You’re able to stop time once in your lifetime...

You’re able to stop time once in your lifetime. Stopping time puts you in a pocket universe where you can alter your surroundings as you please. I.e. You can move things around, touch things, only stipulation is everything is frozen and still. When you move something it will cease to move again until you touch it or start time again.

What would you do? Would you turn time back on? How long would you be frozen?

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oxygen so i can breath and only time stops for .01 seconds

Put my pp in op's ass

I'd impregnate a bunch of women, gather up a ton of cash, steal a few odds and ends to make my life compfy, then spend a lot of time self-educating/reading for pleasure.

I’d fuck anything that moves.


gets the idea

steal from issured people and stores to have a comfy rest of my life
get enough money and things to never have to care about outside world

then fuck whoever i always wanted to fuck, do stuff i'd normaly wouldn't do and then come back to where i started this all end return time to normal speed

Save it till, I need it to avoid death, once I used it, I will then go around gathering wealth and maybe a few treasures before unfreezing time.

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Whoosh goes the joke.

> everything is frozen and still
You fucking idiot

Go to bank and hang around the outside until the blinded car comes.

Wait until the security guys start carrying bags.

After the first bag is carried stop time and start stealing them and carry them away with a cart.
I open them to check if they have paint traps but i doubt my shithole country would waste money in that.

After that i grab a plane to a decent country and live the good life.

Gakuen de Jikan Yo Tomare

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Based and fuckpilled.

Holy virgin Batman.

I will rob 15 banks and fuck and creampie every girl in the state of Utah

Guess you’ll just have to GO FUCK YOURSELF!

>You can move things around, touch things, only stipulation is everything is frozen and still. When you move something it will cease to move again until you touch it or start time again.
So basically none of the women i came inside of will get pregnant until i unfreeze time? Oh dear oh my.

You're a retard, a genuine retard.

It would be amusing to see the world frozen in time. After experimenting with the physics of the situation, I would probably explore the world as I would be essentially boundless, without any restrictions or obligations. To see what's in people's homes, how they live their lives; Enter restricted areas you wouldn't normally be allowed, discover what's really there.

I believe I would eventually grow bored of this frozen world, it wouldn't take long, maybe a month or two. Like driving on a long unwinding road, bleak and without change, the experience would dull overtime until it becomes unbearable. My curiosity for tomorrow and beyond would become insatiable and I would probably give up on this new world, frozen in time.

Life without change could be called anything except life, it's nothing more than experience. I am not happy with my life, but I have yet to met anyone who truly is. The future may prove to be worse than the present, but no matter how long it takes people will continue to seek out happiness.

That's a great way to catch AIDS.
Also you would literally be catched if suddenly 50 women are pregnant with your child.

If I had no time limit I would impregnate every woman at Disneyland
I would study everything I could until I became an expert language science math ect
I would murder anyone who decided to piss me off in life (I have a OCPD so i think about the people who’ve wrong me in life almost daily)

>Implying my DNA is on record

It'd be called a miracle birth event or some shit if they bothered to look into it, would go down in the history books and would probably do wonders for Christianity to start with, and then generate a nation of prophets or something.

I'd have so much money I'd just buy a house somewhere in the woods and enjoy life.


First, a few question.
Is everything stoped like it's only day/night or has everything on earth stopped moving ?
Has every living organism stopped aging including me ?
Is it possible to chose what is allowed to move/age ?
Am I immortal ?
Is cinetic energy/momentum still a thing ? Is water still flowing ? Is it possible to make a ball fly by kicking in it ?
Does it implies that air no longer goes into my lungs ?

Are you familiar with how they caught the Golden State Killer?

Think time-stopping like Hiro from Heroes

You can function in the stopped time the same as if time is flowing, you can still breathe and do whatever

Shit if time stopping meant time was actually completely stopped you wouldn't be able to fucking see anything because the light wouldn't be moving into your retina

How would they even charge user with anything though?

It's a pretty solid alibi to say "I literally cannot produce enough sperm to impregnate 50+ women in one day" and none of the women would remember ever having any contact with him

he might get fucked for child support but there's no way any sort of criminal charges could succeed, even if he deserves them

>Yeah they suspected him and collected his DNA on discarded items. That was a real event that happened and he had the limitation of working within the laws of physics.

This hypothetical example is creamping women while TIME IS FROZEN and then getting cash, converting it to legitimate funds and then promptly leaving the country. There could be no-way in hell anyone could figure out what happened, because the crime happened outside the passage of time. It'd be a miracle as far as anyone could tell, because freezing time isn't possible. Anyone who might suspect you would be dismissed as crazy, especially if you could have an alibi putting you on video as being somewhere completely different at the time.

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Im not saying he’s gonna get charged with something, I’m saying there’s a decent chance they figure out who he is.
After that, who knows what happens next. Picked up and interrogated by FBI/CIA? Hunted down and killed in the streets by a subset of the women he raped? Elevated to the top of some Christian cult? Who knows!

>[knocks in timecop]

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They matched his DNA to one of *his relatives* that had used a public genealogy database. So they’ll take the DNA of all the babies, subtract out the mothers’ DNA, and run the rest through public databases until they find some relative. Then they know who you are.

You’re acting like there won’t be considerable resources dedicated to figuring out who is the father of these babies. I don’t think that what I’m describing is far fetched.

>then convert it

just steal what you need, running on legal autopilot are you?

Put everyone's car keys in a weird place in their house, like on top of the refrigerator or in the microwave. Then unfreeze time.

You monster

>What would you do?
adjust my balls
