Dick r8 thread

Dick r8 thread

Im in the shower, just finished trimming up the gonad jungle. Am barely half chub here
After 5 rates I’ll post one fully erect

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I thought u faggs

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8/8 would masturbate


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Looks good, need to see more. Rate mine too?

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Either the dick is too small or the camera too shit. Or both

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you know, it's time

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> shit camera
Sort of. The steam was fucking up the lens and nuked the quality
> small
Sorta. Its’s like 3” in that pic

Fine. Thread is slow as shit anyways

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Move over, boys. New handbreeder here.

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If it wasnt ugly id say 9.5

here's my dingdong

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> dat vein
Can I get a shot like this? Pic related

Post balls bros

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For now i rate 5.5/10 average


2/10, looks like half the head got ripped off


Rate please

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lol k

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eh, funny looking 6/10

WTF is up with the tip of your dick user?!?


How old are you?

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lol im not a native english speaker, I think the word is just funny

Bumped down to a solid 5
Definition of average

Didnt really notice this at first
Goes down to 6of10 atleast its straight and looks larger than average

Shitty pic. But i like girthy cocks
4 cuz u look cut

7/10 lost points for jew cock. But the curve and veins saved it from giving a 3

Jew cock? I ain't cut boy

horny af, gonna nut soon if you want to share pics of your gf/wife to help me out hit me on kik: plumbs

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4.5 skinny penis

Fr? My bad dawgy. My foreskin doesnt look like that at all, ever. Even if im 200% hard. Mine usually bunches up underneath the head and makes a kind of “crevice” between the glans & foreskin
I guess variations are vast

No problem my dude, you can kinda see where it creases at the top, but it just pulls all the way back really smoothly.

I'll happily accept whatever points you took off

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8.3 Nice and meaty.

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Got snap

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Why shave if you're not having sex?

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Rate plz

State if str8, gay, bi

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Cause the shit is uncomfortable. Your hair never gets pulled while walking/ sitting? Shit is annoying

Also trim > shave

Shaving is for chicks and idiots

7.5/10, very nice shape

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6/10, take a better pic
5/10, photo is disorienting but looks like the cock would be great irl
2/10 literal micropeen

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1/10 took an acid bath
Harvey Dent lookin ass dick. Mfin Freddy Krueger cock LMAO

Trap? 2.5/10cute, but hairs are disgusting 4/10if you shave

5.9/10 good girth. If that’s full erect its short
> why shave if i dont have sex?
Well unlike you, I do have sex. My partner doesnt like me hairy. I dont like how my pubes look, they grow wildly long and dense. It’s more hygienic. I live in the deep south snd it’s always hot & im always sweating. Lastly I like the little designs we can do with our pubes. I change style every so often

3/10. Am bi. I dont like cut c0ckz, & urs looks cut. Plus its small looking. Atleast it’s not ugly

8.6/10 I like the color. Balls are delicious looking(im hard now). Nice size m8. If the head was a little larger it would be close to a 9. Does it curve? Ram-rod straight dicks aren’t as good for hitting those spots as a curved one

Well im gay af sooo

Thanks for the 8.6, yeah I got huge balls. It goes straight, no curve

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Show yours tough guy

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Wha are you 12?

7.5/10 would suck

I did moron. I am OP, see: No problem, thank YOU for posting! You have a very aesthetically pretty peepee. This shot in particular looks like a model of a dildo they would sell at a sex shop.
Are you straight or gay? I wish I could blow you LOL.
Btw size? I guess 7inches

Phat 7.9/10

Thank you very much, I’m 8 inches, straight. I think I’m also very aesthetic

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Very sexy balls, would suck them

Love it, dude!10. Perfect to suck! Got me hard just seeing it

Fuck, that’s an 11. Yum yum! HMU dude!

Hey fellas.

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Thanks my dude, glad you like it

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Totally, would be great to hook!

Pls r8

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8/10 juicy and veiny
can we get a below shot?

Being lazy and just felt like poking it through my shorts

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your ugly dicks are the reason, why you're here and not with a gf

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cute foreskin

yet here you are, looking at men's penises


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pull it back for us?

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fuck, i want to suck your balls


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Why are you guys so fucking insecure about your dick size?

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You guys lack so much to actually get to a point for your dicks to even matter. Basic hygiene for example. Cut your fucking nails.

Why my dick is so small??

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Nerve gas

hot pic

Thanks user, I’m proud of my huge balls
Thanks for the 8

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you are such a small dicked mongoloid

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Damn nice. 9.5/10

Any good?

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Thank you

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8/10, great size


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Thank you

kill yourselves cock suckers

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OP is back 4now
IMO perfect ratios. 9.5/10. Vascular

0/10 shit angle

Shiny, fat, vascular and large. Perfect 10.0


4/10 not into phimosis

7/10 tight sweater. Pull it back?

Solid 8. Balls looking mighty heavy. Very blowable

At first glance it’s impressive. Then I look close and while it is a big penor, the way you hold the water bottle is misleading. Needs to be directly parallel with your dick and starts pressed next to the pelvic bone.
Personally I don’t like the rough looking texture of what I assume is scarring from the jooz. However, I’m biased towards darker dicks.
On my personal scale 8.5/10. Weird shape, but overall a long solid dong. Very nice

Men just like to complimented silly. Or humiliation fetish.

1/10 on size; personally, it’s cute, 7/10 IMO would love to see you cum *~*
I like it.

Tf r those strands, a botched circumcission? 3/10 horrible looking camera. Max 4.9 if better lighting. Ugh

Albino.Elephant.Trunk/10 Half a point from a 10 because you scrot looks weird. Im sure if you pull it back a lil to see the head you have a 9.9 potential mmm the PPP make it I love that feature 10.0

4/10 you have a chode LOL. Again phimosis deducts 2 whole points

8.9…eeh fuckit. 9

Lucky 7s. Indeed

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Someone r8 my dick pls

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