Secrets thread

Secrets thread
my secret is, I am not a fag

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guy with wife who shares,can you answer my questions from last thread?

she ever fuck your daughter's school teachers? have you? do you live in a small town or a big city? seems like your names would be known throughout the town if you were

Friends and I wrecked a hotel room in hs while doing some parliamentary procedure shit that none of us even did.

01/08/20(Wed)02:58:30 No.818006571
When i was 12 my sister had three of her friends sleep over. They were all 16-17 and I always used to spy on them during sleepovers. During this one they were all in their underwear and let me stay in the room if i brought my gamecube down. One of them had a bottle of vodka and this led to them fondling and eventually masturbating with each other and me.

While they stripped me down and played with me my sister would cheer them on and tell me things to do but wouldnt touch me like they did. After getting me naked they began finding things to rub or touch to my dick to see how id respond, then find things for me to hump (pillow, old stuffed animals). The entire time they must have been getting more and more horny because they gradually undressed more and began touching each other, and me, more. But my sister didnt touch me until after I had been instructed how to eat her out.

I only use /b when shitting

Everyone spews shit on Sup Forums, it's not a secret

My secret is that I really need to find a cop fuck buddy in Australia to exploit how turned on cops make me.

Would love to buy a uniform off one too. I'll never leave my house wearing it, but it will be put to good use

>Being 30
>Living to my own department so I can do whatever the fuck I want without anyone bothering me
>18 y/o cousin gets into local college
>Family ask me to let her stay in my spare room
>First two months are awkward but I get payed a "rent" for allowing her to stay so fuck it
>she's shit at handling her expenses
>Have to take care of her sometimes
>Parents start to giving me her money so she doesn't expend it on random shit
>One day she gets into my room after taking a shower
>She asks me for money and says that she will make it wort it
>Takes off the towel and lays on the bed
>at first I fuck her with protection but after I convince her to do it bareback
>Being fucking her raw for some time
>Mfw she's gotten into letting me cream pie her
>Mfw I'm getting paid to fuck my cousin

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I made a longer post just before the last thread 404d, but when I was 11 and walking through my elementary school playgrpund one night while mom was working late, a group of older high school or college boys found me, pretended to be friendly, pressured me to smoke this cigarette which I later realized was a blunt, and even gave me a bump of coke they told me to sniff off their finger.

Then, they led me into a local gym (small town so paid members get keys to come in whenever) and into the showers. At first they just fondled me, hands underneath my clothes and down my pants, pinching my dick, squeezing my ass. Then they had me on my knees while they circled around me and runned their cocks together all over my face.

Finally, the biggest one hoistes me up, took me into a stall and stripped me down forcefully, then undressed himself. He lifted me up by grabbing my ass and told me to wrap my legs around him, then pressed our bodies together against the walls of the shower stall and turned the water on cold, numbing cold. When we were soaked he lifted me up and lowered my virgin anus onto his cockhead, skewering me. He wasnt super big, as he was likely just a teenager, but it still felt like a baseball bat, thats all I could picture. But i was numb to the pain, i just felt pressure. He kept pumping until he was in me to the hilt and began fucking wildly. My body was on fire despite the freezing water. He wasn't gentle, it wasnt loving, it was one human abusing and using another. After he came he just slumped me in the stall floor and walked out. I thought it was over until another boy came in, lifting my ass up and forcing himself inside. Then, another boy entered, standing over me, unbuckled his belt and shoved his cock into my mouth. I didnt understand at all. I just obeyed thinking this was something boys did.

this isn't even plausible LARP

How do you know? My mates and I would do something similar at least once a month. It’s easy, tons of folks not keeping an eye on their offspring.

your ass would bleed out from that and no lube would make it almost impossible

>I'll take What is Shower Water for a hundred, Alex.

>Your ass would bleed and no lube would make it almost impossible

I used to get my dick in my tent buddy without lube. We didn't even know it existed.

