, they can fuck your life up when you eventually leave them, or you can find a bar slut but that's hard since you won't get home until 4am or spend hte night, that's going to be a lot of questions.

Honestly though, you'll feel guilty and hate yourself the second aftr you nut.

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This, nothing on the internet, Women have long memories and will remember a face, one will see you and word will get around, women talk man, getting a whore won't and just won't care.

OP here, this is the most likely route im considering. I know i will feel like absolute shit afterwards. Thinking about it more and reading the different opinions, i really dont think i can go through with it. It would destroy me lnowing that i deceived her to this extent. Damn i never thought Sup Forums would actually provide valuable input and reasoning for such a serious situation.

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Yoooooo very nice. Havent seen more of her before, got anymore?

Tell her to try to be more intimate with you and if she needs to go to therapy to feel in a better place then fucking make her go. If she refuses to improve you should divorce her regardless of anything else. You don't want to have your entire life be sexless and boring because she can't get into a good headspace. When's the last time you two had sex?

Bro, I know because I did cheat. Wife doesn't know, but I fucking hate that I did that to the mother of my kids, I feel like a piece of shit. I want to tell her, but it would ruin her. Things got better after about six to eight months of couples therapy as well. All that shit wasn't worth the few seconds of release. Maybe you're the type to do it anyway, if so, get a prostitute, don't mix emotions with this from you or the chick you're fucking.

Shit almost 9 months ago. Its been wierd. Ive suggested couples therapy, i take her on dates, i devote entire weekends to just hanging out and doing things she wants to do (which is normally just watching the office on netflix for the millionth fucking time).

It doesn't work that way, you have to start dating her again, make her feel special. Men can fuck a chick they hate to get off, women don't work that way, they need to feel loved and safe on top of depression, you guys need couples counseling and she needs her own counseling or a psychiatrist, but I suggest therapy first or a combo if you can afford it.

No idea I'm just a loser who can't get a woman

She needs her own therapy or meds my man. How bad is she? Maybe an intervention with family might help. Does she not shower for days and just lay in bed and sleep most of the time? Does she work? House a mess?

Because you believe that you can't, sake the /sig/ pill man, self-improvement general. Work out, do a martial arts, read Plato or Cicero, the classics, take up a hobby, go back to school to learn a language or for a certification. Do that and in six months to a year you'll have pussy around you.

If you cheat will you be able to live with what you've done, especially if everything works out in the end? How would you like it if you found out that your wife had been fucking behind your back? It would probably destroy you. Think with your head and not your dick. I understand that this is le image board and fuck moral fags but this could be a mistake that will eat away at you for as long as you can handle it until you eventually break down (in whatever form it may possess).

Thanks for the perspective man.
She still showers, because i tell her to. Otherwise i dont think she would. Yeah house is a mess, which makes me super anxious cuz im a neat freak. She hasnt worked in about 6 months due to getting let go, which definitely hasnt helped the situation. Its beens hard trying to balance between being compassionate and understanding and supportive but still assertive and tough to get her to keep going.

You can't help her alone. Use your last bit of manliness to get her into therapy. Tell her straight out she's depressed and you love her and she needs help but you aren't able to help her, she needs a professional. Having her family there, like her mom, will help to hear different people she trusts tell her. At the least see on yourself, you have options you just aren't aware of yet.

I bet you have kids, correct? Do it for them. Fuck man, this sounds just like my wife was, fucking sucked.

Tell her that she is not keeping her vows as a wife, and as her husband you're going to have to punish her.

If she is willing to take her punishment, then give her a thorough bare bottom spanking.
It might motivate her, and maybe even turn her on.

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To add, she needs a job. Tell her to get a part-time job doing something she loves, like working in a museum or something, but talk to her and ask her dream job. People need a reason to get up in the morning.

She looks like my male sgt when I was in the Army.

OP here, heading to bed. Thanks everyone for an actual functioning discussion. Good night Sup Forumsros

Love you, night.

>Whats the best way to have an affair?

>Leave house
>Visit place frequented by women
>Meet women willing to fig


Dumbass, get a hooker.

