Is vaping dried herb "safer" compared to smoking it through a bong?

Is vaping dried herb "safer" compared to smoking it through a bong?

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Smoking weed is for lazy shitheads

I read some articles which linked the harms of vaping e-liquids to vaping weed.

Are these true?

Its true, both will make you a loser

Yes, because youre not combusting clorophyl and creating carbonids

The founding fathers smoked weed, Hindus smoked, Buddhists smoked, weed used to be for the elites

You are not a founding father, Hindu, Buddhist, or elite

first off, why would you ask on Sup Forums? Do you want an answer or not?

second off fuck you

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Yeah and now it's for degenerates.

Actually I am all of those and I smoke. Get fucked, asshole

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You can smoke mullein right?

When I grew hydro top tier weed it all went to professionals in my town. My top client was an attorney and another was a CPA. The rest where business owners. Didn't want to deal with low level nothing to loose folks. Thats how you get in trouble.

Ah, I'm sorry I forgot this board was only for gfur, dick pics and pics you shouldn't share.

Neither are you but I smoke everyday, I own two businesses and program CNC machines in my spare time. I also have a 2013 supercharged toy truck that I work on and pay 2400 a month to put my two kids in private school. Go drink all the alcohol you want and while your getting cirrhosis of the liver I'm chilling on my anti cancer.

Yeah if you're a fucking retard. Smoking is healthy. Tards. still gonna kill you faggots.

Marth Bush man

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These tards aren't listening to your question. The answer is yes with an asterisk. You aren't combusting anything, and thus have a broader spectrum of cannabinoids which have some various health benefits. Pic related.
The asterisk is when it comes to so called Convection vapes, which rely on hot air to vape the weed instead of an oven. People like both styles, I can't tell you which is best. Different effects and methods. Slight tangent there, but the asterisk is when using convection vapes mostly you can dry out your lungs and gums with that hot air. But that's if you do it quite frequently, like a couple times a day frequently.

Tldr; it's pretty healthy for you it seems. Takes getting used to, it's not the same high as with smoking. No combustion byproducts and no oxygen deprivation though.

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Solid stuff, user.

my dude im about to lay on you the golden truth about weed.


It's superior to all other forms in so many ways.

-weed lasts longer
-keep it at 360F and you get an amazing cannabinoids profile(lots of compounds) vaped just before hitting any temperature that would vaporize toxins like benzene.
-easiest way to consumer weed and keep your gear clean
-easiest and cleanest hit on your throat and lungs
-dabs are for idiots. vapor is 70% as concetrated as a dab and you can get tons of it from quality dry herb. You are going to overpay for some kitchen scientist to extract weed by some solvent? then you don't even get the full benefits of the plant because you leave so much behind. fuck that. trust no one.

there's only two ways to consume herb.

portable on the go with a pax.
or at home with the vapexhale.

those two products are not overpriced or overhyped. they work everytime. clean and as healthy as it gets.

source: daily toker since the boxxy wars my fren

But to be clear it's vaping but using the dry herb. Not liquids. Just bud grounded like for a joint. Aside from not getting toxins the plant isn't being combusted so you're not inhaling tar. Way better for the lungs. If you got the cash. Get a volcano.

Is that in Fahrenheit or Celsius?