I want to suck a dog cock

Teen dick, teen hole, not that extreme.

Yes the anus produces its own lube, it is very possible to have deep penetrative anal sex without lube. Ive fucked guys using lotion or soap even, of course spit if need be.

We had slippery dicks from camping and few showers. It was easy to mount him with minimal fuss. Once we got older we worked out spit was good.

>then pressed our bodies together against the walls of the shower stall and turned the water on cold, numbing cold.


I wanna fuck my cousin. Mainly because as kids we almost did. We dried hump and made out.


Details user, give us some.

I know a few cops but you're on the other side of the country to me user. if you get desperate I can ask how much it'll cost for them to 'lose' a uniform.

My sister has a history of passing out. She has done this several times getting out of the shower for example. I’ve had to deal with that when parents are still at work. I genuinely take care of her, but also enjoy the view (and feel) of her anatomy.

BigBadBeefyBear on Wickr fella, would really appreciate it.

It's all a blur. Just remember
>be night
>sister and cousin are besties
>sis decides to invite cuz for sleepover
>i sleep with sis because she's scared
>sis tells me i sleep in the middle
>cousin against the wall
>be asleep
>get woken
>cousin is tossing and turning, was a big bed, king
>she wakes up
>she starts running hands through my chest
>down my legs, passes my crotch
>start caressing me
>intuitively start grabbing her legs
>we start making out
>she reaches for pecker through shorts
>put my hand between her legs
>she plays with my dick
>i rub her little clit
>continue for a while
>sis starts moving around
>we stop and decided to go to sleep
Best childhood ever.

I think my step cousin wants to fuck me. When she came to visit me at university and stay with me, when I was in the room she 'accidentally' dropped her towel and has been a bit flirty and wouldn't let me sleep on the sofa

I had another encounter with her while teens although that time it was me being horny. She was asleep. But that didn't stop me from rubbing myself, bareskin, against her. I think she knows.

Yesterday I let a old fat guy do anything he wanted to me

Talk about it, after all that she might be down.


What did he do?

I got to feel up a friend of my sister’s as a teen late at night.

why would she visit you?

m or f?

We're both married. My wife is her sister-in-law. She has had 7 kids. That pussy's loose. But still..the thought lingers...

Even pussy creampie?

My friends wife and I have been fucking on and off over the past year. She sends me sexy pics all the time. They have two kids together.

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He picked me up took me to his place striped me, tied me up, used all kinds of dildos on me, and I gave him blow job that resulted in him cuming in my mouth 3 times



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She wanted to come and visit me because she hadn't seen me in a long time and wanted to catch up. Was only meant to stay 2 days but ended up staying a week and she would drop lots of subtle hints

Summoning the girl who cheated on boyfriend with 14 fratbros.

Good man. I bet he will remember you

Been there. Done that. Would rather get knotted.


Me and my sister had always been extremely close because of our shitty addict mother, but at this point we had moved in with our aunt, a doctor who primarily raised us via nanny. A day before this all happened i had gotten a boner while wrestling with my sister, the first time this had happened despite our frequent wrestling, and it led to some dry humping before i had a dry orgasm and we separated, both sitting on the living room floor breathing really heavy.

I tease my Gf's former students with hot pics of her, it's amazing all the fantasies those dudes have with her. She would kill me if she finds out

Most certainly

I love fat dirty old men myself. The more piggish they look the better

>Grow up as trailer trash
>Small town canada
>Bestfriend lives to doors down
>Both families hella-close
>Buddies got a smoking hot older sister
>Were 12 she's 16/17
>Shes also my babysitter (Oof)
>Come back home after basketball practice (W/ homie)
>Go to his house because better food
>Older sister is passed out in living room
>Noone else home
>Her brother gets the idea to play with her
>We both start playing with her tits
>Eventually take off her shorts
>Molesting the fuck out of her (inb4 watching porn)
>She's easily a 8/10
>Eventually stop because scared
>She wakes up 45 minutes later confused
>Doesnt know what happened
>Feel big shame for years
>Jerk off to her all the time

