Who and what are they?
Who and what are they?
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Those are thr hugstables.
When they get together and hug tight enough, they unite and transform into a GigaNigga amd only trips can destroy him
I believe that is a troop of chimpanzee’s. Its uncanny how much they resemble people sometimes but they are still wild animals so do not approach one
>who are they?
>what are they?
Glad I could clear that up for you.
racist ass
> nigger detected
Cry more, baboon.
>implying racism is a bad thing.
Need a Kleenex to dry your nostrils, ape?
Get the fuck off Sup Forums, you retarded nigger.
That’s the Seattle Seahawks special team.
>special team
So mentally handicapped niggers. Thanks for confirming
No fence will keep them out, and no law will keep them from destroying your community.
What's a man to do?
Well the one in the center is almost naked. It reminds me of those Blacked ads where the blond is in the middle with all the black guys around her waiting their turn to fuck.
So in other words, niggers gang raping a white bitch.
Kamala Harris voters
they separate seeds and chaff from the fibers - second shift
So niggers?
I am pretty sure they are niggers
Kek! Yeah. Niggers.
In this case, probably initiation. Not rape. It looks like a gangbang is about to go down and the two in the middle look excited.
Sup Forums has done it again lol
You cant say that. That's racist.
the middle shirtless monkey is lil reese, just got shot in the neck a month or two ago
monkey crouching to the right of him with the cross between his eyebrows is fredo santana
thats the best i got for ya
Looks like monkeys.
I don't see anything. It's pitch black.
Nice. That's exactly the mentality he's satirizing here
My wife’s new friends
Ahhhh. Meat Cannon
yup another thread full of edgy racist mental teenage incel cucks on Sup Forums reminds me why nobody posts here anymore the sincere retards took over a long time ago
Nigga is that Fredo
eat shit and die retard no one cares
does your wife get blacked
A bunch of niggers
stay mad nigg
You're here too stupid.
Dese Neaggas My $wn$ , We Dem GLORY BOYZ
Obay God Propaganda
Jw$T swm poop eathang whyghtboyz , we glowang 2 kill alienx 4 what thay did
Obay God Propaganda
Master bator and the bummer boys
Fredo Santana from Chi-Raq