Potential Hunger Games Thread: Kinda Late So I'll Probably Delete this in 30 Minutes Unless We Manage to Get Enough...

Potential Hunger Games Thread: Kinda Late So I'll Probably Delete this in 30 Minutes Unless We Manage to Get Enough Tributes Edition!

24 usuals.

Attached: Hunger Games.jpg (198x250, 9K)

Kizuna AI

Attached: tumblr_op32n7ca6d1taashjo1_640 (1).png (555x447, 119K)

Golden CompASS

Attached: 2ANM5mS.jpg (1024x1024, 76K)


Attached: 9b0c977a73a41f704302ba74696856af.jpg (847x1057, 73K)

Arthur the Thot

Attached: d41176b4de116f0b0c3688ba96fa9530.jpg (1080x1348, 156K)


Attached: Espeon.png (484x469, 48K)

Freckled Lazuli

Attached: tumblr_ae785bc6082b1a7d0875897329c372fd_29438251_540.png (508x501, 149K)

She's fucking hot

Nutella Girl

Attached: Nutella_Girl.jpg (932x932, 194K)

well fuck this isn’t looking good

I can same fag harder if you want

Big Tits Kylie

Attached: BTK.jpg (180x253, 7K)


Attached: tumblr_ojj2o6GbEl1vt9yj5o1_r1_1280.png (1280x1371, 1.7M)

would make for a sad game

but not as sad as no game at all

OP still here?

The Duke

Attached: 2.png (640x640, 437K)

Yeah. Probably not happening tonight. Sorry y'all.

okay. thanks for trying anyways. sleep well vex.

Attached: Kizuna.AI.full.2532622.png (1024x768, 638K)

thank you anyway

she is indeed.

Attached: c0292b1d146ba674dc07991df7d6dc90.jpg (1080x1350, 136K)

Source please?

Bethany Sealey

don't know if she has IG or anything. got these from another user.

Attached: 4b83edf801b40b4f8e12b88e14cbbdde.jpg (1080x1350, 268K)

Do you have much of her?

Would love to see what you have if you'd dump in a vola?