What's she thinking?
What's she thinking?
Other urls found in this thread:
about the money probably
whats this from?
"These niggas could have at least given me a pillow. This shit is fucking up my neck."
She is formulating a new postulate regarding the usage of quantum engagement in information transfer across non-empty space for remote viewing
Looks to her left, "Should we begin a new quantum language, or examine the lab results before we undertake such endeavors?"
>the world and it's contents are nothing but our perception of them
As a physicist, I'd say this formulation is pretty pointless, since entanglement is far more effective in information transfer, specially along far (cosmic) distances (which will be the main use, since conventional wave comms are way more effective at planetary level)
>why did my parents send me to rape camp
Women like this are even able to think or rationalize anything?
Shes thinking "I'm gonna hoof it back to the excelsior. I gotta take a wicked shit."
of course they are, they enjoy the degrade but they're human after all
"Did I serve The Emperor as He wills today? Or did I commit heresy by eating that donut"
Tell that to the military scientific spy complex
epstein didnt kill himself
That's right, you formulate like the dirty whore you are. You filthy filthy physicist
Oh, never thought about that!
But the resources needed for such a thing would make it impractical for field use, while useful, I can only see it in prepared places (think about it like the old, old computers, that required a whole room to function). our skill to make quantum computing viable will dictate this, but I'm very skeptical
>tfw parents never sent you to rape camp
pikachu face
Did I leave the stove on?
Shit.. Danny's going to beat me again if I did!
>mfw watching this i dont know if people that unironically jerk off to this are genuinely fucked up or just trying too hard to be edgy in an autistic episode
sadomaso just confuses me, tbqh. no fucking? no orgasms or anything? just slap their asses for a bit?
>He doesn't hate women yet
I'm a sadist myself, ask me anything I guess
BTW I'm also a doctor, so yeah, when I spank, I know where and how
Isn't being a sadist atheist contrary to the Hippocratic Oath you swore?
The hippocratic oath is secular, or at least, it is where I live. I knew I was a sadist when I was 15, and spent 4-5 years thinking I was a monster, I'd say that's what most people see, the surface of the issue
I forgot to put the clothes in the washer
If you were a physicist you'd know why entanglement doesn't help with ftl info. It can do unbreakable encryption and (at least as I understand the theory) better-than-classical compression though.
"i really fuck with baby yoda"
entanglement has nothing to do with distance, it's the result of breaking the locality conditions, so it doesn't matter the distance. Info could be coded in quantum states between entangled particles, while you are right that ftl is not possible (at least in conventional ways), because you need to transport the entangled particle anyway, you can still do some decent things across hefty distances
Just cause your mummy didn't give you an xbox for your birthday doesn't mean you need to hate all women incel
top kek
incel isn't real, fag
"If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year at college."
>just slap their asses for a bit
It's a lot more than that. No fucking or orgasms necessary. It's hard to explain the nuances of BDSM in a /b post, but do some research on it. There's a ton of info out there. And I'm not OP, but I know that scene by heart, so maybe I'm fucked up a bit.
"If he fucks you first, I'm gonna ass rape you afterwards you slut"
My god, no need to be like that. May I ask? Are BDSM males usually dominant or non dominant? How do you go about it with your significant other?
yeah that was a wild ride
now's time for another one
in my understanding its the lack of orgasm that get them exited
tb its so stupid
the girls were cute
They're cuter afterwards, that's the whole point
Different ways to understand love
"If I only I studied harder.. "
I assumed you were talking ftl when you said info transfer using entanglement, and I'm sick to death of pop science taking about how it could be used for that. Ftl isn't just impossible because of the restriction of separating the particles, even once you have them far apart you need to send signals between the points classically to get any use of the entanglement for the interesting stuff
doesnt sexual abuse of women get u hard? its normal i think, u might be gay.
Closed captioning needed. How am I supposed to fap if I can’t follow the plot!?
I'm also sick to death of pop science.
