Tell Sup Forums your panty sniffing stories
Also panty fetish thread.
Tell Sup Forums your panty sniffing stories
>found panties
>sniffed them
Lets see back
This cunt
Who is this please?
Was dog sitting for one of my friends over 3 days and nights, told me I could stay over at theirs to look after the dog because the dog was so old so I slept in my friends room and went through her panty drawers and sniffed them while jacking off, best 3 days of my life right there
No one knows
OP here. This was yesterday.
>be me
>went to pick some stuff on a family friends house
>25 years old slut lives there with her mom
>her mom tells me to pick up the shit from the second floor. 25 yrs old was working on her laptop on first floor.
>went there, first thing I saw was the laundry basket.
>watch that no one is around get near the basket.
>oh boy what do I Find?
>a delicious lacy thong, really tiny. freshly worn by 25 yrs old slut
>took it, smelled awesome it was crusty as fuck, like a fucking lot. Probably worn for an entire day.
>licked crust, licked the butthole tiny bit. Tastes like fucking glory
>was amazing doing it knowing that she was there
>tried to snap a pic, hands shaking..too nervous
>hear steps...put the thong in the basket, really wet because of all the licking
>mom comes there, try to act fucking normal, pick up the shit and gtfo.
>before exit the house I see the 25 years slut still working on her laptop, knowing what he hears and how she tastes and smells
>went home blew a huge blow
>still fapping just thinking about the smell and the taste and her wearing it.
Yesss. What kind of panties did you find?
Would leave my friends backdoor open, come around when she was at work and go through her dirty clothes hamper smelling every single crusty pussy soaked item.
Would also go to her sex toy drawer and suck on her vibrator and butt plugs, would always take photos of the toys so i could see when they were moved around and know which ones were used and ready to suck.
> on school vacation
> rest of the kids eating dinner
> not hungry so alone in my room
> idea to go to girls' room upstairs
> horny af so justdoit
> sneak up there, nobody here
> its a mess
> in their bathroom I find shorts on the ground
> go to cum in them
> I realize there is a pair of worn panties inside
> tiny velvety underpants
> cum the amount of a shotglass while sniffing that shit
> never got caught
I found some lacy panties and some lingerie, made me hard thinking about her wearing those panties
When I was 10, my dad and step mom took me on a vacation to Boston, Mass. she had family there. We stayed in the family’s house. One morning, dad and step mom went outside to do whatever. I woke up on my little pallet on the floor.
Hamper with dirty laundry was there. They’re outside. I’m inside.
>smell the patties
I was too young to know what to do - I thought the panties smelled really strong and I was too young to masturbate.
That is one of the best thing, like getting to know what kind of underwear a woman wears... makes me haaaarrrd.
>Startup a small business with a group of people from uni
>Need to get our first project finished and working remotely is slowing us down
>One girl's parents are very wealthy with a huge house, offer for all of us to stay there a couple of weeks while we complete the project
>I stay in her sister's room who has recently left home
>Find sister's underwear drawer, also a couple of photo albums from when she was about 8 to 14, jackpot.png
>Never actually met her, but from the pictures she looks like a young Pippa Middleton with freckles
>For the next 2 weeks I spent an hour before bed looking at her photos and masturbating with her knickers wrapped around my cock
>Always came in the underwear and put it back in the drawer
>Stole a cute pink thong at the end of my stay
>No one ever said anything about it
Sniffing my wifes worn panties when ever possible.
I can tell by the smell if it's her fertile days or if her period is inbound. Even could tell that she was preggos the last time before she even knew herself...
Damn. What kind of panties did you find?
Great, there is nothing like to have some fresh worn panties laying around there every day.
Yeah, at least on the fertile days. To be honest, i thinkt those crusty-close-to-period panties are a huge turn off.
>Be me, 19 going on 20
>Dating a 15yo
>Her sister is 10/10 13yo
>Spend a lot of nights at their house (mom was a drunken slut so she didn’t care)
>One night it’s just me and gf
>Mom’s at the bar and sister staying at friend’s house
>Late at night, gf left me with blue balls and I’m super horny
>Go into sister’s room
>Dig through her laundry basket
>Near the top is a very fresh thong
>It’s still damp
>Don’t even hesitate, dive nose first into them
>The single best smelling pair I’ve ever smelt, and I’ve smelt probably about a dozen different women’s dirty panties
>Doesn’t take long to nut and I cover that skimpy thong in my love juice
>I’ve never smelt anything close to that again
She ended up as a nigger fucker, so sad. She’s still pretty damn hot too, easily a 9/10.
