What would you do if there was a new law where misbehaving college girls are forced to become public cum dumpsters as community service?
STDs don't exist in this world
What would you do if there was a new law where misbehaving college girls are forced to become public cum dumpsters as community service?
STDs don't exist in this world
Free them all you sick dick.
Probably have more sex? Doesn't seem that hard to coralate
Fuck them? This is kinda a no brainer. Fuck off smooth brain.
would it be hotter if they struggled?
>STDs don't exist in this world
In this world instead of STDs, you instantly die if you stick more than the tip into a vag or butthole etc.
Get head?
This is actually an imagination i have since i´m 5.
I'd feed them fertility pills everyday for a month and then fuck each and every one of them as they struggle, plugging them up afterwards so my cum can knock them up. Mandatory they have to carry twins
They're not going to suddenly like being publicly raped so no, I probably wouldn't have anything to do with it.
I'd probably join the protests against it. They'd be public shaming of the losers that took advantage of those girls.
what if some of them were innocent?
Too bad, they're going to be fucked and bred and waiting for the day they're free but they never will be
Does this apply to boys aswell?
instead of knocking all the girls up would you keep any as just cumdumps?
Probably several
would you use any asians?
Doesn't matter, any heritage
What about giving some birth control and continuously using them?
Considering what happens to anything public like restrooms, sidewalks, ect, I wouldn't touch any community service bitch with a 10 foot pole, much less my 8 inch pole. Hard pass. Only incels would degrade themselves as to use her. Even fapping is less degenerate.
>maximum autism
We can hope.