shota bread
Shota bread
Other urls found in this thread:
who have a nice mega link for an user?!
Wish his feet were in the shot.
God I love dirty sweaty shotas :3
gotta love shota musk
Mother of god they must smell incredible. I remember what a room full of shotas smelled liked huddled around the tv playing vidya after soccer practice. Mmph
This is important
Do not pee on the shotas
i was seeing this little guy around everywhere of late and was kinda curious why. Just played pokemon sword and ohhh boy do I see the appeal.
That sad face he makes when he loses just destroys me.
Fell asleep in last night's shota thread that reached the image limit before I had the chance to look through it all. It was really good!
I know right! There weren't enough of him around the overworld. I wish he had been the schoolboy too.
I get sad whenever I hop on Sup Forums and there isn't a thread up. It's literally the only reason I still come here.
It is...
...the only reason I still come to this shithole.
There's not enough Tethu in the world.
Thanks OP, Ily
i was a heavy Sup Forumsrowser from about 13-22 before a girlfriend asked that I stop. So I did, and it actually stuck with the exception of these threads. To this day I consider this request one of the best outcomes of that relationship.
the irony of course being that her discovery of my shota stash was one of the primary motivators of our breakup a couple of months later. Will never forget her staring blankly at the floor saying "I... I can't believe my boyfriend is a pedophile." lmao gotcha girl
she was so triggered by the sight of any IRL shota for the remaining time we dated. so impossible to explain or justify the shota life :/
Sorry if this is too hardcore, but I find it super cute.
a world without a shota breads is hardly a world worth living in. got u my dude
You can always find 404'd threads in the Sup Forums archive if you want.
Here is the one that you are referring to:
any (or all) of the images can be downloaded in full resolution, or they can be opened in new tabs - right click then select [open link in a new tab]
(or similar dependent upon browser),
from the drop down menu.
I have seen sooooo much worse in these threads over the years. that pic is kinda cute!
moar young link!
pride/selim bradley has to be one of my favorite shotas of all time
my guy :')
man that's really shitty.
my bf knows I like shota, but also understands it's just fictional drawings.
he is just too CUTE
I know, especially when he is sucking your nipples.
right? to her credit she did try to stick it out with me, but ultimately couldn't handle that knowledge on top of the general dying-relationship issues.
and yeah man, that's all it is. pictures. idgaf what people like no matter how much it disgusts me, I guess that's just because I'm a degenerate too with shota. As long as you aren't molesting kids or fucking animals or chopping people up or whatever IRL, who gives a fuck. people have fetishes.
My actual hero
yooo the deku kid who dies to make the mask is so underrepresented in MM. that said I'd love another two by this artist with Darmani and Mikau.
and to clarify of course, by pictures I do exclusively mean drawings.
But Keita is a godlike shota, perhaps just not the best picture to convey that?
I believe I've seen some other stuff with him. top tier for sure.
please post petplay shotas
would help you if I had some friend, but alas.
me on the left
High praise indeed Sup Forumsro - thanks,
but it's the archive that is the real hero for you
if you get to grips with the power of its search facilities. For example this search:
will locate all opening posts ...
(i.e first post starting a new thread)
... that include :
> " shota* " ;
the star ( * ) after the "shota" is a "wildcard" that can represent anything, including nothing, so it finds threads that start with a comment that includes anything like:
{ shota , shotacon , shotalicious , shota x loli , ... } etc.
So everything that comes back in the search is a different shota thread and if you right-click on the post number in any of the posts returned by the search, the archive will open the whole of that thread and you can amuse yourself by looking at old threads, if there is no live thread here on Sup Forums.
Sometimes, it's just good fun to look at the replies you got in some half-forgotten thread that you really enjoyed at the time.
Anyhow, if you are primarily interested in shota threads, but don't want to master the complexities of the search facilities, you could open the archive link given above and bookmark it.
