New trap thread, last hit image limit

New trap thread, last hit image limit.
My snap is @twinkyalex btw

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Are you the straight twink?

I love theses sry i wont be able to join this time but ill be lurking

Some lewd oc

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Idk about *the* straight twink :P

This fag just gave me an ocular gay injection.

new pics fag. I wanna watch you and your wife

Sounds dangerous?

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that pic was so gay but I liked it.

Thx she use to do porn
Heres her swallowing my cock. I like to wear her stripper clothes and take pictures

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That look she has in that other pic. Boner inspiring for sure. Her porn name?

That last one was fun, met some really cool people

post face. don't be a pussy

OP, you have an incredibly cute tummy that gets me hard. Thanks for sharing!

yknow, I used to be into trap shit but moved on after I aged a bit, coming back for a bit of nostalgia I guess

that gut is pretty nice.

I’m just getting into now, I’ve been missing out. What happened that you moved on from traps?

I was a trap actually, for a bit. did HRT, chastity, crossdressing, the full 9 yards. just kind of decided I liked going to the gym more and focused on that, stopped doing HRT and all that other shit and turned it around


Let’s see if I can post one.

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Why call it a trap thread. This is just regular ass gay dudes

Oh shit it works! I’ll post a few more then.

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Fair enough, was there something you liked better following that lifestyle or are you glad you got out of it in every aspect?

Took a while, but I tried to make a gif (fuck this 2mb limit)

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It's the best we have right now. I would love a tranny thread. I just wanna chat with some dickgirls.

Its savannah sky. They r good videos

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tummy. yummy.

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That’s a nice gif considering the short prep time! I remember doing that with a few friends of mine because they liked it. I’ve only dated girls but playing around with guys can be fun too.

>savannah sky
sexy sexy wife bro. Make a sextape with her unless you are some larping dickhead. thanks for her name tho.

bro I'm just gonna warn you right now I'm not really femme anymore I got a LOT of hair

em, not sure I'd say I'm glad to be rid of it rather than I just moved on, I do have a nice gf now tho


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I am basically a Hobbit with a beard so no judgement from me. Not every needs to be sexy.

That’s awesome, does she know about your old days?

Oc? Really sexy

Any thick girls? I'm not interested in skinny chicks

Not larping got tons of oc if u want more.

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fair enough, used to be good at those poses to make your ass look big but not so much now lmao

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The fag is strong with this one.

Hmu on snap for face bitchhh

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no, it's a secret from everyone except you Sup Forumstards, who have kept it from the world for me quite nicely, might I add

Nope, just stuff I found online. No sauce unfortunately, I’m a lazy boi. Here’s one from last thread

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no face, no trap

That’s what we’re best at lol. I’m glad it’s going well and that you’re living a good life now.


You betcha, isn’t it neat?

I’m uncut too, so I was happy when I found a cutie with the same. I have a few of him, I can post some for you.

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thanks, and I wish the best for you user, whether you decide to go further down this path or not

This is what I thought when I read what you said.
And yes, very neat.

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Oc first pics pls no bulli

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Yes, please do. I am also uncut.

nice asspimple, get out trash

Ah fuck it, not many people will see this anyways

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her face is adorable. please post more.

might wanna work on those camera angles, but otherwise you're good

cute as fuck

I won’t become a trap personally, I just find effeminate guys attractive. My friend started hormones and everything after high school, so I’m offering moral support when I can. Would you have some advice specifically pertaining to that situation in case he needs it?

Any goth vibe trap pics? Last thread got too filled up.

yeah, I would probably check into the homo hotel with you

should have kept it on snap

Oh nice, I guess it’s rare or something. I haven’t found many people who are uncut.

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Legs+ass are my best looking parts tho, also posing while trying to take shots like that is uncomfy

My snap is @twinkyalex. If you're close I'll suck ur dick, stay mad.

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Lol close enough, I’m stealing that for future use

Her face is super cute. Nice nipples too

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God I am such a fag for liking this shit.

I may want trap dick, but all that's fucking me is this captcha

Uuugh I wanna kiss your tip then pegg that tight ass.

Pegg? You a woman?!

Damn, with my luck you’d live on the other side of the country lol. It looks like you have a great tongue and lips to play with.

Don't call them tranny or dickgirl
They tend not to like being insulted

I'm saying the angle on those legs and ass, make it a little bit more of a bird's eye but angle it so that it points a bit towards your feet. push your legs together, stick out that booty and pronto a great photo has arrived

Fuck yah I am and I love both traps and futas. Being a dom is hella fun.~ ;P

Referring to them as he is a pretty big no no

They are just objects to be objectified.

Does it matter whether you are or not? I’m a ‘straight’ but curious guy but that doesn’t mean I can’t find these sexy boys attractive. You like what you like, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Especially here, of all places.

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And you wonder why you can't get laid

Thanks, i might buy a selfie stick to make shots less awkward

Hahahaha cool shit! I've been pegged before. Lot's of fun!

I had to think about this one, but it mostly boils down to being a good friend in the end. Support his decision, whether it be go further into being a trap or out of it.

If he wants to go deeper, suggest crossdressing (specific clothes you think would look good on him) or an easier way is to just compliment the girly features he has, even if he doesnt know you're into that sort of thing

On the other end, if he wants out, make more masculine compliments and suggestions

Hahaha white knight fag.
I want to chat, not get laid.

Sure ya do buddy
Sure ya do

Mhm totally! Personally I find it to be hella fun to switch the sizes midfuck so that my lovely little bottom cant adjust to such a fantastic fucking. Just constantly surprised. Oh and vibrator on the tip while I pegg them is nice. UwU How do you enjoy it user?

Oh yeah, that’s a good point. We had a long talk about that, and I brought up what they wanted to be referred to as. Since I’ve known them for a long time and they know it’s not malicious, it’s understood that I’m trying to transition my speech as well. It’ll slip since I’m just so used to talking to them as a guy, but we just laugh it off and keep going. I’m grateful for the people in this world who have a good sense of humor and are understanding; they make it a much better place.


I didn’t tell him that I’m into it, since it might weird him out and make him think I’m trying to hook up. Thanks for the advice though, next time I talk to them, I’ll compliment their hair :)

no prob, and I get the awkward part, it took me a bit to get it down

Do people come to Sup Forums worried about how people are going to treat them?
Jesus Christ. Fucking Harvey Dent over here.

who knows bro, you might just get a nice gf before you know it

Yo this sounds fun, I might get one of my guy friends to fuck me to see what it’s like. Any tips you’d offer for taking it the first time? I use toys, but it’s probably different than someone moving constantly.

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I would like to be dominated I guess. Only pegged once to be honest. I want someone to take control of my ass.

Holy fuck I wanna see that inside of you

birthmarks arent pinkish red genius

take your larp elsewhere faggot