To get to the details I'd require a heavier level of quantum physics (I work in fluids), but a good friend of mine works in quantum computing and information transfer, to be exact, she's working in the "threshold" where quantic effects turn clasical, the implications and how can we exploit this, and one of the things she tried to explain me a while ago was the use of entanglement as communications without transporting a particle, for example, exploiting certain conditions of a particle in a point, to entangle it with one near a lab with artificial means. As I say, it's something I don't quite get, but there could be some ways to exploit it, I'm skeptical tho, theoretical stuff is all pretty but making it useful is quite a challenge most of the times
not that "ooo bdsm so mysterious" person, but my fiance and I are into the scene.
generally males are dominant. Not to say there aren't males who are subs, but for the most part its definitely male-dominated.
>How do you go about it with your significant other?
I dunno about your relationship, but my fiance was right off the bat "I'm into being tied up, do that please" within a month of knowing her. I'm not super hardcore into being a dom, but I do enjoy it in a weird, hobby-doing-good-work, satisfaction-at-a-job-well-done kind of way. I get horny from watching her lose her damn mind, so by the time the "edging" is done, we both just go at it like rabbits.
There are definitely huge psychological analysis/people who are way, way, way into it to the point of having their life revolve around it; we are more of the "when we are horny, break out the rope/whips/candles/electrodes".
Side note, I've found a lot of beauty in a lot of the bondage rope techniques. A lot of the japanese bondage techniques are otherworldly....the most sensual shit on earth. Theduchy has some good instructions, my favorite so far
More than you are able too, obviously.
This guy knows what he's talking about
Top kek
Darude Sandstorm
Interesting...and an odd place for this topic too...
Oh shit... Et tu Mr Black?
Neither. I am not a sadist, in fact I'm a very empathetic person. I even find it hard watching movies like "Schindler's list"
For me bdsm is not about hurting others. bdsm is pretend, not real. That's the key. Yes the submissive person may have real feelings of pain, but not in a negative way. Instead it is about power. When dominating someone you have power over that person. That's the attractive feeling.
she's thinking.... interesting photo shoot
"Did I feed cat?"
As a dom, I once asked my sub why she enjoyed it so much, she responded
"only those who care about you dare to hurt you for a good reason, the fact that you want to do such a thing shows how much you love me, the fact that I want to endure such a thing shows how much I love you"
And she is right, like most things. BDSM has nothing to do with suffering, you will almost always see the girl enjoying it, which is the whole point
>no fucking? no orgasms or anything? just slap their asses for a bit?
For certain people, it scratches an itch. I only like it because I can imagine the fucking, it really seems like a wasted opportunity to me though.
There are hardcoregangbangs, sex&submission and sexuallybroken vids that are close to this but only CzechFantasy and some boundgangbangs really does the tied up and fucked thing really well.
Like you, I find that photoset kind of disappointing. All tease and no payoff.
>sadist atheist contrary to the Hippocratic Oath
Athiest is irrelevent, there's no god in the oath. Consensual BDSM Sadism isn't against the oath, the bottom gets pleasure from the pain, or at least doesn't experience genuine harm.
Also, the Hippocratic Oath, in some forms, is only about medical practice. What you do in your private life doesn't necessarily count for it. In Hyppocrates day, you weren't really off duty. These days, doctors can sort of just be on the clock in some jobs.
>its so stupid
Watch it again, but this time insert yourself as one of the girls.
Thanks user, but only because the oath is important for me (it defines my job), I'll expand a bit
How do we define health? Isn't the surgeon severing flesh to heal? Aren't some treatments aggresive for the body? The key to remember is that:
1) The patient can stop it when he wants, always. And he'll always know what will happen beforehand, so he can decide freely
2) He will be better than before when everything is finished
Since health has 3 dimensions (biological, emotional and social), BDSM practices are not at odds with the oath because they're healthy, there's consent and care, and in the end both parts want to do it and will win from it
>only because the oath is important for me (it defines my job), I'll expand a bit
Sure, fair enough.
I'm not a doctor, I just know bdsm and if there's actual harm in that then it's not being done right.
you can feel like this is unnecesary, but in scientific, technical practice, very, very precise notions are needed and deep analysis is the standart, where the line is drawn will define what illness, limit behaviours, anomaly cases, normality and common practice, lies. BDSM among the scientific medical community is proven to be healthy
Did i leave the stove on?
Sauce on these?
Imagine havin all those girls there in those positions and NOT fucking them... Jesus
"It's a living" in a flintstone character voice.