>At lan party with the boys
>Late at night, the hosts sister and mom is out
>Sneak to her room at night when the others are asleep
>Went to toilet and found used clothes basket
>Searched thru it and bingo, worn panties
>She was the same age as me
>Pick them up and start jerking
>Its a black lace thong
>Cum whilst sniffing them
>Did it 3 times before going home
Had a LDR with a girl, 23 at the time. Tell her about my fetish. She was like wow. Then every time we see each other, she has for me a thong that she wore for me, so I can keep it with me till next time.
Fucking good times anons, I even made her wearing a thong for 3 days straight, so I can just enjoy more of smell and taste, she delivered. Fuckkkk
Shit, that seems like it was great.
>> 818014656
pic related
ex gf dumped me so I took revenge by going to her moms place while all were away and taking a pair of fresh used panties from her mom. JO’d for days with them. Could smell her wet pussy with a hint of asshole. Also took a vibrator from her. Blew my load so hard over all of it
Hot damn. Was it a thong? I love thongs because of direct contact with pussy and asshole. Thongs always smell better, and that musky asshole smell... fuck
i like pulling my fwb's panties to the side and lick her ass, but that's about it
nude lace thong really rides up the ass
Did the same with all exes. Fucking heaven. How does she tastes and smells like?
OP here. Same kind that I found on my green text post. Man how I licked the bit that goes up in the asshole... the smell made me nuts.
i start off tongue punching her pussy because her fluids taste sweetish, then move to the hot asshole and stay there a bit. it tastes a bit tangy and earthy, she washes her butt really good so the skin aroma is brilliant
>be me as teenager
>older sister comes home after jogging
>she thinks it would be funny to force me one the couch and smother me in her sweat
>kinda get massive boner
>later that day I sniffed my first panties and couldnt stop since then
>she is fucking responsible for my fetish
>I love how her stuff smells after its drenched in her sweat
>I miss those glory days of unlimited underwear supply :(
Sisters. I smell them all the time
Hot AF. What kind of panties does she wear?
Got moar?
Delicious. How does that item smell?
How old is the sister?
As much as you can ever want.
Over 18
Any thongs or stringy ones?
Any thongs?
She isn’t a thong fan
Usually those plain stretchy black cotton ones - which also were my favourite since I could see the white spots on them. Also I wore her sweaty shorts over my face while fapping a lot. Especially loved the ones that were really ight on her getting between her crack and stuff while she worked out.
Had a gf that was like that. Then I offered to buy her some. After a few months she didn't look back and started to only wear thongs. Now I wonder who is the bastard enjoying her, while I did all the hard work convincing her. Life is a bitch
Any lacy ones?
Yessss the tight ones that ride up in the crack are the best man, those always smell better.
Here she is wearing the pair
From her draw.
Too bad. Ever found toys?
I remember finding a toy if my roommate for the first time. That shit was dope. Gets me hard every time I think about it
No but I have found pics of her in her panties.
Yes. Let me find them and take a pic
Those panties are fucking hot man
Hell yeah. It was also fucking nice seeing her wearing them and thinking to myself "I will be sniffing those like an addict later" Fucking hnnnng
Delicious man. Fuckkkk
Hngggggggg did she wear thongs?
she had a couple but only wore them occasionally
Yesss had a GF that had a couple. She only wore them when she was DTF so go figure...
H o l y s h i t . Those are fucking sexy user.
Sometimes I act as a technical consultant for the entertainment industry. I have had the opportunity to enter on set trailers of upcoming actresses. I have sniffed the used panties of Kay Panabaker, Nellie McKay, Leven Rambin, Sophie Simnett, and Victoria Pedretti.
Dope as fuck
which ones were the best ?
If you are serious that's dope as fuck. More details about what kind of underwear do they wear and how were smelling?
how tf do you get your hands on the pics?
thats basically how it propably went lol
Sophie. Black satin with red roses panties. They had a very deep musky scent.
I'm sure you enjoyed her stuff a lot. She isn't around anymore?
you take any pictures of them ?
>About 13 y/o.
>Staying at a caravan park with my family.
>Can't sleep. Need to pee.
>Go to the amenities block to pee.
>When leaving, notice that someone has left their laundry out on the line.
>Investigate the washing.
>See 3 pairs of black lace panties.
