Has anyone ever admitted to being a shower

Has anyone ever admitted to being a shower

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i identify as a shower but have yet to receive confirmation surgery to replace my head with a removable faucet

I haven't, but there must be many that have.
A lot of my friends were quite happy to let everybody know that they were "showers".

Mine is a rock solid six inches that points almost vertical when erect, but it's quite small when flaccid. I have always thought that it is because I am very fit and healthy, with fairly low body fat and I do a lot of exercise; so my at rest blood pressure is very low and so is my heart / pulse rate:

consequently, when my dick is not "on active manoeuvres" the pressure inflating it is very low, so it's a bit like a deflated sausage balloon.

Fact is:
I'd much rather be a "grower" than a "shower",
especially if it's because of my good health and physical conditioning, as I suspect.

tf is a shower

it's when your dick looks above average when soft, giving the indication that itll be huge when hard. However, your cock doesn't get drastically bigger when hard. hence, you'd be a shower. a grower would be somone who looks average when soft but has a big dick when hard.

Fuck, I was eating food while reading this lol
But then I realized OP meant a show'er.

It's ok b/ro, we all get a little retarded on b/

That's just a dick going limp after a wack at work. #IDESERVE$15

Nice dick. Whats that stuff dripping off the mirror?
My dick is small on a cold day but 6" erect. Never had a complaint. This one is nice tho

am i a shower?

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or grower?

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looks pretty much average to me

Go take a shower

Exactly the same situation here. Most big dick pornstars have the ligament at the top cut which has their cock droop down and increase size a bit. But you lose erection strength. Not sure if worth it

Shower and grower are made up terms so little dick faggots can pretend they aren't hung like a 6 yo child.

smallfag detected

I'd categorize you as a "show-er". Mine is a fucking micro-penis until I get hard and measure in around 6.5" and thick.

When you explain it with a clear bias then of course no one will admit to being a shower.

A shower can just as easily have a bigger dick than a grower is it doesn’t really matter which you are.

>mfw nobody in this thread is a shower.

i mean seriously. yall aint even saying if you're a walk in or a tub shower. is it a one header or are there multiple jets? i bet none of you fags even have a soap dish. all i see are faggots arguing about dicks. literally. gtfo my Sup Forums fags. i get all the girls wet n hot with ease. bet none of you fags have ever seen any action. just gave my girl wicked head. shit was do cash. you are all fags who should just kill yourselves.

>pic related

its me and my bitch.

Attached: cute-russian-teen-masturbates-with-showerhead-9(m=eaAaaEPbaaaa).jpg (640x480, 34K)

I identify almost exclusively as a shower. The only time I've ever taken a bath in a tub as an adult was several years ago when I had the flu. And I never have time to wait for a fucking tub to fill.

why don’t you keep showing then?

underrated, also check'd