..... Surprise, surprise ! - every time you open that bookmark, the Sup Forums archive will have already updated itself, and the same bookmark will now find all the newer shota threads that have been posted, since the last time you used the bookmark, as well as all of the older ones as well. The search defaults to returning only the most recent 5000 threads ;
but there are currently 8652 found by the archive search engine and you can access them all quite easily - just select oldest posts first (in the main search box) and you get the 5000 oldest shota threads instead, or alternatively just confine the result to a particular date range - perhaps you remember a thread you liked back in August 2017: no problem the Sup Forumsarchive will find them all in seconds.
It's can be a lot of fun!
god i want to fuck ash so bad and mindbreak him in the process
christ someone screencap this loveable bastard's contribution to shota kind, for future generations
basically my feelings towards young link
Did that room full of smelly soccer boys ever do anything together?
One on one yes. Sadly never as a group. But lots of borderline stuff like flashing, shoving spandex or socks in someone’s face.
What's with the smelly shotas? Am I the only one here who likes shotas that smell like stawberries and vanilla?
It was pretty gay, no homo.
that's the #1 reason I've never bothered to save any of the porn I look at, I forget things easily and wouldn't want to lose track of a folder of harmless images that is impossible to explain to anyone who isn't as perverted as we are.
Like, I can't imagine anything more humiliating than having to explain my like of shota and stories about middle school experiences to someone important in my life. Not only would they not understand and just assume I want to diddle kids (as opppsed to wanting to BE a kid again with other boys, which is what I actually want but have accepted is a fantasy), I would feel devastated airing out my own fucked up inner psychology like that.
And then after that I'd have to deal with the paranoia of them possibly telling others. So yeah, browser clearing works just fine for me, no need to save porn
I don't enjoy *stinky* shotas so to speak (others def do), but like, the thought of their overall scent in general gets me going. pheromones and whatnot, ya know. if it was strawberries and vanilla then god, all the better
>(as opppsed to wanting to BE a kid again with other boys, which is what I actually want but have accepted is a fantasy)
my guy.
yeah I enjoy saving the stuff, it just feels good amassing an always-accessible pool of shota goodness. I keep that shit under lock and key though, pw protected and file history deactivated and all that.
I have had some close calls with leaving it open on accident though. o.o
All of my relatives know about my love for shotas, it's not as bad as you think as long as you don't look like a creep.
your relatives are definitely the exception lolol. vast majority of normies can't wrap their head around this shit
I missed pretty particular about the stuff I like so I'm not sure there's even enough shota to justify keeping a folder, but it's not worth it for me. I did save stories for a while but thankfully old stuff loses its charm for me pretty fast.
Maybe it just depends on your country's mindset. Czechs are incredibly tolerant when it comes to that kind of stuff (just watch Daniel's world, he's open about it with his friends and gets support from normies). I'm a leaf so maybe that helps too.
Americans don't have the best reputations for tolerance or healthy attitudes toward sexuality in general. We're the land of people who say "death to all pedos" and then turn the other cheek or even help cover up the abuse of children when it's too inconvenient for them to report it.
Looking at you, Catholics and BSA
I have one great friend who I can be 100% open about it and that alone is really great. We were drunk one time, and he tricked me into giving him the password to my porn folder, at which time he discovered my stash after I passed out.
Next time I went to fap I found not just my stash, but a picture of him flipping off my webcam with a shit-eating grin. My secret was out. I was LIVID and wanted to disown him at the time, but it ended up with him being the one friend I can be 100% open with about it. (this was like 10 years ago) A few of my other friends know, since humor makes it easier to bear for me, but my homie is the only one where I can just bring it up in normal conversation in a non-self-derrogatory manner like I would talking about anything else. Shit, I've even discussed art styles of my favorite shota artists and why they inspire me lol. I'm very thankful for his friendship.
you are one lucky fuck, damn
leafs r ghey
> "... someone screencap this ..." ;
OK Sup Forumsro, happy to oblige :
since I wrote that post, I'll screencap it for (You) :
> pic related
I am sometimes told that :
I have "a distinctive posting style", that most Sup Forumstards already recognize, but for those of you who don't, I attach my usual signature, that I use when I feel like it
[ despite the global rules against doing so ! ]
Have fun
Pepe Oldfag Wizard
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anyone got any of older bottoms getting fucked by shota?
I'd rather fuck the smug boi tbqh