Guys I thought WW3 was all just a meme but I’m starting to get worried. Iran just said they will attack the USA from the inside if there is any retaliation for them bombing the US base. If they attack inside the US then NATO will have to get involved with that unconditional ally and article 5 will be invoked. It’s happening guys. What are we gonna do?
Guys I thought WW3 was all just a meme but I’m starting to get worried...
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Watch Iran get obliterated from the map
But they got North Korea, China, Russia, and I assume more
No they dont. Stop getting your news from Sup Forums and cable tv retard.
Iran does not have China and Russia.
The only part of Iran that he Russia is they Iranian rebels that support Russia. Russia has given them missiles, but that’s all. The Iranian government and Russia are not in cahoots
Yes. Iran is a superpower that will invade and take over america
The world does not have a good track record of honoring alliance treaties.
T. Poland 1939
fuck sandniggers
It will be like in 2003. America will bomb the shit out of the larger parts of the dangerous parts of the country and the military will shoot down any stragglers. it will be over in a weak. the first blow will be so heavy that they wont have the time to react any possible way. the mass of bombs and soldiers will demolish everything in their path in a day. the rest of the month will just be about taking out smaller militia groups, armed with AKs and head scarfs. being scared of ww3 is for pussies. Iran can't do shit but submit to the superior powers of nato. the only dangerous part is Russia and potentially chinas reaction. if they don't give a shit, which they probably don't, then nothing will happen. if they do, which is unlikely and stupid, then we'll have a serious ww3
>Strong men create good times
>good times makes weak men
>weak men make hard times
>hard times make strong men
being a weak ass pussy will get you killed. grow some balls if you want your kids to see tomorrow. or die a coward
We should round up all the Iranian-Americans and put them in some kind of camp just to be safe
It's Iran. You're in more danger walking into a 7-Eleven. stop being such a panicky little pussy
I think everyone's forgetting this has been going on for about 20 years
>I think everyone's forgetting this has been going on for about 66 years
>but I’m starting to get worried
Not smart enough for the IGRC cyberterror team, Abdul?
China and Russia said days ago Iran is on it's own. I don't blame them given how dependent they are on America & Western Europe to keep their economies rolling.
If you kill Americans you get bombed idk why people are surprised
THIS. America's going to obliterate Iran's infrastructure, decimate their military. But Trumps pretty much already said no ground war. So The US is just gonna pummel everything into dust an let the natives clean up.
I hope fucking mutts will die suffer. Fuck that shithole
I hate muslim sandniggers with all my heart, but americans... I hate them way more than those muslim retards
Overthrow orange man unironically. Only absolute hogs like him at this point.
Don't worry, Trump will be gone in 5 years. Feel free to cry til then.
Oink more hoggy
I’m all for this IF AND ONLY IF we bomb and leave. No nation building. Just let it descend into anarchy
You know GIFs don't do anything but display images right? Seeing a GIF of a dude getting his head shoved isn't going to make my head feel shoved.
Odd, I just don't give two fucks...
But I turned into an orange-haired girl blowing on a bottle when you posted your pic. What’s wrong with my computer?
no. we must exterminate all Muslims and indoctrinate their children into a peaceful religion. their religion is evil and to let evil live its course will create more and more evil until it consumes everything or destroys itself. what's good and evil is a point of view, but Islam encourages fundamentalism and terrorism to spread Islam. no matter what, if you're not a Muslim, Islam is evil in nature. only to Muslim men is Islam inherently good. I would kill any civilian id find there that isn't a child. children are gullible by nature which makes then inherently neutral.
shut up and go back to watching baby yoda faggot
Hi im a shill and influencer online media sub division Sup Forums. Ask me anything
>What are we gonna do?
We get rid of the USA
Says the one believing in another book.
Typical Uneducated brainwashed American. Not to say there is well educated Americans, I feel sorry they have to share a nation with idiots.
Stop this “omg ww3” bullshit, USA is on there own, maybe using a proxy army at the same time..
LOL and how is that going to happen you pussy? Not from Iraqi airbases, that's for sure.
I don't think it's a hardware issue, I think your mental health is a factor there.
The US IS the proxy army
France and Britain declared war because of Poland you retard.
Fuck off back to 2ch
Article 5 you retard
I hear you and hate Islam with all my heart. But Muslims are also just violent prinitives culturally and biologically. Wouldn’t they just fuck up any other religion too? Hinduism and Buddhism are fairly peaceful ideologically but look at India and Burma.
Never seen a Christian decapitation video. Never seen a Jew blow up a school full of kids. Never seen a Baha’i honor killing.
and then failed to live up to the treaty, a period known as the phony war (it lasted 8 months)
France and Britain did not intervene while Poland was being overrun despite treaties promising to do so and despite pleas from the Poles. They only declared war after it was too late.
Many other examples. Eg Rwandan genocide. Bottom line is international promises to help an ally aren’t worth shit.
>and then failed to live up to the treaty
Retard confirmed.
>They only declared war after it was too late
They delcared war 2 days after Polish territory was violated, after demanding a withdrawal of German forces.
Holy shit, the retards are breeding.
This is pretty naive and ignorant. Just last month a white supremacist called jeanine anez walked into the parliament of bolivia with a big ass bible and literally wishing for the eradication of indigenous people and their "savage culture". And judaism welcomes this as seen
Google what are oceans and navy war ships and aircraft carriers. Also we have bases in Saudi Arabia
I disagree. I think we should annex Iran, kick them all out, make it permanently an American territory, and populate it with our own. The only way for there to be peace in the middle east is if the middle east is an American colony. Then we can nationbuild, and keep the oil, and everyone benefits from Iran being removed from the game.
the situation is delicate, the same ... just wait for the war to begin ... there is no other way
Ok nice bait
Jesus Christ. We all know OP is a faggot, but you didn't have to go and prove it.
why kick them out? why not let them stay and all the sand niggers here on the mainland we kick out and say "theres your piece...stay there"
Youre dumb if you think russia and china are not well prepared and have plans in the event of the us attacks iran. The us maybe get iran but will lose two allies for that. Ukraine and taiwan. So is it worth it?
Kek. Where do the Iranians get “kicked out” to? Afghanistan?
Obviously there are radical ideologues, and it’s not surprising you’d see any ideology used to do nigger things in nigger countries like South America. But even your example is just words, not the same as outright terrorism and bloodshed because muh cartoon muh Israel muh great Satan.
>Where do the Iranians get “kicked out”
Europe, of course. They already welcome them with open arms.
You’re getting drafted generation faggot.
Russia wants Iran gone as much as US and China has no interest in joining forces with Iran.
Must be bait. Germany invaded September 1939 (in response to polish aggression lol). When did the first British troops arrive in Poland?
See when they do it to a country like bolivia why dont they gonna do it to the rest of the world if they could? And you talk about how islam is nasty while your religion has exactly the same ambitions. Just as delusional as they are