Find out much later in life she was molested growing up, had many addiction issues and most likely passed out from H. I've always felt intense guilt and wish I could apologize, find out shortly after that she dies from H overdose.
>Still fap to her memory to this day (24 now)
I have more stories if anyone cares

I was forced to suck dick for ten years since I was a lad of 5. Got pretty good at it. Can't say I want to be, but its paid a few bills and made me feel appreciated and loved at least once or twice.

I'm here. What's up?

I was more into the submissive part of the encounter, he also beat my ass raw

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Hit you or fucked you?

A paddle, but he also fucked my hole for at least 3-4hours

Nothing specialm,+- just here. How are you? Just waiting for the next gangbang?

You're such a good boy

One night my drunk friend got with my aunt and ended up going back to hers and having sex where she took his virginity and she regretted it in the morning but he he didn't want to leave her in the morning because he liked her a lot

Thank you sir

was she married?

It wasnt all some magical sexual fantasy. It was a lot like being an insect disected for study. They thought it would be funny to see who could get my dick up the fastest (and at that age i wasnt exactly hung) but i was simply hard the entire time. Their solution? Rub a block of ice along his shaft until it shrivers, one girl goes, apply ice cube after, repeat. Idk what they had in mind but the first girl took my flaccid penis in her fingers and planted a big puckered up kiss on the tip, which got me hard instantly almost. They all laughed at how my body shook because I thought id cum from the surprise but i kept it contained, and by the time the next girl was up I was more prepared mentally and physically. This time the girl places a hand high up on my hairless inner thigh and used her other hand to pick up my dick and kiss it.

It went on like this with each of them adding a little something and everyone went twice or three times, since it was just an excuse game to touch a penis and they werent even measuring how fast my dick shot up.

But by the time they told my sister to take a turn, i knew there was no preparing. They were all in their underwear, wearing either a tank top or oversized t shirt, but my sister had the same black spaghetti strap top and black lace panties on she had been wearing since they came home. As she slowly crawled over on all fours staring me dead in the eye, i felt my cock rising amd the girls noticed too.

"Look, hes already getting hard!" One girl moaned.

"Turned on by his sister!" Another giggled. My face was red with shame and i could feel tears building in my eyes. Even my sister looked down at it, then up at me, her face revealing nothing. She stopped just in front of me, sitting up on her knees, and abruptly pushed me back onto the carpet. Was it all just a tease? I didnt have to worry long because i felt her hands on my waist, dragging me down beneath her, my cock pointing up between us.

Fine, thanks for asking. Oh, yes, going to be fun.

I post shoveldog a minimum of 3-4 times a day.

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No she wasn't but was upset that she had taken my friend back and taken his virginity and then continued to do things in the morning

Sometimes I turn right at red lights—without coming to a full stop.
...It’s killing me inside.

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Nobody requested your ugly ass.

Do you talk with your ex? How is he?

Yes, he is still in denial. Poor guy, feel so bad for him.

She’s great, thanks for asking. She’s 15 now and is on track to getting into an Ivy League school.

Oops! Fucked that up.

I stuck a toothbrush up my ass in the shower

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Did fratbros called you cheat whore/slut or such while fucking/cumming inside you?

My cock brushed against her chest, grazed between her breasts and down her flat stomach. The skin to skin contact with her was electrifying, better than any feeling in my life until that point, and the result left me a trembling mess. She leaned closer to me, resting forward on her elbows and running her fingers through my hair. Her breasts were dangling just below us, consuming all of my self control. Finally i whimpered her name, to beg for release that had built up in my boy cock, it felt ready to explode.

