I made a big mistake guys. Years ago my GF fucked a guy on her senior trip that I’ve never really liked. She is the shy and reserved type, and this guy is loud and obnoxious. Never understood it. So out of boredom I started cat fishing him to see if my dick was bigger. He sent this fucking pic and now I don’t know what to think. What should I do b?
I made a big mistake guys. Years ago my GF fucked a guy on her senior trip that I’ve never really liked...
well holding a bottle like that any dick would look bigger
see how far below it is and how he tilts it ... dick seems bigger than it is
this is why you don't look too deep into your girls past. she saw that thing and agreed to fuck on the spot.
Suck him off; be his bitch
How did you know she fucked him? She told you?
Yeah. We know each other’s partners
post your dick OP, no judgement
You got mogged. Sorry OP. Better luck with the next girl
You should go screw that guy up
Some things better not knowing. So what if his dick is bigger? Just work with your penis and give your gf the greatest pleasure you can give.
Else, break up with her and just fuck hoes without any attachments. She is not yours anyway, it's just your turn, OP.
I have a 5 incher
I know all of this is not supposed to affect me and that it is your problem, but that pic is making ME feel bad about myself.
Thing is, I can’t make her cum during sex, but I got her a big toy and she loves it. The dildo is not even as big as this guy...
Shes thinking of his huge cock every time you fuck her op
Seriously, how big is your dick?, you don't need a big one to be able to satisfy her. If you can't make her cum that's just because you have to learn how to do so, don't put yourself down and just ask her what she likes. I believe in you mate.
Thanks. I’m 5 inches. Not thick either. She moans a little but I don’t think I’ve ever come close to making her cum. Just settle for hands and oral to get it done. She cums on the big dildo more times than not too
That pic was on here for a while. Guess that guy is on here too?
hey op just imagine this everytime you fuck her:
all she thinks about is this guys dick
how she gasped when he pulled it out of his pants, already rock hard, throbbing
she loved the very look of it
she wanted it inside of her
he was there before you and left his mark
she gazed upon this giant of a cock and bit her lips "could it be possible for me to fit it inside?" she asked herself
then she wraped her lips around it
the very lips you kiss everyday sucked this cock
at least 5 or more minutes these lips made this cock throbbing, and harder by the second
but after a while that wasn't enough
she wanted it
she went on top of him slowly caressing his dick with the very hands you hold every day
she didn't even need to prop it up, it was like a steel-beam
then she slid on it
just the thought of this giant made her wetter than she was and ever will be
every inch it went deeper and deeper she moaned louder and harder
until she couldn't bear it anymore and gave in to the rest of him
it hurt, but it was just so good
she still remembers every little detail of it and she thinks about it everytime you touch her, just because that's the only way she still can get of
let's be honset you are nothing compared to him
Have you never talked to her about it so you can find a way to make her cum?, I'm sure technique is at fault here, no offense. Again, I believe you can do it regardless of what you have.
cringe fake cuck story shit
So a dude with an elephant trunk stole your girlfriend? And now you’re playing as a women to see his dick? The guy probably deserves her more. Plus if you’re trying to catfish him to see his dick I’m not sure if women are your cup of tea either.
Suck him off and dump that whore fake gf
Just two str8 bros having fun
Go and fuck him.
Are you a bad guy? Do you fuck around on her? Make shitty money? Do you have nothing going for you?
Your life must suck so bad. Sorry man.
should have asked for a timestamp. I would wager that's not actually him, looks like it might even be photo shop
End it all
textbook projection right there