Any Sup Forums drainers?
Any Sup Forums drainers?
fellow intellectual reporting in
hello fellow high iq individual
Been draining since 2000 oh 13
I was 12 then bruh. I was draining my mums debit card on CSGO skins
where you from?
>currently bumping some of that working on dying
Reporting for duty. Saw him live last year. Came to the conclusion no mortal could drain that hard.
Bladee is a perfect angel.
What was it like to see trash star live
Same bruh that's crazee what are the chances
Everything is crazee. Whereabouts?
Undescribable euphoria took over my whole body. Excitement took over and I had the time of my life
Ecco the sexiest man on the planet
London, you?
Can honestly just listen to the CEO of Drain just say "craze" for the rest of my life and feel content with it.
his new album contains some fucking crazy tunes shit slaps
This fast crazee
e is literally perfect
can’t wait to get ketty as fuck and drain with some calcium
You sound just like some guy i met one time at a random ass party shit is crazy on this board today
still need to see that nigga live on my fucking life Peroxide had me too lit
sounds like a cool guy
fr. have you seen his tokyo live show? shit is truly crazee
watching it made me wish I could've been there so badly it looked like too much fun
Literally who
ecco was in his fuckin element, hope when i see him live it’s as personal as that show seemed but i doubt it bc UK venues
it sucks they come to the UK a lot but barely for shows, when the day comes tho it's a wrap
crazy how we’ll probably both be there
ecco needs to properly tour for e tbh
it's a crazy world we live in, you never know who's a Sup Forums tard and who isn't but he's just missing out if he doesn't tour tbh, all we can do is hope
true shit
They came here to the states once on tour with leany and the show got cancelled for a "bomb threat" then leany tried to come back another time got cancelled again. I might never see drain live :(
typical america lmao
US is the luckiest place to be for music tho