"Jackie..." i whimpered, but she covered my mouth with the palm of one hand, and i could smell the scent of her perfume on her wrist. I froze, completely subservient to her will and thinking i was ready for whatever came next even as my heart threatened to pound free from my chest. Then, she abruptly slid away her hand away and lowered her face to mine, her open mouth covering my lips, her tongue probing entry for my first adult kiss.

The room could have been empty for all i cared. Her eyes were closed, so i closed mine, opened my mouth and met her tongue. My hands rose and each cupped a breast, ignorant in my youth what to do with them besides hold and softly squeeze in between caressing. She lowered her body closer to mine and my cock pressed north up my body as her mound came to rest atop and against it.

Gonna keep going for my own sake but is anyone reading this?

Yes, continue


Yeah! Keep going!

Yes, like the first time, they called me all sorts of name all the night. Nothing like being in a middle of an orgasm while some drunk misogynist guys grab your hair, spit on your face and call you cum slut and more. They were so lovely.


My biggest secret is that I actually think Momo Watanabe, the Ace of World Wonder Ring Stardom, is actually very cute and not at all fat.

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Thanks guys. Gimme a few minutes, something came up at work but im about to finish my shift.

I'd love to see pics of your tits, vag and asshole after the guys finished with you.

>hat she had taken my friend back and taken his virginity and then continued to do things in the morning
what things? did he get her to do anal? did she want him to leave but he refused? he fuck her again?


Never gonna happen, but I was a mess, sore, cum everywhere. Last group of guys were really rough.

why not? its not like some guy is going to fuck you in the future and be like, huh, i've seen this vagina somewhere before

>really rough
And you loved it, whore. Admit it.

I hope hot, I don't want my reputation being ruined online.

Admit what? Of course I loved it and I want to do it again. Already said it.

>I hope hot, I don't want my reputation being ruined online.
this comment makes 0 sense

>"I hope not"
sorry ;)

Because it’s a larping neckbeard, dumbass.

is that user who ask a ton of questions here? he's weird but it keeps these threads really interesting

Hi, my larp friend is here. Love you too. Where is the dude from Los Angeles and the grammar guy? They were great too.

My ex gf was into scat and bestiality and I faked hating it but it was so exciting.

I agree with you, trolls make these threads great.

As I worked her breasts, her moans and tongue probing my mouth directed me where to go. Id like to think I was just a natural, but in reality she was just very effective at communicating what she liked without having to say it. We kissed for what might have been as long as ten minutes or as short as a single one, but when she broke the connection and sat back on her knees, allowing me to sit up and catch my breath or try to reclaim some small sense of composure, the entire room had fallen silent watching our incestuous display, a word I hadnt heard in my life but would learn over the course of that long night. My sister, Jackie, was trying to fit her breasts comfortably back into her bra but wasnt having an easy time of it, eventually reaching behind her back and unhooking it, for a few brief seconds letting her breasts drop and display for the room, which i was definitely a part of now. But those seconds passed so quickly and she had slipped them into her top once more, all that remained of their presence were the distinct impression of her erect nipples, which her friends took great delight pointing out.

"Oh my god, have you two done that before?" One girl asked, but another answered for us.

"No way! Look at him right now," another said, pointing right at me. I was still trembling and the more i tried to control it the worse it got, so i had allowed myself to release control. My cocks need for release had my entire body warm and sensitive to even the blow of the AC. I was shivering from so many things at once, chief among them was pure Want.

Im not sure my sisters motives, maybe it was an attempt to end the games before they went too far. If that was the case, it had the opposite effect. It was as if every girl there that night felt a tiny spark of the lightning bolt that had passed between us and wanted to feel more for themselves. So they took things further.

"Well its my turn next." One of them said, starting a brief spat over who had next.


I think they did anal but not too sure about that. But when she woke up she was confused who he was whilst he was pleasuring her and enjoying. Then he convinced her to have a shower with him and that was it. They've never met again

Loved your stories as reluctant slut more. Can you repost some?

so your sister is 5 years older than you?