>Grab a pair and scoot back to the amenities block.
>Panties are still damp from the wash, and warm from the summer night air. Must have been hung out recently.
>13 y/o brain imagining the woman who wears the knickers. Her ass. Her tits. Get hard. Thinking about her walking around in them, getting sweaty. Getting hot.
>Wrap knickers around my hard cock. Feels good.
>Jack off with the knickers around my cock. Cum like a champion.
>Take knickers back to the line and dump them on the ground. Maybe they'll think it fell off and got... dirty?
>Spent the rest of the holiday waiting for a warning to go out about some pervert who cums in laundry. Never happened.
>Went back 3 nights later and stole a sweet Rip Curl jacket.
I had that jacket for years.
>gf's 19 year old sister is going travelling for a month
>live close to the airport so she stays at mine for a few days
>decides she has too much shit to take so leaves a bunch of her clothes plus her dirty panties from the 3 days she stayed at mine
>drop her off at the airport and break some speed limits getting home knowing what it waiting for me
>take a pair of those dirty panties and sniff and lick them while wrapping a pair of her clean panties around my throbbing cock and stroking my cock with them
>spray a huge load of hot cum in to the clean panties and put them back
>still jerk off to this day at the though of her walking around with my cum against her hot little cunt
Both gf's sister's washing machines have broken down at different points over the years. I was the first to offer to do their laundry. Had access to all kinds of panties built up over a couple of weeks. The smells were unlike anything I've ever smelled. Came buckets many, many times.
no, she moved away and has kids now.
But I still check her sometimes laundry when I visit lol
sry somehow I cant write properly today
My wife used to live with her aunt while I was dating her. At the time the aunt was in her early 40s...smokin hot, fit with huge natural tits. I used to stay over and I didn't have to go to work until 2ns shift and everyone else left the house early every morning. I used to go into her room and go into her laundry basket and rub her pussy juice soiled thongs all over my face while sniffing the fuck out of them
Kay Panabaker. White cotton panties. God scent.
Nellie McKay first time. Black satin panties. Great musky scent. Second time pink cotton panties. Almost no scent.
Leven. Dark blue or black thong. Sour smell.
I mentioned Sophie above.
Victoria. White lace and see through. Light scent.
I also used them to do cock tribs on /r/ for sonebody. Pic related
Not Kay or Leven.
please post any you have would love that
Was with a ex girlfriend..she kept clothes in to sit in back so I let different friend sit in front to distract..found some good smelling panties and kept same friend let’s me stay the night we get drunk and I take photos of pussy
No sorry. I'm afraid of being doxxed.
Fucking great. What kind of panties did she wear ??
But this is what Sophia's looked like.
I make my wife sit on my face while she's changing into her panties before she goes to work in the morning. I sniff them good. Gets me to start my day really energized.
Hot as Fuck user. Makes me hard just thinking about it. You for sure married the right one.
>Be me around 15
>home from school, parents at work
>start catfishing guys on omegle with my voice like always
>hot guy sees right through my scheme, but he likes it
>do all kinds of gay shit for him in front of cam
>says he wants to see me wearing a woman's panties
>tell him I don't have any
>starts telling me that he knows my ip address and if I don't he's gonna sent family my nudes
>somewhat panic but most importantly I wanna see him cumming
>go to the bathroom pick the cleanest one I can find from the hamper, black with lace (obviously mom's)
>go back to my room dude tells me to sniff and taste it by putting it in my mouth
>it smells like my moms room but also somewhat salty and a hint of ammonia
>tells me he wants to see me cum while wearing it
>wear it, just the right size for my ass which is weird because moms is kinda big
>start masturbating
>dude loses it and starts jerking off faster than ever before
>starts cumming, his spunk flying everywhere
>just the sight of it pushes me over the edge and I start shooting inside mom's panties, cum soaking through the front and dribbling down on the floor
>guilt and panic start settling in immediately shut down computer
>go to the bathroom and try to wash the cum soaked panties
>check time and panic even more parents will be here soon
>grab my own dirty underwear and put them on top of mom's to make her think that cum poured down my undies on hers
It was the best solution my retarded brain could think of
That sounds like paradise user
Thanks user. The greatest smell is in the morning when they haven't showered yet after a long night of slowly releasing juices onto the panties. Smells like heaven.
Yes yes yes user, you really know what you are talking about. I was addicted to lick smell and eat the ass and pussy of ex girlfriend in the mornings. The morning, pre-shower smell is something else .