I'm offering myself as a slave.
I'm a 170cm tall male, my hair is brownish, ~30-35cm long.
My request is for my owner to pick me up (perhaps at the airport or the train station).
I prefer not being exposed as i don't want my parent to find out about me.
I live in Bulgaria, Sofia (the capital).
I'm offering myself as a slave
Nice.. All suecide fags should offer this.. Dont have room now and dont like Boy slaves for more than a evening
i'm interested, relatively close country
don't you want a female domina?
Are you fit and strong?
Wich is your country?
I'm okay with a female master.
My legs are strong as i walk a lot (50cm), however my arms are weak (25cm).
More pictures?
Would be no problem for me.
Age? Physique? Willing to become a femboy fucktoy?
also, requesting naked pics, of you and milk
Align the crooked axis of the earth with the flow of the spins that's why they're aligned to the orion belt also the secret to build them is move each brick 2inch per day and maybe your grand-grandson finish the task
let's discuss the details discord / aKspKMM
Pictures of? I don't wanna get doxxed.
come to Canada, i will send you to a live in farm and will collect monies your earn
>honest pay for honest work
Age - 19, waist - 80cm. Would i need to take female hormones?
i mean you will probably only get guys here
yeah, i'm a guy
What does milk mean?
Acceptable, would prefer uncaged cock (or a bigger cage).
the liquid thing you get after you suck off a strong sexy bulgarian bull
jesus, I mean you will only get male masters here
i'm not the op retard
Yes, but only for the first couple of years. Then we'll see. You'll also have to work towards being more feminine.
Who needs to go after girls when you can import a boy from a shithole and turn him into a gf?
This guy isn't OP.
that's what i'm saying . i'm the montenegran dude
anyway you are to come here to serve me and my gf. we are your masters from now on. steal some money from innocents and buy yourself a ticket.
Want some beans?
That is acceptable. Come to discord aKspKMM
I know about this post. Would prefer not to be locked under the bed.
I prefer not to do illegal stuff (that would get me caught)
that's why you have to be sooper dooper careful not to you stupid little asshole
My left leg
My left arm
Lower part of my self leg.
Lower part of my left* leg.
Lower part of my left arm.
Forgot to upload the image.
Shave that girl body
You're a big and hairy boy. You'll have to go through a lot of work before you become a cute trap fucktoy.
I'll do as my owner says.
Post lips
I don't want to post ANY part of my face as not to get doxxed
Fuck off exodia
Бpaт, нe ce излaгaй, нe мoжe чaк дoтoлкoвa дa cи гo зaкъcaл.
At least post tummy