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James_and_joyce for more

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forget an affair go to asian massage parlors and dump that hamplanet of a waifu

Who is she?

hey OP
i cheated on my girl early on in our relationship
she found out
stuff happend yadda yadda

what i want to tell you is this:
some of the anons are right, if you really love your wife
you will feel like absolute shit after your fling
don't do it and maybe try to wank more or different or summin.
i mean, i know a man has needs but it's not worth the trouble
chances are if your wife finds out her depression will just get worse

but maybe! MAYBE! you can start a conversation with her and try to do something out of the ordinary
pick a date where nothing is going on an do a spontaneous short trip somewhere
a nice place like a lake or forest
(best somewhere where you can probably be alone, at least for a while)
then talk and try to relax with her
afterwards get a dinner, not a fancy one but go somewhere to eat something (preferably something she likes)
try everything in your power to not just be there but to actively change the situation she is in

just one day in a depressed persons live can mean so much to them
of course one day doesn't mean a lot in the long run, but it's a start

MAYBE she will even consider sexy time that day, but i wouldn't count on it (chances are you will end up doing a one man show in the shower afterwards)

that would be worth it

Same problem here. I solved the problem fucking escorts... it costs me a lot, but i am happy with that. I've even used some dating apps, but it's hard dating someone, you risk to fall for them. With escorts is much simpler.

Good ideas. Thanks Sup Forumsrother

with talk i don't necessarily mean about her depression ... just ... whatever floats your boats

Show your wife or gfo

“Buhhh my wife is depressed so let me make it even worse for her and fuck another woman” get off Sup Forums and take care of your wife you fucking retard

Get her off the anti depressants. That kills sex drive big time

Just cut your dock off. When the time comes when she wants sex you'll have your revenge

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Shut up, moralfag.

A lot depends on the girl you cheat with. If she falls in love, you're gonna get busted... You need to fuck a chick that is down with the program. She knows it's no-strings just dick and pussy. Unless you're just a dumb fuck and get yourself busted, it's all about the girl

10/10 would fuck.

I've been depressed. So has my partner. Cheating only compounds the problem. Open relationships can work, otherwise fucking just help your wife you dickless piece of shit.

You can't deal with the woman you already have so your idea is go out and get more?

Have you ever smoked meth? One of the best memories of my entire life were getting high as fuck on meth with girls and fucking all night.

Meth is a terrible drug, but it's definitely worth experiencing. The shit is so much fun

Anyone can make a stupid decision, but you're one of the few here that seems to learn from them

Just leave her then.

Thanks man, this thread has killed Sup Forums

Quit being a fucking faggot, help your wife get well and jerk off till them. Hopefully she gets well and ditches your bitch ass.

take your wife on a trip to a national park or a music festival in a beautiful place. take a shit ton of mushrooms.

all will be well in about 12 hours.
you are welcome.

Kys incel faggot fuck

Don't fuck anyone that lives near you, knows any of your friends, visits any of the places you visit, works in a field even remotely related to your or your wife's job. It has to be a complete stranger that you can disappear from at any time with no chance of her ever finding you back.

This basically means you have to find an affair way out of town, give her a false name and possibly use a second phone number. Absolutely no social medial contacts and don't say you are married.
It's a whole lot of work if your job doesn't involve traveling already, probably not worth the effort for some quick fucks with someone you barely know.

Don't underestimate the risks, I know that girl you met with your buddies at the bar is hot and there is a 90% chance that she may not be able to find you back if you fuck her and lie about your name and tell your buddies to lie if she asks them why you disappeared.

In this day and age you will leave a huge trail of evidence if you want to see someone, all it takes is a screenshot, a voice message or a revealing picture sent to your wife or someone she knows to completely ruin your marriage for good.

This brings me to the other alternative: hookers.
They are eventually cheaper than traveling out of town and using all the precautions to find a legit affair, they are discreet and guaranteed to be no strings attached. It may not be as thrilling as flirting with someone who wants to fuck you, but the result is the same and you get to fuck some seriously hot girls.
It's an immense time saver, takes 1/100th of the effort, leaves very little evidence behind and it's possibly cheaper, depending on how safe you would want to be with a proper affair.

i do hope i did ...
still regret it and it was definately not worth it

Never fuck anyone who has less to lose than you.

If it's more risk for you than for her. It'll backfire.

This is the best advice I can give you. Use a burner phone and leave it at work. Do not use social media..disable your Facebook etc

Fuck dude lemme see some more like her or younger the better I need to cum

The only way to not get caught is a whore house my friend . You will have to pay but worth the piece of mind

Safest way is an escort. If you’re in the US there’s probably an Asian massage parlor near you, ask if they have table showers, if they do it’s probably full service. There are also loads of escort websites. If you just want to stick your dick in something you could also find a glory hole on gay hookup sites like doublelist. I wouldn’t recommend tinder since you could run into someone you or your wife knows. An affair or even a one night stand is a lot messier and harder to cover up.