Would you marry a Jewish girl?
Would you marry a Jewish girl?
No, I won't even fuck one. I don't associate with vermin.
How else would I prevent my children from becoming worthless goyim?
Not jewish so won't happen.
But i'd like too as they are direct and no nonsense type girls.
Not useless fucking western cunts
Hell yes. Imagine getting to schmear your bagels with cream cheese made from the milk of a jewess titcow.
Probably yeah just to piss off my dad
I'm Jewish, and even I wouldn't marry a Jewish girl.
This girl looks desperately sad and starved for affection
From my own experience, jewish dudes are assholes and jewish chicks are incredibly nice
Just my own two cents
I still hate israel and zionists
Why not? I know a Jewish chick and she's alright. Good rack too.
I always find Jews in America so unusual.
In the UK and most places I've visited in Europe, being Jewish isn't anything particularly special outside of the religious aspect. 'Jewish heritage' isn't really a thing. The closest we have is being Israeli.
In the US though it seems as though it's a completely separate race of people.
Amerifags - is this something you're aware of? Why is this? Is it because there's already a focus on heritage and ancestry over there?
correct answer!
It's because of the 6 million.
They have political power.
Social power.
And have a sort of 2nd Homeland in the USA.
They are a minority which has leveraged some serious power.
Now mind you, if you read books by female Jews (The ones who go on to write about society) They fucking hate their fathers, their faith, the whole institution of it.
They helped make 2nd Wave Feminism what it is. They hate men because of their dads and are some of the most outspoken critics of men.
They want sex. They want attention.
They chafe under the schism between their Orthodox Faith which tries to keep the pimp hand strong and a West which lets women go wild.
Jewish women look hungry for attention because they are.
The fucked up Desert God that the Jews, the Christians, and the Islams look up at? His Old Days self was pretty damn red pilled about women.
Jews built power and identity here.
Their women are hungry for something more than they are being fed.
And would I marry one? Consider what is considered Jewish was replaced in 700AD by foreign invaders? I would invade that synagogue of satan between her legs and bring forth my spawn from a soul of destructive hunger.
And have to be ever vigilant against her tricks.
Is this kike retarded or something? There's not even any food in her hands and in case you didn't notice the "boyfriend" is just her again from the other side
fuck waspjews
I dont really know, if shes not as weird as that one and wont force that shit on our kids and I love her, then probably yes
My mans got it figured out
If she looks like that one hell yeah.
But only if shes israeli because i dont want no white jew bitch acting like its more then religion and some culture
Jews run/rule the world so yes I would.
This guy knows.
No they will sexually lobotomize your baby.
Yes. I have a jewess fetish