I just had to put my dog down. Make me feel happy b/ros. Love y'all.
I just had to put my dog down. Make me feel happy b/ros. Love y'all
We're all gonna make it bra
Just a dog
Here’s some tits to cheer you up
Fucking sucks bro, hope you’re okay mang
Yeah thats kinda how im dealing with it. It's just a month ago I put down my other dog, he was 15. So putting down her, 13, kind hit home. They were best friends. It was like seeing an older couple, where one dies and the other follows suite. Not fun.
thanks man
sorry for your loss man
>Lois Griffin expansion cheer up
Dogs adapted to spend all their time with their pack, in the wild. Being companions to hunter gatherers was a good fit. But being the emotional support of someone working a 9-to-5 job who locks them up all day and can barely take them out for a short walk twice a day is not.
Your dog is better off dead than trapped in the soft prison.
true, she got WAY too fat for her breed. So I limited her diet. After a year of losing weight I thought she'd be better. The one day, she starts throwing up and shitting everywhere, like liquid. I take her in to the vet. Lost 20% of her body weight in two weeks, diabetic, failing pancreas. Genetic, who woulda thought. I just keep thinking of the moment the anesthesia hit her. I'll miss her
They weren't just dogs.
To you they were family.
I've known this pain, and I tried defusing it with the "just dogs" thought, but it really didn't help in the long run, because they were family.
I hope this meme helps, user.
>my mom's dogge was fat.
>way fat
>super humongo fat
>I tried to tell her
>Mom told me that was normal for dogge.
>two years later
>(unrelated), mom is kill
>get dogge,
>take her to vet
>vet says
>i cri
>put dogge on diet
>dogge goes from fat to normal
>2 years later dogge still alive, and normal/skinny
>i miss my mom
old dogge
will probably die soon anyway, but is healthy
for now
you did good, user
you gave her a year of happiness she would not have had if she stayed fat
genetics are a bitch
Because there aren't dog parks and people who jog? You sound pretty biter, bud. Drink some water and log off.
Keep your head up OP. Take some time and then get yourself another friend. Small dog breeds can be dope despite the rumors if you want something easier to take care of. Plus women will be drawn to you like flies.
If I see a dude with a small ass dog, I think one of three things
1.) Gay
2.) Walking his woman's dog
3.) He has bad taste in dogs and or women
Don't get a yapper op. Get a good sized friend
Just did the same 2 weeks ago. Fucking lost it.
Know it'll be ok, we gave them great lives (better than ours most of the time) and we will keep doing so for every animal after
Just pick it back up again faggot.
you are a true user, user. never change!
>Feels bad, had two dogs the goodest girl and my fat boy.
>I loved so much since I was a kid. >I’ve been out of state for school these few years, long ass flight/drive home.
> We know my dog has cancer, but we really can’t afford her medicine >She’s a good girl, the best girl, the kind of dog that will always come up to your hand and ask for pets.
>She starts vomiting and crying and my mom texts my girl isn’t doing well.
>I’m ready to book the flight home, and my baby girl stops whining and sleeps well that night.
> My mom says don’t worry so I go to bed.
>Next day my mom calls.
>My girl is dying, lots of pain, they’re on the way to put her down.
> She goes away and I’m stuck in my dorm crying my eyes out.
> A year passes and my fat boy is getting old.
>13 1/2 and he’s still the stupid happy go lucky boy I played with and took care of my whole life.
> A week till Christmas, I’m looking forward to seeing him.
>My mom calls, my dad found him seizing, he’s convulsing on the floor.
> I stay on the phone with my dying dog.
>He can’t hear, can’t see, can’t walk, probably had a stroke.
>They take him to the vet to be put down.
>Can’t do a thing to comfort him as he does. I’m too far away.
> I come back home to an empty food dish, my dogs collar and his bed.
I feel you b/ro. It’s fucking hard loosing something you raised and loved all your life. Just spend more time with the ones you love and it’ll get better.
op here. I wanted to post a picture of my pup, but google photos is being a fucker.
I really expected a lot of shit talk, a bunch of bs. But you guys have been real, and that blows my mind. Maybe thats why I come here everyday. Love yall, have a good night.
There is a time to meme.
... and then there's this.
My condolences
I cried when I had to put my dog down a few years ago. Sorry OP. Shit is hard. My dog had a good life with someone around 24/7 and it still felt horrible.
Condolences, OP.
ruff one
lol wtf nigga just pick it back up
It's one of the only 2 things a man is allowed to cry about.
Chin up user.
I didn't cry about my bro or dad. that fucking dog tho
b's always been pretty legit about pets. Especially cats. But a doge is fine too.
im sorry bro
had to put my fox terrier down back in 2015.... he was 15... fucking evil cancer, stomach cancer to be exact... but he was over 80 in human years and he had a good life.... still havent gotten over it and i doubt i ever will... can recall every single detail about that truly sad day.
I guess you have to do it eventually, cant carry a dog around your entire life.
Hey man, my dad died last month, and I'm still with his dog at my mom's house, when he died my mom decided to show his room to the dog, so that he'd understand, he still doesn't. It's hard for us but I can't imagine how much it must hurt for him, take care of you
You can tell this is a nigger, who has never felt compassion for another being before.
Time will heal all of your pain. I know it's tough to lose someone you've spent a chunk of your life with and for that you have my commemoration. Chin up lad.
oof underrated post?
Fuck you user, this shit hits hard
Don’t feel bad. Your dog got what it deserved. He was evil as fuck. Now he is looking up at you from doggie hell where he will spend eternity roasting for his sins.
dogs dont go to heaven
I know how you feel user. I had to put down my cat, and the family dog.
The cat was sudden in two days she went from normal to on death's door. It sucked but its the best thing user. You wouldnt want your animal in pain.
The dog was different. The dog attacked my nephew and I had the least connection to him so I did the deed. It still hurt. Especially since he wasnt really sick (maybe he was, he did attack someone). It was either that or give him to some other perskn and risk another attack or abuse.
It'll get bettet user. Here is a pic thay makes me laugh.
>I just had to put my dog down
sorry you're having a ruff day