I am 33 yo and a virgin.
Sometimes I am scared that I can die any moment without knowing what sex feels like
I am 33 yo and a virgin.
Sometimes I am scared that I can die any moment without knowing what sex feels like
Go to amsterdam and shag a whore.
I dont want to have sex with a whore.
Also I am shy and I think I will freak out
How do you get that far in life and not get laid? The only things I can think of is if you're saving it for marriage or have some autistic hobby like video games or anime.
I am shy. Specially with girls. I had some 100% chances to get laid but my autism blew it.
Then stop playing video games or watching anime. That will help the autism.
It's overrated shit. Women are the lowest form of life on earth. Focus on yourself.
And how?
You'll be forced to find something to do that doesn't involve sitting around in your parent's basement.
This guy speaks the truth
I once decided to stop using my computer.
All I was doing is watching TV. Or I will read a book. This shit doesn't work like that.
>I choose to do things where I get lost in fantasy worlds
Go outside dumbass and have sex
>stop playing vidya
>how does it help?
>you will be forced to do something else
>I will read books
nice logic.
Also I go outside sometimes on weekends or after work, eating alone in mcdonalds or going into cinema didn't help me get laid.
Kill yourself.
hahahahah Beta cuck
>only doings things that don't require you to interact with others
>why can't i get laid
nice logic
are u a tranny?
Are you trolling you fucking faggot?
Listen here dweeb and listen well. Go get a hooker and fuck her. You will get laid more often after you get that initial nut out of your sad af basement dwelling neckbeard brain. If you're that old and a virgin you're doing something seriously wrong or making an absolute fuck ton of money to not care about women.
Ok, what should I start doing considering I am shy and introverted?
34 year old virgin reporting in. I'm hoping my libido dies before too much longer so I can stop worrying about it, but honestly its about as high as it's ever been right now and I'm going crazy.
then what the fuck is wrong with your legs
Rent a hooker! Remember you're not paying to have sex with her, you're paying her to leave after you're done.
>you're doing something seriously wrong
No, I don't do anything actually. Work, then go home. No way to have sex with someone
>Go get a hooker and fuck her.
As I said I am scared to visit one. And I am not sure if it will be pleasant experience to copulate with a bored woman who can't wait until you leave.
Yep. the same for me. Also there is so much porn on the internet which defiantly doesn't help
they are fine
Not all act bored. Some are into it. Get a more mature one, at least 30 y.o. to start with.
I've never understood this logic. If I actually care about a woman enough to fuck her, I'd be happy to cuddle and talk afterwards.
These are you legs? Are you a man or woman?
are you really a man though?
man don't take pictures like that
You know what? Fuck you. You're really too dumb to help and don't deserve to have sex since you can't look to see what others who are having sex are doing. You want it handed to you on a silver platter while you sit in your room playing some dumb video game.
Well damn dude I'll give you a brisk duck in the ass, post details
based, i fucking hate self promoting asexual incels
>>hur dur no one likes me, all i do is sit at home
>>no i will not go out and socialise
pls anhero
Yeesh, whatever...I'm operating under the premise that you want to know what sexy feels like. Now you want a nice cuddle and chat afterwards. I assume you know what chatting with a woman is like and, most likely, a hug or cuddle. Make up your mind ya drama queen!
ofc they are mine. don't you see?
>what others who are having sex are doing
Drinking somewhere with their friends?
Darwin couldn't have said it better. natural selection. This one will not breed and continue this lunacy.
I like ducks. I actually ate one on the new year eve
Haven't tried the duck in the ass yet.
no one can help you
have fun being virgin at 50
Sharing more of this alt whore 'cause I think she's hot.
you sound like you want to lost a virginity it sound really pethetic, life is more than a fantasy world. you shy? try talking to people online via Tinder and trust me you will fuck it up, but you will learn from your mistake. practice your social skill. go out, club, local bar. stop being a loser. i wish you all best. Good Luck user.
OP, this is the exact reason why whores were invented.
At least it will take all the pressure off so you don't fuck up when dealing with actual women afterwards.
Sex just sounds pretty pointless without intimacy. That's why I haven't seen a hooker yet. If I'm just trying to get off, it's much easier to masturbate.
Natural selection isn't doing a very good job so far. It's current year and incels still exist. In the time frame it would take for evolution to correct for that, humanity will probably obliterate itself in a nuclear holocaust.
Why are whores illegal then? Normies just like to play cruel jokes on the less fortunate.
“Go outside” I am sick of seeing this written every time some virgin or socially aqward person asks for advice.
So that those who shouldn't be having sex don't accidentally knock one of those whores up and procreate with their inferior genes.
well duhhh
Because all the people having free sex are clearly top notch human specimens worthy of procreating... just look at the average american.
How else do they expect to get laid? Do they think it will come to their basement on a silver platter?
Trust me, bro. You're not missing out that much. Sex gets boring. With the risk of being accused of rape, impregnation, and STD -- I'd rather be abstinent for a while.
You can be pretty intimate with a whore if you find the right one. Quit whining and go forth and fuck! Anyway, best of luck to you, I hope you figure it out. Plus, I still don't know if you're really a man who wants to fuck women. Is it another man you're looking for?
Well, I for one go outside fairly often. Do a ton of skiing, and also hiking and biking. Meet various people through these activities. None of them have sex with me.
I'm not op, but yes I'm a man who wants to fuck women. I'm not into dudes.
So? You met some people and they didn't immediately drop their pants to receive your thundercock? What a bunch of bitches.
Beta as fuck
I don't expect them to immediately drop their pants. I'm just tired of hearing "go outside" as the solution to lifelong virginity.
Are you implying that normal straight men don't like cuddling and talking with women?
It has a much better success rate compared to sit in your basement and jerk off to anime.
Well so far my success rate going outside has been zero, so equivalent to sitting in my basement jerking off to anime. It's pretty disheartening.
That's you. The rest of humanity has been doing it pretty well and if you want to have any chance of getting laid sitting in your basement waiting for sex on a silver platter isn't the way.
Liking “cuddling and talking” is normal. What’s unusual is feeling that you need to care deeply about a woman in order to have sex with her.
I mean, it’s a nice thought and all... but it’s sort of a feminine sentiment. Not trying to insult you... I just think it’s worth exploring why you feel this way, and how that may manifest in the way you are with women.
I’ve never had one night stands. I’ve been with very few women, and stayed with each for a good chunk of time... and still I don’t have the attitude that I’d have to care deeply about a girl in order to put my wiener in.
people like you are ....just sad
>Also I am shy and I think I will freak out
man the fuck up it's not that hard
>It's overrated shit
do not listen to him it beautiful feeling and you want more and more
Caring "deeply" is definitely a huge bonus. Caring at least a little is the bare minimum. Like we've been together for at least a few hours and at least have something in common.
based post
Are you comfortable with yourself physically? Like, does the idea of showing a girl your wiener freak you out?
If she's young and horny it feels like masturbating with plenty of lube.
If she's old and horny it feels like jackhammering dry.
There you go. Now you know what see feels like. Feel free to die any day now.
>How do you get that far in life and not get laid?
Look at the hand.
He can't get laid because he dresses in chick clothes.
It's like masturbation but more disappointing.
No he dresses in chick clothes because all women hate him.
The incel choice, go trans or shoot up a school.
I'm 22 and had sex twice. Nothing changes.
Young pussy can be loose as fuck too
Yeah, its not like having sex magically changes you as a person. I used to think that when I was a high school incel. 30 bodies later and meh .