Rose McGowan
Michael flint
Most of hollywood did actually. Are you just retarded or actually this dense?
Trump just declared war. He fucked us
Iran has been at war with us since the 70s.
We just refuse to acknowledge it.
Jon Stewart has a list if all the Democrats that apologized to Iran the past week, with their Tweeted linked in his thread about it. AOC., Ilhan Omar, Tahlib, Eric Awake all were the most recognizable names, but there were several dozen left wing celebs, over 30 Democrat Congress members. Him and Bill Maher have been adding names to the list, basically saying those idiots are the reason Trump's going to be re-elected. And they're right.
Yup. Half the Democrat politicians that Stewart and Maher listed I don't even recognize outside of the squad. Really tells how insignificant the Dems have become. Not surprised Rose McGowan, Mchael Moore & the 40 or so other far left traitor celebs apologized to Iran, tho.
*Eric Swalwell
i wouldnt apologize especially after the missles
Like you're going anywhere other than your chair
troll thread
>people actually give a fuck what self entitled rich people think or do...
thank fuck im not American..
about time, nuke that degenerate country out of existence