White genocide

White genocide

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Anyone who likes to discuss about white girls for huge BBC Kik me filip112345

KEK you mad at white power or what bro? stay mad nigger

Obssessed with race.

No matter the color of their skin, a racist is always a shit person.

You are a shit person, user.

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commit suicide

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I just killed myself, now what?

She needs to be fucked by black men.

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As an American, I think it's only fair that our greatest ally, Israel, receives the most potent black males.l, many of which waste away in prisons and inner cities. It is my duty as a white man to fund the extradition of black males to Israel.

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I walked in on my GF riding a bbc... AMA

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No one cares about your nigger faggot cuck fantasies

> white genocide

That's a bit of a catch 22 isnt it? If white people go extinct the planet will be full of blacks fucking blacks.

Nigger please what do you think is more likely nigger genocide or white genocide

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More to the point, both whites and blacks will be extinct as everyone will be halfcast

anybody got the vid of the blonde being blacked cowgirl style. She had a tattoo between her shoulder blades