No rekt or gore threads tonight??? Been away for awhile and got a new phone and lost all of my good vids...

No rekt or gore threads tonight??? Been away for awhile and got a new phone and lost all of my good vids. Contribute to this anons new folder plz desu.

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Mmmm keep em going


Dissapointed the nigger didint catch herself on fire

Attached: 1578397257743.webm (636x382, 1.59M)

anyone else notice how his brain leaks out on the final frame

OP here, this is week but thanks for the contributions.

Kek, but still not good enough user


Nice, fucking nigger got what he deserved


Ooga booga nigger boy

Oh the irony

Don't know. Its even funnier without context really

Attached: 1570047337037.webm (700x422, 1.13M)

Based Shane

Netflix The account name or password is incorrect (133)

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Ready to help!

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Weak gtfo

Getting a little better

Attached: 1570528370716.webm (362x640, 1.59M)

If I wanted to see two gorilas fight then I’d go to YouTube or watch the animal planet you stupid faggot

He fucking beat him 1 on 1, even with them hitting him from the sides

Once he got that leg sweep they all attacked like wolves. Disgusting

Attached: 1570557176576.webm (590x392, 1.77M)

Attached: 1570786130211.webm (352x640, 1.39M)

Calling in it's over goyim knows.

Ugh nice

Attached: 1570817487526.webm (1280x720, 1.08M)

I had a dream last night and in it was a dude who was missing all his teeth like that...creepy

Attached: 1570824210603.webm (254x450, 627K)

Kex rex has tons of good shit. Last I heard he got a acoustic asf

Lmao ngl she deserved that shi. Actin like that and shi. Smh

Why do these not have audio?

Attached: masturbate rex.jpg (640x480, 42K)

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Damn, they really chimped out ...he must have had a bannana in his pocket

Attached: 1571062112175.webm (404x720, 1.08M)

I remember when rekt gore threads werent the same 20 gifs reposted over n over

Okay OP here, I’m going to make this clear since the ones of you who are contributing and not trolling are probably new here. When someone says Rekt on Sup Forums, they don’t mean get beat up or get mildly hurt. They need to be hit by a bus or a car or have their heads split open like a watermelon. Thanks and let’s aim for that you newfags


there are daily road-kills threads on /gif/

What about gore?

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shutup edgelord your thread sucks because you posted shit tier content to begin with



Because you're new here.

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Yeah 4 chans b and /gif/ are absolutely cancer now. Been cancer for atleast the last 5 years. Same old shit over and over and racist from their moms basements posting about nigger this nigger that


Lol summer ended a while back faggot

Did you not read the post description?

The whole reason was made was because op didn’t have content you fucking mongoloid

yeah, newfags can't keep webm

B was always cancer user

Fuck-you for calling those niggers a noble name like wolves.

Is your brain ok? People saying nigger this and nigger that has been a staple of the Chans since the get go

This thread*

Attached: 1571187062143.webm (480x480, 1.93M)

you guys do realize that Sup Forums is an everchanging entity of what's being outcasted of society?

"old" Sup Forums is the same as "new" Sup Forums bc there is no "old"&"new"
there is only Sup Forums

Sup Forums is and always will be shit, that's why it's Sup Forums
Sup Forums is and always be for incels/retards/fuckwards and all the other degenerates because it's not fucking reddit/twitter where normies gather to circle-jerk
and without these incels/retards/fuckwards Sup Forums wouldn't be Sup Forums
so stfu and give me more GORE/REKT - WEBMS

Sand niggers.

Fucking nigger probably got let off light because his great great grandpa was a slave.


jesus christ


Incorrect. Old B was different. People and their posts, let alone what they posted are different. There is some similarity to who was behind it but in general this is a totally different site.

Jesus Christ this thread is being wasted on you newfags, look at all these dubs. You dare squander the blessings of KEK REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

We use to shun niggers who used normie lingo

I think it’s because of all the glow in then darks and normies invading our boards

I see the problem here: he relaxed.

You're right, Sup Forums got ruined by niggers and traps(gays)

Found the liberal

Attached: 1577101560753.webm (1280x720, 964K)

Here you go

Attached: 1577093786795.webm (480x264, 1.76M)

He got 9 years. Victim was 12 and they didn't even know eachother...

Attached: 1571960422526.webm (854x480, 1.46M)

Attached: 1572330372959.webm (644x360, 1.81M)

Finally UwU thank you user, I was just about to give up on this thread

Np ;D

Attached: 1570673718545.webm (854x480, 1.29M)

Any other boards holding this kind of content rn?

Dropped her baby to attack someone

He really made that couch look comfy as hell

Not that I know of, I usually come to Sup Forums for this but lately it's been pretty tame, Mild at best

security guards had an argument and one guy thought its easier to solve the problem with a gun. brazil

Attached: b meet hooker.webm (618x348, 1.9M)

not even worth saving. kys

Attached: splat.webm (640x368, 991K)

I didnt get pset at all.

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whatever happened to him anyway? Last I checked he lawyered up. They still pressing charges or did the DA drop it after the media heat died down?

Takes a real NIGGER to kick an old man like that.

Jesus this thread went 0 - 100 real quick