I just got a child porn site shut down, what have you done this morning?
I just got a child porn site shut down, what have you done this morning?
I commanded to trigger on you 10 minutes medium in the prostate. I hope you liked
I masturbated, was fucking cash
i uh...had some nachos
I found a different child porn site this morning
Created 2 cp websites
Btfo faggot
Good work user!
Jezus, it must be true with 666 trips
Damn Satan, you ain't messing around.
I put a swear jar in a house occupied by a Tourette's sufferer
I mean sadly they're not hard to find.
Shut down 3 cp porn sites after post cum guilt settled in
It doesn't count if you shit down your own sites
thus making sure your epic stash of CP becomes even more valuable. Only a few more before you are the only source, then the money will REALLY roll in.
Good work user, did you expose any pedos? I sure as fuck would
Well I woke up, ate a mandarin, then checked my xbox to see if anyone was online. When I saw no one was I went to take a shower. In the shower I realized it’s been a while since I shaved my pubes, so I shaved.
It made me kinda horny so when I got out I fapped it to CP
Couldn't get any user info unfortunately. It was a surface web "modeling" site but it straight up had little girls doing porn star poses on one of the pages. They were selling galleries for btc but I'd seen enough by that point to report.
>shutting down a surface web site
Man, congratulations on achieving literally nothing.
Thats not cp .
It's a start if nothing else. Idk.
Definitely was.
Naw sounds like a nudist family
Found the pedo kys
so in other words you didn't shut down a child porn website
Look retard, who saw the site? I don't think it was you.
It seem there a lot more cp websites spawning from you talking shit than them getting taken down. This is a problem.
>Collected my medication
>Done some shopping
>Eaten nutella pancakes
>Drank coffee
>Caught up with my qt housemate
>'bout to fap
So far, so good.
Thats true... Because im not a pedo
Nigga you must be retarded if you think that taking down a clearnet site that had modeling pics on it will even make a semblance of a dent in that whole shitfest.
It literally takes about 10 seconds worth of afterthought to realize that the vast majority of high priority targets AREN'T ON CLEARNET.
you dont know what youre talking about
he did something you wouldnt have done
I forgot you were the authority on that, Mr Pedo.
Don't worry, your go-to sites will get shrecked given some time.
Yeah hold on, let me report this Sears catalog for having a kid posing.
You seem to think that OP has half a brain to think with. I'd definitely disagree on that part.
If it's a clearnet site with sketchy shit on it, it's already on multiple radars and already being monitored, so most likely he's just full of shit.
I watched American History X and only got hard once.
A futile start though its like said. You’ve literally accomplished zilch. Reporting is not going to do much unless they had straight up nudes or them dressed in overly-provocative clothing such as lingerie. Technically pix of lil ones in lingerie is not illegal. It’s only illegal if they have a CLEAR sexual disposition.
Little girls in “pornstar” poses can mean anything LOL
Were they bending over with their faces between their thighs and spreading their ass-cracks? Doing the pose where a girl sits on her butt with both thighs spread wide open like in missionary?
There are plenty of surface web child modeling sites with pics of small girls in bikinis for the swimsuit catalog(s). None of them get shut down
Even if the site gets taken down the owners will find a way around/set up a new site.
The pedophile community is vast and every bit as smart as the opposition
> good luck soldier
lewd shit. the type of shit that makes you think thats taking advantage of models
Read newspaper. Noticed that it misquoted me saying something about my client that I didn't say. As in, "Mr. X's defense attorney so-and-so said that his client blah blah blah. I didn't say what they attributed to me, and now the victims of my client are probably going to harass me online. Fucking local newspapers.
Pedo, reporting in. You accomplished nothing. Having Sup Forums shut down would accomplish more.
Based Satan, share the links
The curb stomp?
Had a threesome, ate some waffles, took a huge shit, then just sold some stocks and made $900. I think I'm gonna buy a Q.P. and have a few bitches over to weigh it out and suck my cock while I get high and watch porn.
It's not just that there were kids posing. It's the fact that with two clicks I could see a 14 year old's tits or an 8 year old's spread open vagina. That's the shit I'm talking about here.
I'm just browsing Sup Forums because my favorite porn site got shut down for some reason.
satanic trips confirm this.
Where does one find websites like these?
>what have you done this morning?
>Ate pancakes my mom made
>Studied for my analitical geometry exam
>Practiced my drawing
Overall, pretty productive.
I've been a bit disappointed since my favorite porn site was recently shut down by some moralfag