rekt thread
Rekt thread
Does anyone have the GoPro of the guy that falls off the bike and goes through 5 different falls just to end up in the water and eaten by a shark?
Here you go
I got you covered bro
oh my god.
Thanks maca/b/ronie and cheese.
Just stand there looking but don't help. Always the same with these sub humans
fucking hate kids
Whats the story here?
Pedophile caught on camera
Ted's daughter was fussy or something and refused to give papa a kiss
oh god, thats fucked up
come on, faster. Come on, come on. Just a little bi clos-........NAILED IT.
what a cunt, she just fucked off looking for herself only while this guy risks his life to help her
fuckin let her get robbed
That was close - almost missed the ferry.
What are they gonna do to "help"? Pick him up and comfort him, while his spine is already fucked? Please tell me you aren't this retarded.
>she just fucked off looking for herself only while this guy risks his life to help her
While that's true, the guy appears to be a cop. There's what looks like a badge on a chain around his neck, like plainclothes often wear.
She could be thinking, got one problem, if I get involved with police, I have two problems.
Also notice that she's not even taking her money back that he robbed her of. Whatever is going on, she'd prefer to lose the money than stick around.
It's also possible that she doesn't want to be there if the guy's friends appear and will let the cop handle it with his backup who are presumably on their way. Being seen talking to the police could be its own problem in her neighbourhood.
I love red's "fall on my arse dodge" move, totally went under that kick.
In b4 the lock
wow that kid is fucking stupid. falls on the wrong side, no upper body strength.
damn, i wonder if it was the kick to the jaw or his head hitting the concrete that made him seize...
Ted's a creepy weirdo and his daughter doesn't want him creeping up on her. He doesn't respect women of their choices so her forced his "love" on her.
Yep, you can see that he knocked yellow's ass out too because blood is either coming out his mouth or head.
Could also be faking it for compensation or to get the other guy arrested.
Who is Ted? Is he a US celeb or something?
Oh cool that's from where I live
You're the retarded newfag. Chinks never help someone that is injured, no matter how badly injured they are. They just stand there watching, or walk by.
Ted Cruz
for .webm posted in this thread :
> search for " O IS FOR "OW OW OW OWW!"
kek at the guy raising his hands as if he's in an amusement park ride
Nigga crossed into the shadow realm.
lmao, he's just enjoying the ride. Wonder if at some point he just got sucked down and broke his entire skeleton.
Dude you have seen a fraction of the vid, they were all in shock. Why you gotta be so racist? Parents must be real proud of you.
The way he turned in front of the car, it was like they were getting it to stop to carjack it. I wonder if that's what the driver thought.
Is this your first time in a rekt thread? You will notice almost every single rekt video out of China is exactly the same.
Can someone post some videos to show these newfags the reality.
The people in that vid were reacting but that kid wasn't moving, what do you want them to do?
Shake it around and make sure the spine is broken or just do CPR to fix the crushed skull?
You're assuming he is dead. He might not be. There is only one way to find out. Walk over and take a look. Not carry on with your bussiness and pretend it didnt phappen. Like I said, theis happens all the time. Kids get knocked over and are left in the road for hours with cars driving by. Please stop being a newfag and come back after you have seen more than one video.
fuck you
i waited for him to die
Nobody in that video is pretending that it didn't happen, you can literally see people running from everywhere.
We're not talking about any other video, we're talking about this one.
we know you are new with the grammar u use fag
also if you werent new you would know in china if you intervene you are held accountable
>I read something on a rekt thread once
>It must be true
ok user
I ran by plane
got shot down
t. live in China
>in china if you intervene you are held accountable
That's not LEGALLY true but it IS a common belief here so it is a reason why people might not get involved. Also, if you get involved and you look like you have money, they can try to get some out of you and its hassle nobody needs.
People do help out though, I've seen it. But when a crowd of twenty people are standing around, it only takes one to call an ambulance or tell security about it, there isn't anything the other nineteen of them can do except get in the way.
The other day, I was in a supermarket and some little girl had fainted, maybe 4yo. Her family didn't really know what to do, her mother was crying and her grandmother was pinching her to try and wake her up. Everybody around her was telling her to call an ambulance, I guess they probably did eventually but I walked off because I wasn't helping and there was nothing I could do to help.
did he survive that? looked kinda survivable but doubt it..
>i am incapable of cursory google searches
ok fag
need to read:
prc repealed the law you're thinking of a long time ago
More justice than rekt, also, did he rob her and she just leave without getting her shit back?
Stay away from my war elephants you fuck!
They both had good moves. That first throw by yellow should have worked, leg sweep combined with the sideways shove would ordinarily have put red face down on the ground. When red got out of that so handily, I think I would have reconsidered my chances of beating him.
Right after that, the 3 black people and the 8 more watching all jump in to defend fatty against the scary white woman, cuz she's racist and they din't do nuffin.
Lucky kid. Hope it learned something.
>she just leave without getting her shit back?
Looks like. Maybe she'll come back when the rest of the cops turn up, maybe she'll write it off as not worth the hassle of dealing with police.
I think it is safe to say he's fucked.
He threw a front elbow in a downward position to the top of his head, that alone is enough to do it and with that smaller guy not even considering running away and watching how he was dealing with the attacks, he's probably highly trained in muay Thai, the guy was fucked before he hit the ground, well done on the smaller guys part.
>when you car insurance only cover dead people
The elbow stunned him but it was the kick that did that. The guy didn't collapse, he was dropped to a knew and stumbled before the kick to the head.
I agree that he did Muay Thai or something like it, various MMA is kind of popular in Chinese gyms these days.
He went super sayin.
Cigarette kills
Love that video and the camera needs a fucking medal for doing such a solid job of recording and then zooming in.
What the fuck is going on here?
At least it was just an android
>More justice than rekt
For the past few years people haven't been able to tell the difference between gore and rekt.
Shit went wrong for the thief, he got rekt.
Do you need to be told?
It was nerve gas.
They were carrying nerve gas cannisters which went off
Worst part is after he flipped over the first time he had a few seconds to understand what was happening and what his fate was... No idea how he got caught up the second time or why the machine didn't stop after the other worker seemed to be pushing a stop button.