Fuck Iran
Fuck Islam
Fuck Muslims
Fuck Sandniggers
Fuck Iran
fuck sannigers and fuck kikes
Yes fuck gay faggot OP
yeah how dare they not be subservient to us in their own lands
they will never win.
Burn baby burn.. They almost got the orange colour just perfect
The sooner you people realize that they are not interested in winning or being a super power they are just interested in creating chaos in our lives because they hate the western.. They will risk 1 million of themselves just to kill 1000 of us.
That’s picture is racist. They should be charged with a hate crime.
the US has been causing havoc in the arab region since the 70's. mainly CIA trying to set countries up vs each other, ending/tarting regimes. in the hope no arab country or multiple neighbors would get reasonably powerful.
Add how the US has been selecting/funding and training people to become dictators and/or function as terrorists. and add the wars they have started there to 'fight communism' or to deal with the effects of the above in it's homeland (9/11 for example)......
and you have a pretty clear picture why these people hate the US and whom is and has been the bad guys all along.
but hey, keep watching your media and keep believing what they tell you like a sheep. it's not like it's gonna bite ya in the ass at some point.
I don’t disagree with anything that you have said all I’m saying is they’re willing to risk a lot more than we are. They’ve been at war for 1000 years who cares about the last 50. Republican and Democrat presidents have been meddling in the Middle East for 45 or 50 or 60 years.. But just remember this, all of our seal teams or operator teams or insurgent teams. How are they not terrorists ? going into other countries illegally murdering people and changing balances of power.. we are no different than they are.. The American war machine must move forward.
>not interested in winning or being a super power they are just interested in creating chaos in our lives because they hate the western..
You are full of shit. Most of them are not devoutly religious, no do they approve of many of their government's actions.
>They will risk 1 million of themselves just to kill 1000 of us
Not even China would be so stupid.
Gtfo Israeli. If you want them gone, do it yourself.
>45 or 50 or 60 years..
By now? Far longer than that. Shit, the West even helped create that abomination called Saudi Arabia.
American Christian by any chance
I can taste your soy latte from all the way over here.
Can you imagine being this fucking retarded?
>The sooner you people realize that they are not interested in winning or being a super power they are just interested in creating chaos in our lives because they hate the western.
Yea, fuck australians!
>Can you imagine being this fucking retarded?
It's all fact, dipshit. Don't believe it? CIA has made public their internal memos which PROVE they did all that shit.
Ignorance of a problem does not mean the problem doesn't exist.
>history began in the 70s
They've been enslaving, raping and committing genocide on each other for the past three thousand years of recorded history. You're the same type of person who would bring up the Sykes-Picot agreement as a way to take all onus and responsibility away from human beings as they continue to butcher each other.
For now and the perceivable future we can only dream what a world without western intervention in the mid. east would look like and whether they'd be better off without us.
Everything will change when that orange baby gets removed from office trust me. Orange man literally the sole reason for this escalation
It's hot and the Arabian peninsula is massively inbred
Exactly! Those damn dune coons should make us moar rugs and ...? we don't need their oil at the moment, so ya that's it, camel hair rugs.
So how do you feel about those sandniggers in Saudi Arabia who trump worships?