Realy need your help b/ros

Realy need your help b/ros.

Payed of my rent by the skin of my teeth and now i don't have enough money for any food.

Please is there anyone that could help out with like 30$ so i can buy food for the month?

Any help is apreaciated.

[email protected]

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I don't give money to niggers on the streets and I'm not gonna start giving money to niggers online.

The email is my paypal.
Realy any help is greatly apreaciated.

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As long as you have a warn anus, you'll always have money


Teeth don't have skin.
>Snopes is my reference

Thank you for taking time of your day Sadly this isn't true

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The only people who beg for help are bald-faced liars. It's so fucking true. You want money for drugs or you've spent money that should have gone to food on drugs. Period.

Write with sharpie [Money Guild] Derrick on your chest and I will send $50.

Post time stamped anus and I'll PayPal you 20USD per pic

What the hell is a bald faced liar? I've heard of bold faced liar but not bald faced. Are you sure you're not retarded?

>your money will go to me enjoying myself for once in life

You need a pretty vise tight asshole to find an upset way to summarize that


Op died. Many options in this thread to earn his keep, guess he doesn't need funds as badly as he said.

Your will be done

I got confused aswell.
If drugs were in the picture i would have money, i'm to beta to be with them strong bois

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I'm actualy still alive, was finding a pen!

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Did the dude give u 50

You dont need 30$, you can easily survive with 10$ off beans and rice, you nigger

Sadly he hasn't yet
10$ is probably enough to live if i'm smart with how i eat. I ask for 30$ so that it wouldn't be any panic within me,

So yeah if someone sends me 1$ i'll fuckin eat sawdust worth that sweat smackaroon.

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how can you only eat 30$ of food in a month in sweden? I eat like 200. get a job nigger

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